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    Good morning ladies ,
    Been to Sainsburys, Asda , Wilko , Roman Originals in our shopping mall this morning ,
    Didn't want much in each shop so in and out ,

    I had a bit of a rake to find ordinary elastic bands , everywhere had the coloured ones but they are very thin , I wanted the brown ones .
    Even Rymans stationary didn't have them ,
    Found some in The Book shop but only a small pack , do people not use them now ?

    No sleep last night till 5.30 managed to nod off till 7.30 so with that and the heat its going to be a lazy day for me .

    Gem whats the new car like ? SIL's is a smasher isnt it

    Plant enjoy your last day and lunch out xx

    Lizzie how you doing , did yoyr GD get the tyre for her bike ?

    Clover any news on DS how is he ?

    Daisy how's J's eye is it less sore today ?

    Nanto do in laws sit out in the good weather or is it too hot for them , MIL doesn't like it now , she used to be a sun worshiper when she was young .

    How are our other ladies hope everyone is ok xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      GD1, OH and baby H arrived back yesterday, they are having work done in their flat and it was not finished, they phoned to say the keys were not working for them to get in to DD and SIL's part of the bungalow as SIL had not withdrawn the keys. Fortunately they had a key to my part and I always withdraw the key. They will stay there until their flat is finished. GD was in tears when she saw her cat'sbed and food.

      Gemin, I hope your mum is in good spirits. New cars all round in your family

      Oma it is years since I bought elastic bands, not sure where I would look, it was always Smiths for us. I hope your GS1 is feeling stronger.

      Daisy, lovely to meet up with old friends, I am looking forward to spending time with my friends.

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning, Oma, I use elastic bands, a lot! If I open a packet of cereal (or whatever) and there is some left in the packet after I have filled the container, I put an elastic band round it. I do feel so much better today, thanks. GD1 got her tyre fixed, the young man told her to keep them pumped up so I hope she does.

        Gem, what a busy time for new cars!

        Daisy, you would have a nice chat with your friend.

        It is warm here but the sun has to come out yet, I don't mind it as it is.


          Hello, everyone. I'm not quite sure what happened to this morning, but it's disappeared - Sainsbury's delivery, man repairing a gutter and phone calls are the only things I can think of!

          Oma - I can't remember last time I bought rubber bands, but I keep a little packet of them in a kitchen drawer and save any that come my way! I think they are mostly coloured though. Lizzie - I use them to fasten packets up as well.

          Plant - I'm glad GD1 and family are back safely, but it must have been sad for her seeing Milo's bed and bowls.

          Gem - pleased to hear the bus pass worked so well. I hope you have a lovely visit with your Mum this afternoon and DD3 can come with you to collect the GCs. We both had a lovely time catching up with old friends.

          Nanto - what a lovely summery graphic. Hopefully your OH and his brother had their walk before it got too hot.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Lizzie that's what I use them for too ,
            I do have a Vacuum machine that seals and if its something that isn't used as often I will seal with that,
            If its like's of Cereal packs or Popcorn , or even crisps then I use a elastic band , Its quicker .

            I have tried all these bag clips and they just get lost or don't quite fit so good old rubber bands for me
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Plant how sad for GD its not what she expected to see I guess ,

              Daisy sometimes the morning is gone before you turn around ,

              Gem hope your Mum is in good humour today .

              It's so hot isn't it ,
              I went upstairs and did the ironing that had been washed and dried this morning ,
              Lucky for me our bedroom is in the shade so it was quite cool up there cooler than downstairs that's for sure,
              With all the windows and doors open a nice breeze was going through .

              B is snoozing in the chair , The heat is getting to him .
              He moved all my Lily pots to the side of the house as they have finished flowering only one pot of them still has blooms on .
              He will put them down the side of the shed to die back at some point ,
              He then hoovered the garden for me , it tired him out

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                You will all remember me and the household steps, the problem I had with them, I have never received new foot caps or been phoned back by the man that PROMISED to phone me!!! I did phone time and time again but got the idea he was avoiding me!!!! A friend was here this afternoon and I was telling her about them, I said while I think about it I will mail the man in Germany again, where they are made, I mailed him and told him the full story of how I now have 2 pairs of steps and both with the same problem. I got a mail by return saying that he was on holiday until August 2nd, if it was important I could get in touch with someone else, I didn't think it was important after all this time. I just got back from my bike ride and there is a mail, from the other man, the first one had asked him to handle it personally as this isn't the way they work! I got a mail asking for my address and if he does as promised, which I think he will, they should be here in the post next week.

                I still have a second pair all packed in and ready to be picked up but that is not his problem.


                  Lizzie its so annoying , you shouldn't have to wait till someone else intervene's
                  Hopefully they turn up next week as promised
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Lizzie - how frustrating to have to keep chasing them, but hopefully all will now be well and eventually they'll collect the extra pair of steps.

                    Oma - you did well to get your ironing done in the cool this morning. I have a pile (not huge, but a pile) that needs doing and I still haven't got a new iron. I've borrowed DIL2's spare one, but it's much heavier than I'm used to and I can only use it for about 15 minutes at a time. I've tried all sorts of bag clips as well, and the best thing, other than a rubber band, seems to be an ordinary plastic clothes peg. I use them for all sorts of things.

