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Good morning all.
Nan2, I would cancel a walk in the rain too I think! I hope it eases off, we need summer weather back!
Daisy, you are right about OH and Qashqai's, her present one is one of those, and she liked it so wanted a newer one of the same. I think it will be here next week. Painting sounds the perfect rainy day occupation.
It is not actually raining here, but dull.
No plans for me, as no GS1 to collect due to them isolating.
OH will be playing golf. I need to do some housework. Now I'm not feeling under the weather and in pain with the tooth, I need to pull my weight more!
I may also take Daisy's lead and get out the long neglected art materials. I bought so many last year in lockdown.
I hope everyone has a good day.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good Tuesday morning everyone.
Nanto - will this rain ever stop! No, it's no fun walking in it. The only upside is that I haven't had to get the watering can out for days! I hope your in-laws are ok. Is mum getting up every day now?
Gem - S must really like the car to have a second, newer version of it. I'm sure she'll be delighted, and getting the colour she wants as well is a bonus. For goodness' sake leave the housework and show some love to your art materials. Normally you would have commitments today, so it's a 'free' day in every sense.
I think I'll wait a while and see what the weather's doing. The tomatoes need the lower leaves taking off and a bit more tying in and there are some beans to pick - not many, but enough for a meal. I'll get some washing on if the weather improves a bit. I don't think I could stand the excitement of getting the sucky up thing out as well.
Glamm - how are your eyes this morning?
I'm also wondering how everyone is? Grauntie - I hope you're feeling a lot better. Mimi, Enfys and Clover - how are you all? Aggie - how are you? Are your Covid restrictions being lifted soon? Avo - I hope you will soon be free to visit Portugal soon. What are your plans?
The trouble with asking after specific people is I don't want anyone to feel I'm not thinking about them if I haven't asked a specific question. I know sometimes members browse but don't feel like posting, which is fine. We're here for
Have a good day.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning ladies ,
Gem you clever thing winning the quiz
Ladies i think we all need a holiday from this rain don't we make everyone feel a lot better .
Its quite dull but dry nothing much planned
B has just taken SIL to pick his Van up its been for its MOT was supposed to get it back yesterday , SIL waited till 5pm rang them and they had missed it off the list so did it first thing this morning .
Fresh bedding been put on this morning and general housework , I ironed all I washed yesterday so that's out of the way ,
Been in the garden dead heading but the flowers are so wet ,
I picked a good bowl full of big Red Strawberries before the birds get them ,
It looks like it might rain heavy again so no point doing much in the garden is there ,
Daisy I know what you mean when asking about our members you don't want to miss people out ,
Its nice when we here from them like Sum1, Enfys, etc though isnt it .Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Regarding the quiz, I have to say it is small number of people taking part, 9 last night, sometimes less. Also, often we all know the answer so it is who get their reply onto Whatsapp first! I will take the congratulations just the same
I agree with Daisy, we miss everyone and think about you all. Just because we may not mention you doesn't mean we are not longing to hear from you!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I have had a bit of a problem logging in since we arrived.
Glamm, will be thinking no of you, we were about having eyes lasered yesterday and how successful it is.
Gemini, pleased OH has found the car she wanted.
pleased to hear you are getting a break WG, is your DS going with you?
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Gem, it's all about caring about other people isn't it. There's so much conflict and unhappiness in the world I think we all need a safe place to know you will be listened to and people won't judge you in any way.
Interestingly our local community WhatsApp group which was set up when the first lockdown started has been a similar 'safe haven'. Then today somebody asked a question and immediately someone else came back with a very political rant. Totally inappropriate for the group. One of our neighbours and I both nailed our colours to the mast and said we don't want that sort of discussion because we don't want anyone ever to feel they can't ask a question or ask for help. While this was going on, the same neighbour's husband happened to ring to see how our DS1 is. Caring for each other is more important than ever, I think.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy I can certainly see an improvement this morning I did not have the laser treatment that has been scheduled for 30th of this month they did the injection into the eye which sounds grim but was not as scary as it sounds,they then put the shield over the eye and I kept it on until this morning,I have to have 3 more injections on a monthly basis I was at the clinic for 4.5 hrs the staff really looked after me I can;t praise them enough. The dye injected to my arm which hi-lights the swelling felt strange the nurse told me it will change the colour of my urine yellow but I never expected it to be flouresent yellow and continues to be bright yellow this morning
Gems OH's car sounds very smart I have always had a 4 x 4 type car when I was at work full time a lot different to my little VW Polo that I have now but it suits my needs as I do not have long distances to travel nowadays,furthest I go to is Chester which is a straight run from my house and about 30mins.
My lovely DD bought me a Tens machine to try and help with the pain from the sciatica and what a laugh we had getting it all sorted out I had sticky patches all across my back and wires everywhere it worked in the end after some adjustment to the wires funny to watch.
I'm off to the village this morning I am taking the bus just to be on the safe side I need some fresh fruit and veg and some treats for Oliver as I have mentioned before we have a fabulous Romanian bakery so I will treat myself to one of their delicious cream cakes for dessert tonight I will forget about calorie counting for the time being.
