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    Gem, hope DD1 is ok after her accident.

    Been a good day here. Cleaned up. Done a load of washing. Used both ovens yesterday,so they have both been cleaned.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Back home after spending yesterday at DD's. Think an awful lot of people were bending the rules too, by the amount of traffic on the roads! SiL thought the roads would be empty today, but they weren't! It was lovely to spend time with them and we had a lovely meal, tasted all the better for not having to cook it. DD and I went for walk round the village and admired all the pretty lights. People do seem to have made an effort to brighten us all up this year.

      GS was talking about our break in Suffolk in the Summer and how it would have been nice to actually be able to go in the sea. So when we got back, I went on the site we use for holiday cottages. I was amazed at how few were available. Seems lots of people have got the same idea. Anyway, I've got us a ground floor apartment right on the seafront for the beginning of August. He can go out the front door and into the sea and we'll can watch him from the patio!! Something to look forward to in what I expect is going to be another year of restrictions for us all.

      Hope that everyone has an enjoyable Boxing Day. I for one intend to do very little for the rest of the day! x
      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        Gemini, what a nasty accident, I hope your DD's hand heals quickly. Unlike you I have just picked all day. Family went for a long walk in the woods today, very muddy.. Their rooms are still in a bit of a mess from yesterday, doesn't bother my daughter.

        I am catching up with the recordings I did yesterday.

        Daisy are you in another tier now? How nice for you and your DS's family could be together.

        Oma, You lucky your GS is musical as well, apart from GD2 playing the flute, none of the others are musical at all. Good to have a sing song.

        I can't believe some of you ladies have been loading the washing machine, Boxing Day is a day of rest I believe.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Gem, your poor DD. Her hand must be very painful. The only problem with not being home for Christmas dinner is I’ve got no leftovers, so I just going to put lamb shanks in the oven for dinner. We’re relaxing with a glass of wine, nibbles and a lovely cheerful glow from the wood burner. Bliss. 😁👍😁

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            DD's hand is still sore. She had to go back today to have the dressing changed and they removed a lot of skin, which was painful. Presumably to aid healing!
            Daisy we had those lamb shanks for our Christmas Eve meal as you recommended them. We loved them and will buy them again.

            We have had a chilled day. We cooked and ate our meal and watched the Christmas episode of Call The Midwife which we enjoyed.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Gem - I shall have to watch Call the Midwife on catch up. It's become one of my Christmas 'must see' programmes. Ouch, your DD must be in a lot of pain - I do hope it heals quickly. Was the skin they removed dead - I think that's what they usually do. My DIL2 poured boiling water from the kettle over her hand the year GD2 was born - she'd only been home with the baby for two or three days so it was around New Year. My OH took her to minor injuries and they kept her waiting, complete with newborn babe in a freezing waiting area for over three hours! OH kept going and asking how much longer, and they didn't even give her any privacy, a blanket or somewhere warmer to feed the baby. It took quite a while to heal, and I'm sure it was because she had to wait so long for treatment. So I'm glad your DD didn't get such awful treatment and it heals up quickly.

              I'm glad you enjoyed the lamb shanks! I'd have felt very guilty if you'd hated them

              Plant - Yes, Boxing Day is for relaxing. I hope you've enjoyed it after all the pre-Christmas busyness. xx

              WeeGranny - I'm so glad you've had a lovely time with your DD and family. I hope the break did you good, too, and well as enjoying time with them. I think we were able to go to DS1's on compassionate grounds, but the traffic was definitely lighter than usual going north, and coming back today the motorways were really quiet. I think normally it would have been much busier, but perhaps it was because the town centre shops like Southampton and Portsmouth were closed, so no Boxing Day sales.

              Nanto - glad you've had a good day, too.

              Oma - I hope you really have had a rest today and your shoulder is less painful. I can just imagine you all singing round the piano!

              The wind is really revving up here - we've got an amber warning, and it's sounding very rough out there. Hopefully there won't be any flooding and there won't be too many people out and about with all the restrictions. Stay safe, everyone - it seems the weather's doing its worst as well as Covid.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                good morning, Gem, I do hope DD's hand is healing, a burn is very painful.

                Oma, yes, we do worry about stupid things!!! I am pleased everyone has had a good Christmas, I went to DS's yesterday, I took the albums for the girls, they loved them! I have sore eyes from the allergy, alder and hazel, it gets earlier every year, the eyes are both sore but the right one is painful, I had to bathe it open this morning and it feels like there is sand in it, if it doesn't improve by tomorrow I will phone the surgery, I do have eye drops but up to now they are not helping much.

                We have the storm here, very windy at the moment.


                  Wet and cold this morning. The wind seems to have dropped. I don't think it was bad as they said it would it be.

