Nanto, we hadn't spoken for 10 or 11 years. Strange really as we always got on well together with there only being 18 months between us.
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I have never heard of storm pegs Lizzie, They sound a good idea.
I'm glad MIL wasn't too bad Oma.
Plant, I couldn't get onto the forum earlier. I posted on Granny Support about it but deleted it when I was able to get on. I expect that was when you were trying to post.
I hope Clover is OK too.
All good with the scanLooking normal and healthy . The technician apparently said it was the best baby he had ever seen!
Our friend who is a senior sonographer there had told them to look after DD, so maybe he was just taking it further! It does look adorable to me on the picture I must say
Not biased in any way!
My visit to mum was much better than last week thank goodness. She gets bit sad when she knows I will be leaving, but I know she will be OK after I have gone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I had a lovely lunch today. It was good to catch up with some friends I haven't seen for over two years. There were just 7 of us today, and another ex-colleague who was actually playing golf, but he saw us so came over to say 'hello'. It was actually a nice day - mostly sunny and the sea was quite calm and sparkling in the sunlight. Just for a few minutes it clouded over, the Island disappeared and the sea got quite rough, then it quickly cleared up again.
Lizzie - stay safe in this weather. Much better to be indoors and warm and safe till it blows over. It must have been strange to "see" your brother after so long. I've never heard of storm pegs, but I imagine if you live somewhere half way up a mountain or in the Shetland Isles they'd be really useful.
Oma - your MIL certainly keeps you on your toes! You are both very patient with her. Good news about your Nephew and niece-in-law's scan. How lovely, one of each. Their due dates must be quite close together?
Plant - I'm sorry your hand is so painful. Just take it easy and get your strength up for your trip to the Albert Hall at the week-end.
Gem - the best news on the scan. xx I'm glad your visit to your Mum was better this week. Although you know she's ok after you've left, it must still make you feel a bit down.
I hope WeeGranny is ok. Her area seems to be right in the centre of the 'red streak' at the moment.
Stay safe tonight, everyone. xx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Nan2, I'm very pleased that your nephew's wife's scan was fine, and a little girl, how lovely!
I'm glad you have a lovely lunch DaisyHow is your GD1 doing?
Tomorrow's weather sounds bad, especially for the south west and Scotland. Let's hope it won't be as bad as they fear.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning everyone.
Nice to see you Mimi
Nan2, I hope you have a nice meal.
Just GS2 to collect from school today, as GD is going to her friend's after school for a sleepover.
I will drive through town to collect him as the high winds are due in the afternoon and I daren't risk the bypass.
Have a good Friday ladies, stay safe.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good Friday morning everyone. A quick 'hello' from me as Sainsburys is due in a few minutes and I'm not ready!
Take care in the storm, Gem. All our schools are closed today. The Council have cancelled glass box collections but I think they are still doing ordinary bins and recycling. Where DS1 and DIL live have got a severe flood warning for today. They should be ok, they're on fairly high ground but it's the first time in the 20 years they've lived there they've had a flood warning.
I do hope Clover is ok - it must be awful there.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning ladies,
We have lovely sunshine it’s very cold but calm at the moment ,
Gem best to go long way around better safe than sorry
Daisy it’s hitting hard hope everyone escapes without too much damage ,
Nanto enjoy your lunch out , nice to have a change isn’t it .
Been down to my elderly neighbours to take a parcel down and she was upset and told me about some sad news , I will write about it on YEO.Im not fat just 6ft too small
Sunny but very windy here, the forecast is not good, I was going down to M&S Foodhall down the hill but perhaps not. I do have a doctors appt this afternoon, the surgery is very close. The trees in the wood are just waving gently so perhaps we are not going to be hit too badly.
Very sensible Gemini but do take care
Nanto have a lovely meal with your DS and partner.
Stay safe everyone, I will pop back later.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Well, I think we must be right in the path of Storm Eunice or whatever her name is! Just been and recued the garden furniture which was in danger of blowing over the fence. It took me all my strength to get the glass table top round and into the shed. The furniture is now in the back yard, with bins and garden chest round it to hopefully keep the wind from getting at it.
Next door's fence has come down and a very large tree in their garden is blowing about a lot.
The last time I remember winds like this was in 1987 when I'd landed at Heathrow from Australia and the storm started in the night. i was staying in a hotel and next morning all roads out of the village were blocked by trees. OH had seen it on the news and was able to get through by phone to check I was OK. Strangely we couldn't make any outgoing calls!
Plant, DD has just sent me pictures of Hughenden village hall which has no roof because of the wind. Hope you're still OK round your way. Hope too the those ladies further West are keeping safe.
I was intending to go to DD's today, but plans have been put on hold. No way am I going driving in this. Gem, be safe on your school run.
Daisy, I bet it would be a different view from the restaurant today!
Take care ladies xx
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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