Take care everyone I will catch up soon x
Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Lovely to hear from you Glamma, and that you survived your first round of injections!
I hope the TENs machine will help you. What a kind DD she is.
Good to see you too Plant
Daisy you did right to speak up on your local group. I have found that people will even use places like book groups for political rants. We all have our valid opinions but there are places for that sort of thing.
I keep forgetting to mention, our local Burger King burned down last weekA couple of miles away from us.
It is just a shell now. No one hurt thank goodness. There is a very narrow road between that and Tesco petrol station, so it was scary at the time!!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Well the day started bright and sunny and I got the washing out. But the heavens have just opened and OH had to abandon cutting the grass!
DS has to do a covid test on days 2 and 8 and I took todays along to the postbox for him as he's still in isolation. I took my brolly just in case, but didn't need it! Last week I got caught in a torrential downpour and had to run home and strip off....even my shoes were squelching! I think it's a better forecast for the rest of the week though. DS has left 30 degree heat, so he's enjoying the coolness!
Hospital rang this morning to check on OH's rash and they've decided to leave the chemo until next week to see if the steroids help get it under control. I'm quite pleased because at least he won't be suffering any side effects when we're North of the Border!
Plant, DS won't be coming with us as he has to isolate for 10 days.
Not a lot of activity at our neighbour's today. The carer is there, but I'm sure there'll be no news from the hospital until later, so I haven't gone across yet.
Glamm, pleased to hear all went well at the eye clinic. Take care and wear your 'sunnies' even if the sun's not shining for protection.
Have a good evening ladies xx
p.s. I got the ironing done and put away.......but now there's another load waiting to be done.
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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WG shame DS cant go with you never mind he will be there when you get homeAt least as you say OH wont be feeling any side effects that's a bonus I suppose
Glamm hope by tomorrow your eyes start to feel better .
Gem as long as no one was hurt in the fire , im sure it will be rebuilt quickly they wont want to lose money unless they re locate .
Daisy I cant stand when people go on these rants , my next door neighbour is very anti Tory and that's her opinion , but she constantly goes on about it on FB
Then cant understand when people who are Tory hit back .as she thinks she is right and only her view counts
Don't push your views on other people there will always be people who disagree .Im not fat just 6ft too small
The sun came out at 5, and its lovely now!
OH won at golfShes very chuffed. First out of 80 I think it was.
GS and DD1 both feeling OK, and DD was pleased that for day 1 at least, GS did his home schooling willingly!
I did some washing and housework this morning, and relaxed most of the afternoon catching up with TV programmes. Then I linked all our Disney tickets to the Disney app and prebooked our park days. Ludicrous as it's it until next April and Biden isn't even showing signs of allowing any of us in any time soon, but you have to prebook the park days at the moment, as ticket or no ticket you won't get in to the park otherwise!!
Dinner time now.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Glamma, pleased your eye appointment wasn't too bad.
Gem, well done to OH for winning the golf.
Glad DD and GS are doing ok.
Daisy, in laws were in fine fettle thanks.
WG, its good that you will be north of the border without OH feeling any side effects.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Evening All,
I am feeling very much better thanks Daisy. I even went to Costco and IKEA today! Needless to say I have come home with a few things I really do not need from the market place but then who can resist stretchy food covers and wooden spoons? 🙄
I was more controlled in Costco and only purchased food and cleaning materials. 😬
My strawberries are soggy with all the rain and the pigeons have enjoyed the raspberries. Mr Squirrel has pinched all the figs but as I can’t eat them anyway he is welcome this year.
Glad to see you are all behaving, I do come and read your news but sometimes I don’t feel too good and can’t think of anything to say that doesn’t sound miserable! So rather than spread misery I sneak off. Just bear with me, hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon.
OH now looking for a film to watch so I had better pay attention otherwise it will be a loud violent gangster film.
Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Grauntie - I'm so pleased to hear you're feeling a bit better, although I'm sure you're having a few ups and downs. I agree about stretchy food covers and wooden spoons, and I'd raise you artificial candles in various shapes and sizes, but I'm sure Oma will trump both of us with paper napkins!
My OH was watching a film about two people floating in space - I think it was called 'Gravity". It was incredibly boring so I hope you didn't get landed with that one.
WeeGranny - I'm sure you are anxious for OH to get on with his treatment, but having the week-end in Scotland free of side effects will be lovely, and will do you both good I hope.
Glamm - I'm glad the eye treatment is going OK and you are able to get out and about without too much trouble. When my OH had that dye injected he went to the loo, and being a man, didn't aim as straight as he should and the stain took weeks to wear off the underside of the loo seat!
Gem - it's now a Burnt Burger King!I'm sure they will rebuild it though. Big "well done" to S for winning the competition against such a lot of opposition. I bet she's delighted.
After having a fairly long chat with DS2 this afternoon I did some more painting - I'm finding the rocks hard going - and then did the lawn. Then we sat in the garden in the evening sunshine with a glass (or 2) of wine. It was lovely to be sitting outside after so much wet weather.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)