                    Poor B, not liking the heat. It makes any physical activity more tiring. I hope he's had a good rest this afternoon. I hope you both get some sleep tonight. My OH's eye is ok now - thank you for asking.

                    Gem - how was your Mum? Was the heat bothering her? Have you had a ride in S's new car yet? If so what do you think of it?

                    My afternoon as been about as unproductive as my morning. I had a long phone call with DS2 - catching up on all sorts of things, and another with the sister-in-law who came to stay last week. I did manage to trim the edges of the lawn ready for mowing it tomorrow and swept the patio. I also took the bottom leaves off the tomato plants, and watered them. How can they be so dry after all that rain! I'll water all the pots and top up the water feature tomorrow morning - I was too tired tonight and needed to get on with dinner.

                    We're planning to make an early start tomorrow (famous last words in our house!) to clear some of OH's wood store and give the area a good sweeping up. Then move the caravan into the space we've created at the front. I need to give Eva a shower as well and do a couple of loads of washing.

                    Our neighbours have just given OH a lovely large piece of solid oak that their kitchen fitters had discarded after replacing something faulty, so they're coming round in the evening for a drink and to look at the possibility of OH making a bowl out of it for them. OH isn't sure how large a bowl he could get out of it because he'd have to saw it up and laminate the pieces together to get the right shape for turning. He's currently working on a bowl for someone to give to his wife on their 5th anniversary, so he's keeping busy.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Morning ladies ,

                      Up with the dawn chorus ,
                      I have Thrush and its drove me mad all night

                      Daisy B loves the sun but it was very intense in our garden yesterday the type that drains you
                      The bowl whatever size will be amazing your J is a genius with wood

                      We taking MIL to our Martins for a BBQ today , luckily they have different areas of the garden with shade and Gazebos or I would be sitting in the family room all day , i will die in this heat

                      So stuffy last night , I went into the spare room and lay on the top of the bed and opened the window wide , then about 4am a blooming Magpie decided to sit on the top of the window and cackle very loudly at me ,
                      I chased him away and pulled the window too a little but didn't he come back the cheek of it
                      I was awake so got up and B followed me down , so we both going to be on our knees by afternoon .

                      Will pop back later when everyone is about xx
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning, Oma, you will be shattered for the BBQ! Cheeky magpie! It is going to be warm here today. I live on the 5th floor and sleep with windows wide open for the breeze, I never give it a thought but my friend lives on the first floor and she said she could never do that as it is no hard task to climb onto her balcony, the same if she goes out, has to make sure everything is closed.


                          Sunny and warm again today.

                          Going to Pontefract shopping today.

                          Don't know what happened yesterday,but the day just seemed to fly by.
                          Will have to catch up on yesterdays posts later.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning all
                            Oh poor you Oma I was plagued with thrush on and off for many years so I know how it feels. Thank goodness I haven't had it for about 13 or 14 years now. Have you got any treatment for it? OH is pleased with her car, but we will miss the heated seats of the Techna! I hope you have a lovely time at the BBQ, and find shade!

                            We sleep with the big windows open too Lizzie when it's this hot. Not sure we would if we lived in bungalow though! What a pain about the steps.

                            Daisy, Oma was telling us how beautiful your OH's woodwork is when we met up recently.

                            The visit to mum was fine. There was some 'I want to leave and I wonder where I will go next?' stuff, but I deflect it. DD3 can't manage that so finds it very hard when she visits alone. I have advised her not to go alone. Mum's short term memory really isn't there now, and it seems she is happy day to day but when she sees family she remembers there is an alternate life! I will be back to see her on Monday with DD2 this time.

                            DD3 came with me to collect the children from school then came back to us. She and I spent a long time chatting over tea in the garden. They just have a small back yard so she loves a garden opportunity As she was leaving DD2 arrived for the children and OH arrived back from a day's golf in Middlesbrough. So, more tea and chat in the garden!

                            This afternoon we are having two friends round for tea and cake in the garden. All this tea! OH plans to make a coffee and walnut cake. She made it before, a Mary Berry recipe and it was fantastic!
                            This evening we are going to friends C and P, to join the online quiz they do each week. Just a bit of fun and takes an hour or so, so plenty of time for chatting too. A social whirlwind for me this week

                            Happy Saturday ladies. Keep cool
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning Nan2, happy shopping!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning. Another hot day here. I find the heat hard to cope with so will be staying in the shade. My lovely gardener has everything looking today so apart from a bit of dead heading And weeding nothing to much to do. I have visions of wandering around the garden, wearing a big sun hat, with a trug snipping away at roses!!! Truthfully, I’ll be out there in my old gardening clothes, tackling Some brambles wearing big old gardening gloves!

                                Dexter comes over and enjoys his paddling pool, sometimes I wish it was big enough to get in there myself. But then I probably wouldn’t be able to get out. Not a good picture, me rolling around like a beached whale 🤣
                                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

