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    Oh dear WG, I can’t remember what sort of hall it was. It was quiet here until about an hour ago but I have just been to the doctors surgery and it was blowing a hoolie.

    Saw a very nice young doctor, my blood pressure was okay with the low dose amlodopine but I have to take readings at home and let them have the results. He said I was breathless and my atrial fibrillation was evident so was referring me back to the cardiac doctors as they haven’t checked me for years. As you can imagine I feel really fed up what with a heavily bandaged painful hand and the psoriasis, I am now on a journey to the cardiac team. Tears are not far away.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Oh Plant, you are bound to feel like that, with the pain in your hand, having recently undergone the operation and now the latest xx They are probably refering you because you are overdue for a check up. It's better to be seen then they can treat you and will be less breathless. A change of medication may be needed .

      Wise to stay in WG.

      It was a bit scary driving back with GS, even though I came the safer way. The wind seems to have got up more. We have escaped lightly compared to a lot of the country however.

      Stay safe until Eunice passes everyone.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        So sorry you are feeling low Plant. It’s just one thing after another.

        We have been in the teeth of StormEunice . My poor old pergola has blown down. It had some lovely roses growing up it so I don’t know if they can be salvaged at all. Still blowing like crazy, really quite frightening. Just praying the power stays on. We had a couple of shortish cuts but thank goodness they didn’t last too long but I had to reset the Sky box twice. Yesterday we were told no schools,recycling,post ,hospital appointments etc.I haven’t been able to settle to anything today. I had to ring “ my lady “ I obviously couldn’t go to do the housework.

        On a lighter note I gathered my courage and went to the cinema on Wednesday to see “Belfast”. I enjoyed it though it wouldn’t suit everybody. It was so odd, firstly going for the first time in over two years and secondly going without G.Another “first “.

        Hope everyone is surviving and keeping well.


          Clover, looking at the lunch-time news of the storm in south Wales, I was thinking about you and hoping your were safely indoors. Your roses will probably be ok, because they are either dormant at the moment or only just starting into growth. If you can give them something to lean on I'm sure they will be ok. You can also give them a bit of a pruning as well - the usual things such as dead bits, weak growth, overlapping stems, and a nice dollop of rose food/mulch etc. I was checking up on how to prune our two climbing roses the other day and that's what the RHS recommended.

          Well done on your trip to the cinema on Wednesday. I'm sure the "firsts" are really hard, so you should be proud of yourself, and it's what your lovely G would have wanted you to do. xx

          Plant - you really have been through the mill recently, so no wonder you feel low and tearful. I think the medical profession is waking up to the need to start doing regular checks again, so as patients turn up for appointments I'm sure they're taking the opportunity to send them off for the checks they've missed. You are certainly due for an AF check up if you haven't had one for years. Sending hugs. xxx

          Oma - I've watched some of those planes landing (or trying to) at Heathrow! Rather them than me. It must be pretty nerve-wracking for the pilots as well as the passengers.

          Gem, I'm so glad you're home safely, driving in this weather. Well done.

          WeeGranny - I noticed on one of the weather forecast models that you were right in the path of the storm today. You choose your moments - arriving in the UK during the 1987 storm! I'm quite sure I wouldn't have been looking out over the view of The Needles today!

          Nanto - were you able to go out for your lunch today?

          It's been windy here, but not 'lifting the roof off windy', although I heard someone near us lost the whole of their greenhouse roof - it landed in the next door garden, unbroken.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            It is really blowing here, we got an alarm call on our phones, it frightened me! Telling us to stay home, there are so many trees etc blown over, a few people killed I just read.

            Plant, you are going through it, I hope they get you sorted out soon.xx

            I was thinking of your driving home Gem, you wouldn't be driving here, you would end up being blown away.

            Clover, well done on the cinema visit.


              Plant, hope you perk up soon.

              We did go out for our meal. We all had different,but each one of us said how nice it was.
              Not been there before but we will defininately be going back.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Nanto - I'm glad you got your meal out, and you all enjoyed it.

                Lizzie - that call must have been really scary. How sad that people have been killed.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Lizzie, I definitely wouldn't have been driving if it was as bad as it was over there, and DD wouldn't have wanted me to.

                  I'm glad you had a good meal Nan2

                  We were worrying about you over in Wales Clover, good to hear from you. Well done on braving that first cinema trip alone .

                  GS2 had a bit of a barking cough today but completely fine otherwise.
                  DD tested him and herself when they got home and both were negative.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Morning ladies ,
                    still to dark to see what kind of day it is ,

                    B and DD driving to Leeds today , we have bought GS a car so going to pick it up at the Ford dealership DD will drive down and B will drive GS car back ,
                    He doesn’t know he is getting it , he has seen it online and loved it but has no idea we bought it ,
                    Its a Skoda Fabia . He is at work today so it will be on the drive for him coming home as a surprise 😁

                    Not much for me to do today so I may make some fruit and cheese scones ,

                    I hope everyone survived the storms how are we all .?