                  Lizzie, hope your eyes feel better soon.

                  A few jobs to do here. Going to do some more washing and ironing.
                  ​​​​​​​Making some pies with the turkey that is left. I'll add some leeks and mushrooms to it.

                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning Lizzie, good morning Nan2, good morning everyone.

                    The wind and rain here were awful last night. Our little reindeers blew over as did the small Christmas tree on the doorstep which is held in place by a bungee chord!! All seems calm this morning.

                    Lizzie, can you take an antihistamine tablet as well as using the drops? I hope it improves soon.
                    SIL is dropping GS and DD off for a while this afternoon, so I will find out how the hand is today. GS is very sad about missing the family get together this year. This is no substitute for being with his cousins and the rest of the family, but a change of scene at least. As we are a childcare bubble, we feel OK about meeting up indoors.

                    This morning we have a Sainsbury's order to collect.
                    Have a good day ladies.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning everyone. The wind has dropped here, too, and not too much damage in the garden - but I did put smaller pots in the greenhouse overnight. It must have rained hard - it's very wet everywhere.

                      Lizzie - your eyes must be really troubling you. As Gem says, antihistamines might help if you're able to take them.

                      Nanto - turkey, leek and mushroom pie sounds wonderful. The perfect comfort meal for a cold winter's day.

                      Gem - I do hope DD is not in pain with her hand. I'm sure GS will love an afternoon with Grandma, and I think childcare bubbles are still allowed - I certainly hope so as my DS2 and DIL will need to go back to work before the children go back to school.

                      My GD2 is 7 today. Those years have flown by, and I can imagine she is already very excited. According to her dad she's still bouncing off the ceiling from Christmas Day despite having a quiet day yesterday. We did n't see them at Christmas so we'll have to call round today with all their Christmas presents and her birthday gifts as well.

                      Have a good day ladies. xx
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I do take antihistamines Gem, it is always bad for me with the tree pollen, talking about trees, I happened to look out of the window and one of my olive trees was on the move!!! They are on wheels, with 2 brakes, I had only put one brake on and the wind caught it, it was doing circles moving along the balcony! It also took another plant with it, I only just managed to open the door, otherwise???????? firemen! I have been out and put all the brakes on now and blocked the other pots with heavier ones.


                          Good grief! Well saved Lizzie
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Went i n next door yesterday evening and we played some games, I was in a team with my DD and GD2 and we won, not with my help I was useless. GD2 is going to return to London, her partner is returning from Yorkshire and they are going back to their flat. DD and Sil are going to prepare the house ready for this baby's arrival, the hospital said they are going to induce her if she goes over the time which is the 12th Jan. Although GD1 was hoping to get into their flat soon, her partner said it would be better for him to get the flat ready for her and the baby to move in. Goodness know when that will be. If we had the storm last night, I didn't hear it and nothing seems out of place.

                            Lizzie, your poor eyes, hope you get some relief soon. I am sure your GD's were thrilled with their albums. Well done for saving the olive tree.

                            Daisy, happy birthday to your GD, a very excited little girl.

                            Gem, I hope your DD's hand is less painful, enjoy your afternoon with DD and GS.

                            I think I will do some knitting today, it has been neglected recently. We are having a take away meal from out favourite place on New Year.

                            I am wondering what will happen about the schools returning in January.

                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Morning ladies im late this morning ,
                              We went to Asda for it opening , I bought a toaster with my on line shop about 4 weeks ago and it stopped working this morning ,

                              Straight to Customer service they put money back on my card and i chose another slightly more expensive Toshiba one fingers crossed this one lasts longer ,

                              Then when we got back B started to put the new Anti Virus on my lap top and i pad .

                              Need to iron after lunch , its a nice sunny day after those winds last night ,

                              Lizzie just as well you were able to secure your plants otherwise they would have done a Mary Poppins of the balcony
                              I bet your eyes are so sore , its tempting to rub them when they are sore so try not too xxx

                              Gem I hope DD's hand is a lot better today poor girl ,

                              Plant sound good fun even if you were not much help its the having fun trying that matters , are you ok after your Bone jabs ?

                              Daisy my goodness your GD will be high as a kite Christmas and Birthday gifts all within a few days of each other

                              Nanto good idea to use left overs with the leeks and Mushrooms it will be very tasty ,

                              Hope everyone has a nice day today xxx

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma, yes, rubbing the eyes doesn't help, at all. I have just read that there has been storm damage in the village, my olive tree was almost famous! I hope you toaster lasts longer this time, I bought a Kenwood one, years ago and it still works. Sometimes I think it is the luck of the draw.

                                Plant, you will all be counting the days to January 12th.

