Oma, that’s terrible that you have to wait that long. Is that just for a phone appointment? Vertigo is awful, I’ve suffered off and on for years. Have you tried a travel pill, like Stugeron? Sometimes that helps.
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Nothing worse than a spinning feeling especially if you can't blame it on too much alcohol! hope it improves soon Oma. On the subject of doctors, OH has had a rash since Christmas. GP gave him steroid cream which clears it u temporarily, but it comes back after a few days. It's now spreading, so he phoned surgery this morning. Got through almost immediately and was offered an appointment for Thursday evening. We thought it was for a phone appointment, but then he got a text saying it was at a surgery, 12 miles away at 6.30pm. He's having his ops on Thursday and we don't know if he'll be kept in overnight or not, so he had to phone back and tell them. They said they'd cancel it for him, so I expect we'll be on the phone again on Monday. It is a bit much expecting people to travel that distance especially when there isn't a bus service there. We could get there but couldn't get back! Anyway I shall keep applying the cream and hope someone finds out what's causing the rash!
On a happier note, our offer on a house has been accepted!!! So it's all systems go! We shall be about 20 minutes from Plant, so hopefully w can have a mini meet up in the not too distant future!
Off to watch Masterchef now! Can't stand Greg Wallace, but enjoy the rest of the programme!!Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Mm WG, 20. Mins away, I wonder in which direction?
Oma that sounds dreadful, you need to see a doctor.Last edited by Plantaholic; 24-03-2021, 09:15 AM.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Morning all
WeeGranny thats good news about the offer on your house. Good luck when you move , three weeks on here and we still don't know which way is up. Took me ages to find my sewing box. It was rammed in the Christmas decoration box !
Its strange about OH's rash . Is he taking any meds that is different from any he has had before, a different pain killer for example that he wouldn't necessarily take regularly hence the rash disappearing and then reappearing?
Oma vertigo is horrible, how on earth do you cope with it going on for weeks. I have had it and it's lasted one or two days and that was bad enough but for it to go on for weeks must be very difficult. I think 2 weeks to speak to a dr is terrible. Hope it clears up long before then
We are having terrible trouble with our cat . For the last two years the vet did suggest that she has dementia. It was little things like not being able to remember how to come through the cat flap etc but the last 7 to 8 months its gotten a lot worse.
I know we have just recently moved and I would expect her behaviour to be 'odd ' but on that score she has settled fairly well. Its her behaviour at night which is the biggest problem. She roams around the bungalow making the most awful noises. Sometimes she can't find her litter tray and her food and water . It's so bad I have taken to sleeping on the sofa so that at least OH can get some sleep.
I watched her pace around the sitting room in the early hours of the morning making strange noises its really very sad .
All this has been going on long before we moved
Last November we took her to the vet and she did lots of tests on her, bloods x-ray etc and at the eye watering amount of money it cost us she came to the conclusion that physically she is also healthy cat for her age. She will be 15 in June
The only treatment that they could come up with is some natural treatment which is supposed to help with awareness and balance of her brain. This isn't a cheap option but we went along with it . We haven't a clue if it works as the medication is in powder form which is supposed to be sprinkled on her food which is all well and good but when I do that she refuses to eat
We are at a loss to know what to do for her. She isn't so bad in the day as she sleeps 99% of the time.Bring me sunshine in your smile.
Morning ladies ,
WG fingers crossed all will run smooth with the moving , New chapter to start
Mimi years ago my neighbours cat was the same , They advised her to make a den sort of thing from a cardboard box , confine it to one room and put everything around it so they feel safe and don't need to wander ,
Hers didn't remember if it had been fed and would cry and get so distressed , go into a room and cry unsure where it was ,
One day she noticed it wasn't sure if it should go in a room or not and sat for about a hour putting one paw through the door and taking it out again , that's when she noticed something was odd about it , so sad .
The sun is out Storm is watching next doors cats , he tried to dig in the boarder with his nose but we caught him and told him off so touch wood he knows now
Ironing done and bits I needed to get sorted , B going to put up a new roller blind after lunch in Dinning room , just waiting for the bit to dry where he took old brackets down and gave a lick of emulsion
Have a good day ladies xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning ladies.
Lamb is my favourite meat Nan2.
Great news about the house offer WG!
Elderly pets are very expensive Mimi. We want to do the best for them, so we pay. Cats are good at noticing anything strange on their food aren't they? I had a liquid medicine for one of my cats which she didn't seem to notice hidden in her food - most of the time! Those disturbed night must be hard for youJust a suggestion, I wonder if you left a light on at night she would settle better as it is at night she is doing this? She may be more confused by the dark.
Today we are going got my mum's bungalow to do a few hours work. OH is gradually working through the garage (crammed with stuff) and I am working inside.
A sunny morning so I will get some washing on the line before we go out.
Have a good Wednesday everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Has the vet checked her eyes Mimi, perhaps she is going blind.
Oma, I hope the vertigo isn't too bad today, 2 weeks is a long time before you can even speak to a doctor.
I have to get going early today, appt. at Warfarin clinic this morning, so I will pop back later.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Good morning ladies. I've got quite a lot to catch up on with all your news and comings and goings. I need to sit down with a cuppa later on and enjoy the chats.
Quite tired after yesterday, but we think it was a good day - I'll do an update on DS's thread later.
Take care everyone. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
How are you feeling today Oma.
Plant when she saw the vet in November she said her eyes were in perfect condition but to be fair that was then. This morning I had to pick her up and pop her on the window sill so that she could watch OH in the garden, she can't jump very high now because of arthritis in both her back legs.
I have been busy this morning. I have cleaned the windows and washed the floors. Also I took the filter out from the boiler of the tumble dryer and washed all the built up fluff off it . I not talking about the filter on the door that has to be cleaned after every use, this is the one right at the bottom of my tumble dryer. It has to be cleaned every 30 uses or so.
I used to wash it in the bath but we don't have a bath anymore so I took it outside and gave it a good blast with the hose , I've made a good job of it even if I say so myself, I just have a wait for it to dry!Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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I got a call from the sewing machine shop, my poor locker has had it,s days! He said he could patch it up, but, it would cost a lot and at the end of the day it would still be an old machine , I told him I expected that really, I smelt the engine the last few times I used it. He asked if I wanted to pick it up (I almost said I would) or he would get rid of it for me. I am using the other now so see how that goes, I don’t sew like I used to, I am making denim skirts at the moment as I wear them a lot when it is warmer.