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    Hope the job goes well for GD.
    Enjoy your lazy day, you deserve it.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning, everyone.

      I think today has started as it means to go one - wet, blustery and then a quick glimpse of sun. It's chilly though.

      Enfys - how nice to tick those jobs off. It's great your GD is so excited about her job. It sounds as though you've earned an easy day today.

      Oma - I hope you've recovered from your Ikea trauma yesterday. What colour are you thinking of for your doors?

      Nanto - there's so much choice with windows these days. I hope you get a decent quote.

      An exciting day for me (not!) - I need to sort out the chest freezer, prep some dog food, and then I might do some baking. But it might all go by the board. A small army of tree surgeons has just arrived next door, and already Eva's not happy with them, so we might end up taking her out for a while. It looks as though they're going to be there for ages!
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning everyone.

        Oma, I hope you have recovered from the shopping trip!
        What colour door are you thinking of? We have the type of upvc front door that looks like wood grain. Ours is dark blue and we have been pleased with it since we had it fitted several years ago. White is so boring! (no offence intended to those who love white doors )
        Plant, that's a shame about the child who tested positive. I hope he/she makes a quick recovery and no one else catches it.
        Poor Eva Daisy. Henry hid in the garage when the plumber first arrived yesterday, until we brought him inside and told him the plumber is a nice man and not to be so silly

        Rain again for us too today.
        OH has golf, and a hospital appointment. She had a letter a while ago saying from September 1st appointments would be at the hospital again (her last, 6 months ago was a phone one) I would not be able to go with her as patients must go alone, and neither of us felt there was any need to go in in these times, as it is just a chat and blood test results. She phoned last week and they happily changed it to a phone one for her.
        I plan to go to my mums house today. I want to get the last of the fallen apples into the green bin, and bin out for tomorrow's collection. Also check for any mail including birthday cards for Saturday. I don't relish picking up wet rotting apples! As I want a couple of things from Tesco on the way home, I may take a change of clothes and shoes in case I end up wet and muddy

        Have a nice day ladies, despite the weather.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Man been , i was thinking Heritage sage green ,
          His quote was silly money , we wont be going with him and he seemed in a hurry so didnt give us confidence , we will seek other couple of quotes first
          We have seen them cheaper ,
          As we dont want anything doing before next spring we have plenty of time.

          Enfys GD is right to go with the one she feels comfy with she will be happier ,

          Gem better by phone if there is no need to go to Hospital ,
          I wouldnt like to pick wet apples up either

          Poor Eva Daisy maybe a run out would be better , can you not make a late booking for the paddock ?

          Popped up to Sainsburys needed some yoghurts and some veg for home made soup ,
          It was empty but standing in the queue a couple one up from me started to argue ,
          They were in their 70s and his voice started to raise to the point he was screaming at her , she kept saying ALLEN ALLEN shush

          He went on a right rant because they were having to stand in a queue , a security guard came over and tried to quieting him down then he started using the F word like god bless you ,
          The security guard made him leave ,
          His wife carried on standing in the queue , it seemed to me she was used to it.

          I got served came out and they were both standing talking to someone they knew all chatty and laughing like nothing had happened

          A strange place at times , we get some characters in our shopping centre , its rare for us to go and not see some drama or something funny

          Makes you wonder what goes on in peoples minds , i love to people watch when we are out you do get a laugh , only problem is i seem to attract all the nut cases i try to avoid eye contact where i can

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oh I love that colour Oma.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              All good with OH's blood results
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                That is brilliant news Gem , another worry out of the way , give her a hug from us and we send you hugs too xxxx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Pleased to hear the blood test was okay. I am also picking up fallen apples but at least I can do it every day. Sil puts them in the woods behind us for the deer.

                  You do meet some strange people in your shops Oma. I like that colour too. Is it to have your door sprayed. I don't have a front door, just one glazed door into my kitchen. DD and Sil have an oak front door.

                  Nanto, I bet your GD is excited to have the job she wanted.

                  I am waiting for a plumber to call to look at a radiator in the bathroom which is not getting hot. I hadn't bothered whilst the weather was warm but I am having to leave the airing cupboard door open to warm the bathroom now.

                  Poor Eva, can you buy ear plugs for dogs?

                  I have an appointment at the hospital this afternoon to check the device in my chest which records my heart beat and when my heart goes into fibrillation. I can't decide whether to use the lift or walk up three flights of stairs. I didn't feel very safe the last time I had to go there for tablets, I shall take great care.
                  Last edited by Plantaholic; 24-09-2020, 09:53 AM.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Pleased the blood results are fine Gem. Oma, there are strange people around, there are couple of (elderly) people go to the Lidl on a Thursday, poor woman, he is always so nasty to her, I was stood behind a younger lady once and she said to me "I feel like saying something", I told her he is always like that with her. I don't know how she survives.


                      My neighbour has just been to tell me that there are no bowel problems! Pleased about that as they have had enough this last couple of years.


                        Plant,hope hospital appointment goes ok.

                        Gem, good news about OH's blood test results.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Oh Lizzie, lovely news for that lady
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good news about S's blood test Gem! I hate when OH has his done.It's such a relief when it's all clear.

                            Good news for your neighbour too Lizzie.

                            I'd like a coloured front door Oma. However, there's something in the deeds which says we have to have brown. I have got a lovely stained glass window in it though!

                            Trying to get inspired for dinner tonight without much success. Chicken breasts in some form or another.

                            Started to spit with rain here so have got the washing in and the t-shirts etc drying in tumble drier now.

                            Enjoy the evening ladies.
                            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                            Theodore Roosevelt.


                              Good morning.

                              Lizzie, good news for your neighbour.

                              Breezy and cold this morning.

                              Oma, when we went to see GD1 a lot of the neighbours had painted their doors.
                              There is a group on Facebook for Frenchic paint. They say it very good for painting pvc doors and kitchen units.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Morning Nanto /ladies

                                Nanto i have seen that , we did think about it but the couple over the road had theirs sprayed by a company who specialise in spraying UPVC and within a year it had scratched and started to break down so had to have it re done so im not sure ,

                                My DD has used Frenchic on her dining room table i must say its taken well and lasted so far ,

                                Off for my Annual Diabetic screening of eyes and feet , appointment for 8.45 ,
                                Asda is due between 8-9 usually he comes at 8 , now watch because i have to go out he wont come till 9 .

                                It will mean i will have to walk over in the rain as B will have to stay in and wait for him , its only a 5 minute walk and i dont mind the rain its when its windy i dont like

                                Was going to the tip today but its blowing a hooley and belting down dont fancy packing the car in this ,so will go Sunday instead .

                                How are we all this morning ? well i hope ,
                                I will pop back later see how everyone is xxxxxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

