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Good morning Nan2 and sweet little duckling. Good morning ladies.
No sun here yet, it's dull!
Good to see you Grauntie
I'm glad you could get outside in the evening Daisy. We have to grab the summer weather when it appears! That film is called Gravity, yes. We saw it at the cinema. I quite enjoyed it but OH did not!!
Library for me this afternoon. This evening I am meeting my two ex work friends for an early meal, at 6. We usually meet up every few weeks. Last year we managed to meet twice, this year not at all yet! We have had to rearrange this date twice though.
Have a good day everyone. Love to those who are reading but not posting xxβA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.β β Unknown
Good morning, very dull at the moment so we could get the rain, there have been floods in some parts of the country.
Glamm, my swimming friend is having the same treatment for her eyes, she had the first injection yesterday.
Gem, I saw the photo of KFC, didn't some other store burn out there a few years ago?? Well done to OH winning at golf.
I had my hair trimmed yesterday, she hairdresser is expecting her second baby so stops next week until November. I am really pleased I found her as I like the way she cuts my hair, I have a lot of hair but very fine.
I treated myself to new plant pots yesterday for in here and got them all re-potted.
Plant, I am pleased you are enjoying Cornwall, I was there 19 years ago, my friend lived there and she showed me her Cornwall, she travelled so fast, and confident, along those narrow country roads.
I have just been to the Lidl, I was talking to the lady at the cash desk, I said it was quiet, she said it is much quieter now there is a new delivery centre opened not far from here, it started in Germany, no store, just a massive distribution centre and small delivery vehicles. I do see them a lot, DIL was on the waiting list but I don't know if she has changed or not.
I have my exercise bike up here so I will have a ride to nowhere today.
Lizzie, it was BM Bargains a few years ago! We were on holiday and saw it on the news. I contacted mum's neighbour as I read on FB that the smoke was going over there and I didn't want her to be worried!
Enjoy the static cycling.βA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.β β Unknown
Good morning ladies ,
Gem tell S we said well done clever girl
Enjoy your time out with friends xxx
Grauntie so nice to hear your feeling slightly better but baby steps don't try doing too much too soon ,
Yes Napkins are my down fall in IKea and glass tumblers , no idea why as I always end up giving loads to DD when im sick of them cluttering my cupboards and how many glass tumblers do two people need
Daisy I ended up with my headphones on browsing you tube Brian watched a spy film loud and flashy , I cant watch anything flashing on TV i feel dizzy and physically sick when it strobes .
Lizzie you could travel miles on that bike and all from the comfort of your living room
isnt it nice when you find a good hairdresser.
Nanto what a sweet little duckling made me smile
Hope Plant is having good weather ,
All ladies looking in and not posting for various reason Hello we miss you all xxx
Not much to do today , Storm is in the garden watching two magpies on the fence he isnt bothered with them , but see a squirrel or next doors cats and he will be racing around .
B was supposed to have a phone consultation with the practice nurse at 9 but they have just phoned to cancel she is in isolation
It was for his Asthma how the heck do you test breathing over the phone
I have some proud news about a niece i will put on a thread in a minute
Have a good day ladies xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Afternoon all.
I hope everyone is well .
Daisy I enjoyed the film Gravity but then I am easily pleased !
Plant good to hear you are enjoying Cornwall, we are going there on Saturday till next Friday . We are going with DS, DIL ,GS and GD .
We are staying in a cottage in St Ives
We had a 'chat' over the garden fence this afternoon with the owner of the tennis club that backs on to our garden . There is ivy growing rather rapidly from their side and its growing through our fence. He is gong to get the groundsman to try and sort it out . OH was to put up a new fence but he wants the ivy sored out first. We have agreed that we will wait till next spring to look to getting a new fence
Oma popping to look at your thread nowBring me sunshine in your smile.
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I have phoned the doctor, so dizzy and a strange head, it started yesterday, I phoned then but she said wait and see what happened, I decided to phone at 4pm and the assistant today said she would see if I had to have a test , she has just phoned and a lot of patients have the same virus, strange fuzzy head, dizzy and tired, so, a few days and I should feel better. My friend has just phoned from near Aberdeen and he said it is a virus that is going round that area as well.
Hello, everyone. Summer is back - a bit thank you to whoever returned it!
I'm very late to say hello today! This morning we were having our back gate moved to make more room for the caravan on the front drive. The men arrived just as we were getting up so OH had the quickest shower on record and I fed Eva and took her into the garden while we still had a gate! After my (more leisurely) shower and breakfast I took Eva out for a walk, and it was already very warm for her. She drank the taps dry when we got back. Not ideal because we were going out for lunch, but hopefully the 20 or so times she stopped on the walk would have helped!
We met up with a friend from college, her husband and another friend from college. We hadn't seen the couple for about 2 years - they live in Devon now, and the other friend I hadn't seen for over a year. We sat outside in the shade and caught up with everyone's news over a delicious lunch. The couple are over here camping for a few days, but were a bit worried that the campsite for some obscure reason had only opened one of the three shower blocks, and there are a lot of people on the site. The washing up facilities were also closed. I would have thought hot water and washing up liquid would be fairly safe.
When we got home I thought I'd do a bit more painting but it was so hot in the summerhouse the paint was drying too fast. So I gave up. But it's been a lovely day - both the weather and meeting up with good friends.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy sounds a lovely day ,
Storm has spent all day in the garden in the shade .
He has just gone home with SIL and GS1 ,
GS1 is still unable to taste anything so not eating much he has lost a little weight , im sure he will put that back on when he is eating properly again ,Im not fat just 6ft too small
Mimi and Gem - I'm glad you both enjoyed Gravity. OH did too.
Lizzie - that sounds a very unpleasant virus going round. I hope you feel better soon.
Mimi - I hope this good weather lasts for you in Cornwall next week. Is it somewhere you've been before? Ivy is difficult to control isn't it - it pushes through everywhere. I'm not keen on it, but when it flowers in the winter it's a good food resource for wildlife.
Oma - I've been trying to work out how the practice nurse can check B's asthma by phone. And I've given up!!! There are surely some things that have to be done in person.I have to smile at Storm - he's choosey about what he chases. The friends we met today had their dog with them and we were talking about recall - their dog is as bad as Eva - and my friend said the dog only has to hear SQ and she starts chasing round. The other friend, who is a cat lover, looked puzzled. We explained to him how you can't use certain words for certain dogs. I'm not sure he thought we were sane!!
Hopefully your GS1's appetite will come back soon, and most teenage lads have hollow legs so I'm sure he'll put the weight back on. How is he feeling apart from that?
Grauntie - I hope you're not too tired after your trip to Ikea yesterday. Did you find a film you liked? It's lovely to hear from you when you're feeling up to it, but browsing and keeping tabs on us all is good too. Take care of yourself. xxx
Gem - how was the library. Is it getting busier now people are more used to it being open again? Do you know when S gets her new car yet?
Nanto - how did your day go - relaxing I hope.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Lizzie I hope you feel better soon xx
Ivy goes mad and takes over Mimi, good idea to get the tennis club to control it!
That does sound a lovely day Daisy π
Daisy the library was very quite, I think I had 4 customers all afternoon! I had a lot of books to shelf though, and the window cleaner came, meaning I had to vacate when he did the insides. So plenty to keep me occupied, and some reading time too.
OH's car is now at the garage. She will collect it tomorrow!
Glad to hear GS is on the road to recovery Oma.
I had a lovely evening with my friends. Really nice food and so good to have a good catch up.
βA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.β β Unknown