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    Good morning, very cold here and icy on the roads.

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      Good morning Nan2, Lizzie, everyone.
      A very white cold scene where I am too.

      Daisy, I wonder what Cooper will make of the snow if you have some?
      GS1 today, and staying the night. DD has a belated Christmas work thing via Zoom this evening. Quite why GS needs to stay here I'm not sure to be honest, but I don't mind.
      I'm sure GS will be in the garden for a while today, but mostly we will be staying put in the warm!

      Have a good day ladies. If you have snow and ice take care. Stay in if you can!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good Tuesday morning everyone. We've got a few sprinkles of snow - not enough to settle on the grass but the cars are white.

        Nanto - stay warm and safe.

        Lizzie - that looks very wintery.

        Gem - have a lovely day with GS1. I'm sure GS1 suggested he stayed at yours tonight.

        Cooper's a bit of a wuss generally with anything new, but there's probably no snow on their lawn for him to try out.

        Stay warm and safe everyone.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning ladies very white here too , Plus its bitter cold
          done what I need to do , I am pondering if I should make some Scones , not sure I have the motivation or not , one of those can't be bothered days ,
          See how I feel later .

          Watched a good film last night called The Dig ,
          Based on a true story in 1939 excavation of Saxon mound in Sutton Hoo staring Ralph Fiennes
          Only came out in January .

          Hope everyone is ok today xxx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, DS1 told me to watch The Dig on Netflix, I will one day.

            Daisy, it is wintery, I am debating about having a walk but with the nordic poles to keep me upright!

            A friend of mine was having a zoom meeting with South Africa and it was hacked in a frightening way! Maybe the wrong posting but I copied this.

            "First of all the hackers froze my presentation then they started drawing swastikas on the screen, and shouting obscenities at me, and a couple of participants. They then managed to take over the screen and started showing a gory video probably from a horror movie, and also wrote more abusive words in the chat box whilst also playing very loud music. I tried several times to mute their microphone and closed down the video, but they were able to over-ride it. Even when I removed them from the session, that didn't work either, and they simply re-appeared apparently avoiding the so-called new Zoom security feature of the 'Waiting Room'. After two minutes I had to close down the session completely."


              As follow up, someone replied, "apparently several hundred thousand Zoom account details have been hacked and sold on the dark web!"


                Its scary what people can do now Lizzie , I wonder what they get out of it ? madness
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  That is what he said Oma, what do they get out of it??? He said it is a pity they don't put their computer skills to better use.


                    I will look for that film Plant.

                    ​​​​​​Snow has stopped and the sun is out. There is still a lot of snow remaining.
                    OH has gone for a walk with a friend as she was collecting some binoculars ( from a mutual friend!) which had been dropped off with the friend.
                    I phoned the dentist about the broken tooth and was lucky enough to get an appointment tomorrow morning.
                    GS inside with me but planning to get into the back garden while the snow is still here
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      I'd read about the film The Dig, and thought it would be something my OH would enjoy. Sadly we haven't got Netflix, so I'll have to wait till it pops up somewhere else.

                      Gem - glad you've got a dentist appointment so quickly. I hope they can fix it more permanently for you.

                      Lizzie - that is really scary and horrible. It's bad enough when any device gets hacked or infiltrated by spammers, but that was really frightening.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Lizzie you wonder what their minds are like posting that awful material

                        Gemini, enjoy the snowman building. By the way both of the programmes I mentioned are on BBC1 this evening, I really found the later one very interesting, it shows how he and Tim Rice got together and his marriages and how he finds the tunes. A very talented man. I hope the dentist can sort out your problem.

                        The snow is still sprinkling, I wish it would stop. Feeling tired now, cleaned both bathrooms and washed kitchen floor. Sitting with knitting after lunch, I think, perhaps watching a good film.

                        GD's partner is at work today, they are testing staff every day. DD is happier about the situation now he is being regularly tested. That one case would bring the department he works in, to a standstill.

                        Must have a look for that film Oma, sounds good.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Plant,my youngest son Benn & his wife have had the all clear to return to work after testing positive 3 weeks ago and you are right about shop workers even though his shop is closed to the general public these past few weeks they still have people collecting take a ways and drivers coming in to collection of orders and some don't wear masks he has told the delivery drivers they will not get the orders if no mask worn ,he has also insisted on weekly testing for them,some put up an objection but he is not having any of it.

                          We have also had just a sprinkling of snow this morning but it is still very very cold even though the sun is shining now.

                          I felt very energetic this morning and decided to clear out the kitchen cupboards of any thing out of date how embarrasing that was I have promised myself to keep on top of my rotation from now on after finding a can of kidney beans use by date 07/2019 how lazy am I? I was going to do under the sink but that can now wait until tomorrow or maybe another day

                          On Friday I received the Hotter shoes I ordered in their sale they where worth waiting for so comphy and great when driving,I checked on line to see if they had the same shoe in the Coral colour they did but not my size then hey-ho I came across a pair called *Turn* in a ruby red patient reduced from £79 to £39 and didn't they just happen to have my size my postman must think I am opening my own store or something.But I am all set for quite a while in the shoe department.
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            Glamm if you find the right shoes i think buy while they have them as your sure to go back to them and they sold out ,
                            We found packs of stuff from 2018 when we got to back of our cupboard , you just shove them to the back and forget them don't you .

                            Plant at least he is being tested on a regular basis cant be a bad thing can it when he has a new baby at home xx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              I hope you had a restful afternoon Plant.
                              I agree with Oma, Glamma, get what you want

                              GS and OH made a snowman and very handsome it was.
                              I got my vaccine text and booked an appointment for Friday. Just hoping OH gets her invitation soon.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Apparently 20 employees were sent the text informing them that they had contact with a person who had the virus. Waitrose would have had to close if they all isolated, so daily testing is an alternative.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

