Gem - even though it's a lovely day at the moment, I'm not taking Eva out. Our area will be packed with visitors and the car parks overflowing, and it's no fun for me or Eva when it's like that.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
It's such a shame that visitors stop you getting out where you live Daisy
We will drive about a mile, which is further into the country and near OH's golf club, and find space to walk.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Plant what good news so pleased to here they are home at last xx
Daisy you have to scroll down to read the top ones are removed i think ,
He has several pages the one you want he has a Blue bandana on his head and the headlines are something like Disabled Jewish transgender woman etc ,
Gem you no sooner put those decs away and it will be time to get them out again , seems like that doesnt it
Nanto our snow is gone and we have bright skies ,
Done my ironing and what housework needed doing then had a shower ,
not a good night with my shoulder its starting to hurt again , im not sure if its the cold weather but I can't get settled in bed
DD calling in with some carrots today I ordered all my veg but forgot those ,
I cant say im a great fan of carrots unless they are raw but B likes them ,
GS called yesterday he stood on the drive but i made him come indoors it was freezing , he only stayed about 15 minutes but it was better than nothing and he sat as far away from us as he could .
I sent him home with a bag of goodies , a large Ginger cake for SIL a tin of Heros for him Chocolates for DD
Im trying to get rid of all the junk from Christmas , someone has to eat it
Late up again, lovely sunshine. DD has just come through, still in her dressing gown, wanting a plaster. They (I mean they) had given H a bath (her first one) and the plaster covering where they did the lumber puncture had come off. Not sure what sort of night they had, her daddy has taken over her care as GD still has stitches which are painful when she moves around. GD is also having to inject herself with Fragmin. I think the midwife is calling in today.
That is a very good excuse not to do any housework Daisy. Keep your house well ventilated whilst the plumbers are working. I ought to do some baking too.
Enjoy your walk Gemini, I intend to poke my nose out today.
Will pop back later, must go and get dressed.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant i wanted to hug him close but he was being the sensible one and not letting me , he said I can have all the hugs I want off him once we are vaccinated
Good morning dear ladies
It feels very cold, but I am looking at beautiful pink and blue sky from my bedroom window at the moment.
Mmm, we like full English for dinner sometimes Nan2.
Plant, I hope GD and baby are well.
We had a lovely long walk on the common yesterday. I will write on the pandemic dairy thread.
This morning we are going to my mum's house to switch on the garage freezer. DD1 and SIL want to put some food in there before moving it to their new house later this week. Mammogram this afternoon, quiz this evening. I am the quizmaster and prepared the questions a few days ago.
Keep warm and safe everyone. Have a good week.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning, Nanto and all who call by later. What a lovely sunrise in your graphic. Ours is nice as well this morning.
Plant - our boiler is in the garage, so mostly they'll be in there, but I'm a fresh air fiend anyway - all the windows will be wide open.
We're going to have Cooper over today for a play date. He's missing seeing other dogs and is restless when the girls are online and doing schoolwork, so it will give him and Eva a break. I'll be back later.
Edit: Our posts crossed, Gem. Glad you enjoyed your walk yesterday. Hope your mammogram goes well. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning ladies ,
Its grey and damp here but not as cold .
Nanto I do like a full English sometimes , its good comfort food no matter what time of day , enjoy it
Gem will be thinking of you today , relax you will be fine xx
DD has another lump seen Dr again and he thinks its the same as the last 3 , wish they would just remove that gland and be done with .
Daisy im sure they will tire each other out , we having Storm tomorrow
DD took Storm back to Day care last week he hasn't been as she has been working from home ,
They have a new lad working for them and Storm just doesn't like him and sat in a corner watching him all morning so the owner phoned DD and she went to pick him up ,
He was fine with the others but this man he didn't trust , when DD went to pick him up this man came to talk to DD and Storms hackles went up and he growled ,
He never growls , so he wont be going back , we cant have him unhappy ,
Its such a shame as he loved going .
She is going to look at one near us see how he reacts there , its mostly so he can interact with other dogs really .
Plant how are the new family ? is Baby ok how is GD feeling ? when you think about it she has gone through a lot its a shock to the system she may take a while to settle again , once her wound heels and she isnt in so much pain she will be better for it and feel more human bless her xx
Hope all our ladies are well .
New tap coming today for kitchen sink , ours keeps leaking and B has changed the washer several times so its easier to buy a new one
Have a good day ladies xx
Oma, it's a worry to have a lump even when you have had one before and they reassure you it is is the same. This happened to DD1 twice and I know it's a worry until you are told all is well. I'm sure it will be for your DD this time xx
That's shame about Storm and daycare. I wonder why he didn't like that man? I hope he likes the other place.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Oma, when I had a dog I used to take him to a very good kennel near here, they even had a living room with settees etc! He used to love going and was no bother at all, they still do it, well his family run it now, more day care now I understand. Dogs have to trust people. The same as we do!!!
Daisy, enjoy your day with Cooper.
A good idea Gem to use your mums freezer!
My eye still isn't right so I have an appointment with the doctor this afternoon.
I got a "strange" message from a neighbour on the 3rd floor yesterday, was I cooking with onions and garlic as she could smell it in her bedroom. I went down to see her, she said it wasn't necessary but I was there by that time, we have a very good ventilation system so hardly any odours anywhere, if it had been here she would have had the smell in the kitchen not the bedroom, I told her it is most probably her next door neighbour that has blocked the ventilation, then if she is cooking the odour creeps anywhere. In fact, there is not much you can do about it.