Evening All.
Big haircuts and beard trims here at the weekend. I allow OH to trim my neck line only! Otherwise he would think he was Teezy Weezy and get all creative. 😬
We are being decorated in the kitchen, and the lounge reminds me of ‘Hoarders’ Everything that can be moved is in there. We can’t see each other when we sit in the only two spaces available!
Is anyone else watching’The Drowning’? It’s making me anxious, I don’t know why.
Have a pleasant evening each.
Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
Going to make a couple of corned beef and onion pies.
One will be similar to a cottage/shephers pie for dinner today and will make a pastry pie for the freezer.
Will pop back in later.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Good morning everyone.
Nan2 I admire how you get up and get on with the cooking ( which always sounds nice) when you have told us you don't enjoy cooking.
Today I must use duster, hoover and floor steamer. We are going over to my mum's house to check on things and get the bin out for collection.
I too am making a pie! I made a chicken casserole on Sunday and froze what we didn't eat. That, with the addition of a few mushrooms is going to be the filling for a chicken pie.
Enjoy your day ladies, keep smiling
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning ladies ,
I do love a home made pie , Chicken , corned beef, steak , mince , curried chicken , you name it I will eat it ,
mind you too much pastry kills me but I cant resist them
Went to our little Morrisons for 7am it was nice and empty , didn't want much but came out £40 poorer , how that happened I don't know
GM im desperate for a hair cut , If they dont open soon I will be putting a pudding bowl on my head
Plant hope they can sort your glasses today xx
Lizzie is the lift working again and is the lady who got stuck ok ?
How are we all today ?
Its damp and grey today but so far no more rain ,
its flooded in areas that's never flooded before around here , the ground just cant hold anymore water .
Nanto, Loved the graphic, pies sound lovely too. Do you make your own pastry.?
I think I heard the window cleaners about 8.30 this morning when I was snug in bed. My Aqua group exercise class this morning, must get a shift on, will return later to see what you are all up to.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
It was my next door neighbours trapped in the lift! I have just been there for coffee, they were in it a full hour. It will be a few days before it can be repaired, not handy when we live on the top floor.
I have to go to the fysio for 12am so will be climbing the stairs when I get back. The sun is out at the moment, there is snow forecast for the weekend.
Lizzie - my OH says we've got snow forecast for the week-end. It's not often we get it here on the south coast. Take it easy on the way back upstairs.
Plant - did you enjoy your Aqua exercise class? Do you use Zoom for it?
Oma - I agree, I love pastry, especially home-made shortcrust, but I sometimes live to regret it these days. I spoke too soon this morning about it not raining. It's been pouring down ever since.
Grauntie - my OH needs a beard trim and a haircut - can I book him in, please? I let OH trim my fringe early on in the first lockdown. He did a very neat job without even using a pudding basin or a spirit level. It owed everything to accuracy and nothing to style or creativity!
Does it make you feel like having a great big sort out when you've got all your stuff in one room like that? Still, it will be lovely when it's finished, but I hope you don't overdo things when you've been under the weather. xx
Nanto - I agree with Gem - getting a meal on the go first thing is amazing. We don't eat until the evening and it's often 6 pm before I even think about what to get! It's not the best way to be but I don't seem to get motivated any earlier!
Gem - you are going to be a busy lady today. I hope everything is ok at your mum's. Looking after two houses isn't easy, but there are things you just have to do, aren't there.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Lizzie, I would really hate getting stuck in a lift, I don't really like lifts.
Daisy, I can't say I am enjoying the Aqua group stretch class, it is lovely to see all my Aqua friends. I have a balance problem in one ear and find I am a bit wobbly after the class so I think I will give it a miss. That is really why I go to Aqua classes. I do hope that snow doesn't come this far south.
Grauntie, can I join the queue for a haircut. I am thinking of taking the scissors to it myself.
Gem, I hope you find everything okay at your mums house.
I managed to put a fluffy thing around the lounge and bedroom and the sucky thing performed well on the carpets and kitchen floor. Washing the kitchen floor will have to wait, no energy now. My appt at the opticians has been changed slightly but I must get some lunch before I go. GD1 has just been in, she had been for a walk with her mother and baby. I gave baby H her bottle yesterday whilst GD got her bath ready.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Washed this morning and got both Darks and lights dried then had to tackle the ironing ,
I have stood and ironed them all then I ironed bedding for both beds ,
Single spare bed isn't bad but Ironing the King size is a effort especially as my arm still doesn't work well and aches ,
Its done now and hanging over the spare room door , I will strip both beds tomorrow ,
Its been so grey and damp today its dark enough to have the lamps on already ,
Plant how lovely getting to feed the baby lucky lady , be careful doing your stretches if your off balance after xx
Well done to your DS Nanto opens up job for him doesn't it
One of my Nieces has just passed her Personal Licence Holder , this means she can open her own Pub and sell alcohol ,
Not that we thought she would ever do it ,she has been saying for years that's what she wanted but its taken her till she is 52 to do it .