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    Window fitting going well. Glad we are only having the front done though.
    Oma when we first had the windows done years ago, it was in one of the coldest February's we had.
    I'm sat at the kitchen table,huddled next to the radiator.
    Been a bit bored this morning. Only done ironing.

    Plant,if you need help,i'm sure someone will help with changing the bedding.

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Keep warm Nan2!

      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem - your mum's house has more options for heating than my cousin's did. There were two electric storage heaters - one in the living room and one upstairs. Everything else were just plug in electric radiators which gobble electricity. Plus the house had beautiful high ceilings, huge tall windows, and is set on a hilltop looking down over a valley in a very cold a bleak part of the country. This was part of the charm for my cousin, but keeping the house safe during the winter was hard if you weren't living there! Even so, it's not easy. For the living room would something simple like a heater with a frost stat setting work - ie it cuts in if the temperature goes below a certain level.

        Oma - poor you. You must have to think before you do the slightest thing to stop that shooting pain. It's the things we do automatically without thought that cause the most trouble, isn't it! It's good to know the surgeon is happy with you. xx

        I love Nanto's graphics as well - I always look forward to seeing what she's chosen each day. Thank you Nanto! It sounds as though you need to cuddle a hot water bottle as well today. xxx

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Afternoon all
          Its a dull but mild day here so far.

          Nan2 years ago when we had our windows and doors fitted it was a bitterly cold windy January day, well I say day it carried on for three days ! Brrr never again I see now why its cheaper to get them done during the winter months.

          Oma its good to hear that the surgeon is happy with you.

          We went for our usual walk today and thankfully there was no police incidents going on unlike on Saturday!
          Did see two houses with Christmas decs up. One had a huge white tree in the window, you couldn't miss it .

          Hope everyone is well
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Mimi I haven't seen any Christmas trees yet, although I do know GS1's school friend's family put theirs up last week!

            We haven't seen Fairyqueen for little while, I hope all is OK.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Lizzie your pictures on FB are lovely , it does look like a summer day
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Thanks, it was warm! Here they are again!! The only thing was, I wasn't as good organised as some of the people along the way, they had flasks of coffee with them! There is nowhere open to get a drink so when I go again I will take my flask with me. It is lovely cycling along the river, I met a friend on they way, I do coffee with her and she was on the way to her husband, he has an allotment that way so we cycled together. After she stopped at the allotment I just carried on.
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                Last edited by Lizzie48; 09-11-2020, 03:06 PM.


                  Lovely pics, yes take a flask next time 😊
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I was working out today, how long would it take a help to iron the bedding and make the bed. My GD1 used to help me with the duvet cover but she has more important things to see to now. I replaced the bedding with non-ironed bedding today. I have a king size duvet and it is that I find the hardest to do, I hate not having the duvet corners into the cover corners so I peg the corners and give it a good shake. I have a top sheet too Daisy and as I am only using half of the bed I switch the used side of the sheets over to the other side of the bed. and the same with the pillows. Not sure what the rate of pay is for help.

                    Love the graphic Nanto. I hope you are nice and warm now.

                    Sil and his family are considering putting his mother's house on the market soon, she knows she couldn't go back, I hope your mother will feel the same when the time come Gemini.

                    Lizzie that sounded like a very enjoyable ride.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Lizzie,lovely photos.

                      Oma, good you have been discharged by the surgeon.

                      Thank you for the nice comments about the morning graphics.
                      Window fitting has gone smoothly.Coming back tomorrow to finish a few little bits off.

                      All cleaned up now.They sais there won't be any dust tomorrow. We shall see.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning.
                        Window men coming back to finish off.
                        I'll be at in laws,so hubby will be tea monitor.

                        Have a good day ladies.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning Nanto / Ladies
                          Nanto that's my response to the kitchen , I always say to B about making food , im no Engineer hahaha

                          The worst of the work will be done now fingers crossed you don't have too much to tidy ,
                          How are your in laws ?

                          Waiting for Storm to arrive , going to have a lazy day such a painful night im drained and a bit tearful today ,
                          its just lack of sleep but I am getting tired of the constant pain ,
                          Roll on the lockdown end and i can get to the Hospital .

                          I did have a smile this morning though , My Nephew had sent me during the night photos of my GN he's almost 1 and such a lovely little boy even when he is teething he smiles,
                          He has a look in the eyes of his Grandad my Brother , I also got a little video of him dancing so cute , Babies put a smile on your face on the gloomiest of days don't they '
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            I have sent Fairy Queen a PM see if she's ok havent seen her for a week or so .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good morning Nan2,Oma and everyone.
                              It will be good to get the windows finished and back to rights Nan2.
                              Oh Oma, constant pain is so draining and add to that lack of sleep you will be tired and tearful. Lots of HUGS to you xxx
                              Babies certainly do make us happy. When my dad died my GD was 4 months old. I kept asking to 'borrow' her, just to make me feel happy for a while.

                              The quiz went well last night. I think OH will bow out of future ones though. She doesn't enjoy quizzes anyway, and our (non iphone) phones do seem slower to get the answers out, so we don't stand as much chance of winning. It's fun though, and a social night, especially now we cant see anyone. I don't care whether I win or not! Nice if I do though

                              This morning we will deliver the newsletters.
                              GS1 from school this afternoon. Actually DD is going to collect him for a while, and I will pick him up from theirs and bring him back here. They only live across the road from school, and she wants to save me going into the playground.

                              Have a good day ladies, keep safe and well.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Thanks Oma, I have been hoping she is OK.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

