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    Daisy just looked on Instagram for thoughts of Dog ,
    I have started following , very funny and sweet
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Cold,wet and windy.What more do we want.

      Estate agent coming this morning.
      Mam and dads house going on the market.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

        I hope the house gets lots of interest Nan2.
        Oma and Daisy, I can't say all the cupboard cleaning is giving me the urge to do the same
        Lizzie, take care with the bad weather and keep off the bike!
        Plant, how are you today?

        It's dull and a bit drizzly here. There are storms due over the next couple of days. Thursday looks bad with high winds. That is my day to see my mum, but if there are very high winds I will go at the weekend instead.

        We didn't do the quiz last night, too few takers. I can't do next Monday, but they may do it without me,
        I have a few things going on today. Library morning, then a visit to my friend and ex neighbour T for coffee, before I collect GS1 from school. I haven't heard whether or not I am taking him to martial arts.

        Have a good one ladies. Keep dry!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Morning ladies
          Wet and breezy here and cold ,
          B just put recycle bin out said it’s a bit nippy

          Nanto another step forward , I hope it sells quickly then that’s done with xx

          Plant how are you did you sleep ?

          Lizzie is it still windy ? Hope your taking care when on your bike xx

          Gem hope you have a good visit with your Mum never two visits the same is it ,
          shame about the Quiz but not worth it if not enough players .

          Daisy I showed B the bowl this morning he thought it was brilliant 😁

          Got a dark wash in and I have to go pick a Blouse up from Matalan I ordered

          Phoned the plumber about my gurgling sink can’t come till 24th they so busy , it’s not a emergency just annoying .

          Have a good day ladies I will pop back later xx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning, everyone. A quick 'hello' from me before I go and collect Cooper for the day.

            It's dark, damp, windy, miserable at the moment, but the dogs always make us laugh.

            Oma - Thoughts of Dog is so sweet - I love it.

            Plant - sending hugs. I hope you're feeling a bit better today and your hand isn't too painful.

            Gem - a busy day for you.

            Nanto - good luck with the house sale. Hopefully going into Spring will help.

            Must fly - back later. xx
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning, the sun is out at the moment, a cold wind but not as windy as it was yesterday , I have been to the second hand place, if I am there early the men will always come to help me. Then I went for some more plants so I have just planted them.

              All being well, after tonight we will know for sure, but the stupid QR codes will be dropped for sports etc.

              Daisy, I know what you mean about people that moan all the time, to be quite honest it shows on their faces as they grow older.

              I need to get some shopping done so will go as rain is forecast later on.



                Nanto, I hope you get a quick sale of your in-laws house.

                Daisy, that is a beautiful bowl, will it be for sale or will he want to keep it? Have a lovely day with Cooper

                Oma, I hope the gurgling gets fixed, we have rods but I don’t think they will stretch that far.

                Gemini I hope you will be able to see your mum, you have quite a full day.

                I have been forbidden to drive by my DD, she s going to bring in some shopping I need. I slept well, I don’t move when I am asleep, I had to put my hand on a cushion to keep it elevated and apart from one trip to the toilet, it stayed on the cushion. I don’t think it is going to be a pretty scar as the surgeon had to go so deep and I think there might be some permanent numbness. WI tomorrow, I will get a friend to pick me up. I am registered with a group called Village Care and I can ask for a lift if I need to. Now to work out how I am going to shower, perhaps just a strip wash today will do.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Good morning everyone,So glad you are home safely Plant and getting spoilt by your family take care of yourself x

                  The weather forecast is not to promising is it storms forecast Thursday & Friday by the sounds of it I just hope there is no more flooding in lower areas.

                  I've not much to do to-day I have washed the floors early on and am now going to get changed and go to town for a browse I need some birthday cards for next month and need to pop into Argos to pick up 3 x lion toy baskets for my GGCs & DGD as their Easter gifts,I saw them on the Argos advert before xmas and have tried to get them but they have always been out of stock I popped onto their website and they had them in so I ordered them straight away before they disappeared again they are so cute and will look great in their bedrooms for small toys etc.

                  Will catch up later take care everyone xx glamma x
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    Glamm enjoy your shopping trip , get it done now before the storm hits xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Gem - cupboard cleaning isn't anywhere on my list of favourite jobs, but my arm was twisted yesterday with the leak under the sink.

                      Oma - I'll pass on B's message to J! He's very kind. Thought of Dog calendar for today is lovely "my favorite ball rolled under the couch. and I cannot reach it. the human has been informed of the issue, and reminded that my problems. are their problems" Both Eva and Cooper would agree with this. They know exactly how to tell us when they lose toys under furniture.

                      Plant - I'm so glad you slept well - it's the great healer, and you must have been exhausted after yesterday. Your hand might heal up better than you expect, and I do hope there is no numbness. Did they give you any exercises to do once it starts to heal to combat numbness? OH's bowl isn't up for sale. He made it from our neighbour's scrap wood from a damaged work surface, for them. It looks nice on their wooden island unit. Our neighbour has just started turning, so I think he and OH are going to turn some fruit for it next. Otherwise they'll need a wholesale fruit order every week to keep it full!

                      Glamm - enjoy your browse round the shops. I hope it isn't too wet and windy! The little ones will be so pleased with the lion toy baskets. What a lovely Easter present. Isn't it nice to be thinking about Easter now! The weather must get better soon.

                      Lizzie - fingers crossed for restrictions to be lifted for you. Everyone must be fed up, and you can't help wondering how much difference those irritating little restrictions actually make to the spread of Covid.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy, that is my thought, those codes we have, I had my last injection in May so it is still showing as green, in the meantime I could have had covid and spread it each time I used the app! That isn't only my thought, plenty with me.


                          Plant, so glad yesterday went well. Hope you're not in too much pain today and that you're taking things easy. Have you tried putting your hand in a plastic bag and fastening it with an elastic band to keep it dry in the shower? I know you can get proper plastic 'sleeves' to cover arms etc to keep them dry. DS had one for his leg when he broke it, very useful.

                          Has been raining all morning, so was forced to do the ironing. Brightening up now so I may wander along to the newsagents and pay my bill. On the other hand, I've found a pile of very old paperwork of OH's, so I might make a start on shredding that.

                          DS was saying that Omicron cases were high in Slovakia, but people weren't being hospitalised. He's still working from home, but thinks there might be some sort of return to office working and they can choose to go in or not.

                          Keep warm ladies x
                          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                          Theodore Roosevelt.


                            Plant, pleased you slept well.

                            Things went well with the estate agent this morning.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Nanto - that's good news. I do hope you get a buyer quickly. x
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)



                                Blowing a gale this morning.
                                Its blue bin day,thats paper and cardboard.
                                I can see a couple of bins blown over, loads of stuff blowing about.
                                Just checked our bin and its still standing.

                                Have a good day ladies.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