                    Wonder how Sum1and T are doing

                    Plant how’s the hand are you still feeling low ? Big hugs dear lady ,

                    Lizzie how is it at your end has it passed ?

                    Gem hope the tests stay negative for them and they are ok xx

                    Daisy that would be scary seeing a roof land in your garden

                    Clover well done going to the cinema , now you have done it it won’t be so bad next time

                    Nanto nice when you get good food isn’t it , it’s always nice to find a decent place to eat ,.
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Calm and sunny this morning.

                      Going into town today Don't want anything special,just a few bits and have a browse.
                      We will eat in town and then go on to the supermarket.

                      Oma, GS will be thrilled with the car i'm sure.
                      GD2 cried when she found out we had bought her a car.
                      When we bought her motor insurance, we got a little discount because she agreed to having a tracker fitted.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good Saturday morning. It's sunny and calm here - but a bit of frost.

                        Oma - how excited your GS will be. My 2 GSs share a car - the same as your GSs, but now GS1 has passed his test he's saving for a car of his own. I think his mum and dad are giving him some money towards it, but he's working so they think it's good for him to pay for his own car and run it. In effect, they are buying him out of his share of the Fabia. I do hope someone takes a photo of J when he realises it's his car. x

                        Nanto - a better day today for shopping. Enjoy your browse round.

                        We're off to the garden centre this morning. We bought three bare root apple trees to train as cordons against a fence. They arrived on Thursday, so we need some compost/soil improver, wires and fixings and some canes. I'd like to have a little browse round while I'm there if I can persuade OH!

                        I do hope everyone is ok. Back later. xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning all.

                          I hope we are all well, and homes intact after storm Eunice. And love to those not feeling 100%.

                          Oma, what a lovely surprise for your GS I wish the car had been in York then maybe OH and I could have gone to meet them for a quick coffee!

                          A much calmer day for your shopping trip Nan2.

                          It's nice going to a garden centre at this time of year isn't it Daisy? Reminds us that spring is coming.

                          Today we will go to my mum's bungalow to check for storm damage, post etc.
                          Tonight we are eating out at the local Indian restaurant with two friends.

                          Happy Saturday everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Oma, your GS will be over the moon, he is worth spoiling.

                            Nanto, be careful on that scooter, have you got enough bags for your shopping. I love just browsing, mainly in John Lewis.

                            I have a parcel waiting for me at our local M&S Foodhall (just down the hill) but I am wondering if there are any trees blocking the narrow lane. I could go the longer way around. Very quiet frosty weather today, we got away without any damage, just a few empty bins blown around.

                            Oma, my hand is very swollen and quite painful, I think the dressing is stuck to the wound, it is due to come off and be redressed on Monday but it has to be done at Stoke Mandeville, quite a drive and isn’t until 3.15 so I will hit the traffic coming home.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Another rough day here. In the light of day I can see one of my trees has blown over the footpath behind my garden. In a short lull I went out to take a photo and saw more trees and bushes obstructing the path so feel a bit relieved it’s not just me.

                              Have a good day ladies. Off to tackle Wordle!


                                Gem - I hope your mum's bungalow didn't suffer any damage yesterday. Enjoy your meal out tonight.

                                Plant - I'm sorry your hand is still painful, but it's early days and it sounded as though the surgeon removed quite a bit of skin. I'm sure they will take the dressing off very gently on Monday. What a nuisance you have to travel so far for the hospital. Will your DD or some one take you - it's a long way to drive on your own, and especially in the rush hour.

                                Clover - what a nuisance that you have a fallen tree. Is it a public footpath? If so I wonder if the Council will clear all the fallen ones for safety's sake. We saw a lot of trees down and big branches off trees when we went out this morning. Good luck with Wordle!

                                We had a successful morning at the garden centre, although the weather wasn't much better than yesterday. It's very close to the coast line and the wind was howling and it was pouring with rain. The garden centre won't need to water their plants tonight - it was leaking like a sieve! They'd also lost a lot of glass from the glasshouses.

                                We got what we needed for the apple trees and several other things. We want to make a small rockery in the front garden where the stump of the old conifer couldn't be ground out, and plant it up with aubretia, and they'd got slate 'stones' which will go well with our slate 'lawn'. We got a new ornamental thermometer for the back garden, and a clock to go on the outside of OH's shed by the new patio area. Then OH spotted some parasols which were just right for our table in the garden. We braved the weather for a few minutes to look at plants outside and they had bergenias, which I've been looking for for ages, so I got 3 more of them. I sneaked in some summer bulbs as well. We treated Eva to a new toy - she hasn't had any since Christmas! We were going to go for a coffee, but got soaked putting everything into the car, so went home instead.

                                We drove home past the paddock and drove round to see if there was any damage. There seemed to be a large branch off one of the oaks, so OH will ring our friend later and offer to help him move it.

                                The rain's stopped now, but it's very cold.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

