Hallo, yes Oma, it is hot, I did get a bike ride it, too warm on the way back though.
Enfys, I bet the colours for the last few days are red!! I have never heard of them before. I think as we get older the heat gets to us.
Did you all read of the cow that travelled 100kms in the flood waters? It went missing on Wednesday and was seen struggling in the water yesterday, the fire brigade managed to save it, they have no idea if had been in the water all the time or walked part of the way.
Gem, enjoy your time with the family.
Daisy, friends and family keep you busy, I would love to see photo's of the items your husband makes, how clever!
Daisy, birthday boy was fine this morning.Up and out for 6.30,for the car boot sale.
Had an online shop delivered this morning. Only thing missing was some duck breasts.
Not a big problem,they were going in the freezer anyway. Will look in the supermarket next weekend.
Been trying to organise a meal out with both sons and partners,both grandaughters and GD1's husband.
Only day we can all make it is Friday the 30th.
But,its something to look forward to.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Mimi - pleased to hear you've got to Cornwall safely. Was the traffic horrendous?
The photo hasn't landed, but I think St Ives is always beautiful.
Nanto - it is difficult trying to get various family members together, so well done. Something nice to look forward to.
Oma - I hope the Canesten works quickly for you. I'm sure the hot weather must make things even worse. Will make no comment about your knickerless state!!!
Lizzie - I hadn't heard about the cow, but she had a lucky escape!
My friend M came for coffee this morning, and since then we've done nothing - just lazing around. We were both tired after yesterday. Later we're popping round to our next door neighbours who are actually round the corner to meet her mum and dad who have recently moved here and are trying to get to know people locally.
I hope Gem and family are finding some shade at their family 'do' this afternoon.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Amazing story about the cow Lizzie!
How lovely that you are now in Cornwall Mimi 😊
Enjoy your holiday.
And welcome back to Plant!
We did find shade thanks Daisy.
Also GS had us paddling in his paddling pool quite a lot! We had a lovely afternoon and barbecue. SIL took OH for a spin in his new car. They both enjoyed it
Although still hot it doesn't feel as hot or uncomfortable as yesterday.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Mimi - I hope you're relaxing and enjoying your holiday.
Plant - welcome back! It's nice to be back in your own bed, isn't it, but the bills and piles of washing are another matter! xx
Gem - I'm so glad you had a good family (well, almost) afternoon. I'm sure you didn't protest about having a nice, cooling paddle! Glad S likes your SIL's new car - it is a beauty.
We didn't go to our neighbours after all. It was so baking hot I thought the parents, who are about are age, might be struggling with the heat - the dad isn't very well. So I suggested we change it to another day and I think they were relieved!
We had dinner in the garden - lamb steaks with corn on the cob, broccoli and home grown French beans, with strawberries and ice cream to follow. Oh and just a small glass of wine. If anybody shops at Sainsburys I can highly recommend the New Forest strawberries - they really do taste like proper home-grown strawberries.
Both GDs did their first Karate grading this morning and both passed, so they are now the proud owners of red belts! They were so chuffed because they've only been going a few weeks.
Another hot day forecast for tomorrow.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Daisy, your dinner yesterday sounds nice. We only had a small dinner yesterday.
A couple of roast potatoes,pork chops,peas and sweetcorn with gravy.
Small dinner again today. Crispy sliced potatoes,chicken goujons and mushy peas.
Well done to the GD's.
Going to get some jobs done before it gets any warmer.
Have a good day ladies and stay cool.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Nan2, small dinners with least cooking required are a good idea in this heat.
Daisy I haven't noticed if they are New Forest ones, but we have been buying our Strawberries from Sainsbury's since the ones we got from there to take on holiday were delicious. We have been buying them every week since then.
Well done your GDs!!
GS1 goes to Mixed Marital Arts now, and when he got his red belt he was thrilled. It encourages them and makes them proud.
Another hot day I think.
So called Freedom Day in England. I can't think of anything we will be doing differently in the immediate future.
I am going to see my mum this afternoon. School finishes early on Friday so my usual Friday visit to her wouldn't fit in. DD2 was coming with me but doesn't think she can due to a changed meeting time. If she can't OH says she will come with me.
Quiz tonight, my turn to host. In case you are interested our 3 rounds tonight are Fill in the Missing Lyric, General Knowledge and a picture round about Puddings!
Stay cool ladies, I hope we all have a good week.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Nanto - I wouldn't want to be a bear in a furry coat in this weather, but yours look very content! I really don't fancy cooked dinners when it's hot, but OH likes to feel he's had a meal. I'll probably do some kind of salad for tonight.
Gem Thanks you - both GDs were so pleased, although GD2 always says she doesn't want to go, but loves it when she gets there! Mixed Martial Arts sounds fun. You're right - seeing progress with new belts is good for their confidence and motivation. I hope your mum is ok, and is tolerating the heat. I often wonder what subjects feature in your quizzes - and the round about Puddings sounds really interesting!
Oma - I hope you're feeling better today. How is Storm coping with the heat?
No particular plans for us today. The washing is piling up, so perhaps I'll put a couple of loads on - there shouldn't be any trouble getting things dried today!
Take care everyone. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "