Admin. Thank you for the lovely ecard. made me smile.
We went to Wakefield shopping today. I enjoyed it.
Had coffee when we got there, and people watched.
After the shopping was dome,we went to our favourite cafe for dinner.
Then, into Sainsburys for the supermarket stuff.
Dropped some shopping off for mam and dad on our way home.
All shopping at both homes put away.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
We have had a lazy day. A late start. I didn't have a good night so was glad to sleep until nearly 9. We got up just before 11.
We have caught up with some TV and played Scrabble. I had long relaxing bath this afternoon with my Kindle.
Now to update Monday's Tesco order.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Card was a lovely thought thank you xxx
We havent really done much today ,
Went to Dunelm then had lunch ,
DD GS1 and Storm came for a couple of hours , then i had a Nana nap
When i woke up i cleaned my glass coffee and side tables then ironed what i had washed and dried, also ironed fresh bedding
Havent done anything since just pottered on here did a few crosswords in my Puzzle book and watched a bit TV
Its just never been light all day its dark wet and generally miserable
Gem you must have needed the lie in and rest , sometimes it catches up on you and you need a day of doing nothing , enjoy the rest of the evening relaxing .
Good morning ladies.
Nothing planned as such, as this was the day we were having DD2 and family over for lunch.
It's dull and wet underfoot but not raining. I think we will got for a walk. I think lack of fresh air and exercise is affecting my sleep, so I need to get out!
Take care everyone and enjoy your Sunday.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Thank you for the pretty e- card .Very kind and thoughtful.
We have been lucky with the weather for the last few days as on Wednesday the long awaited builders made a start on my new roof. Touchwood and fingers crossed it will be fine for a couple more days so hopefully they can finish on Monday.Its a big job as we had a large double storey extension years ago which doubled the size of the roof. It’s been very noisy so I will buy a small thank you gift for my neighbour for enduring the noise as well. I have got through a box of tea bags and a bag of sugar. I had to buy extra as I barely use any sugar myself. We have to keep the workmen happy. 😀One of the men spotted some large cuddly toys in the loft and I said he could have them for his children. He said they will love them.
Must press on now but not sure with what yet.😀 Have a good day.
Clover, they sound like good workmen, hope the weather holds for them to finish it.
Not planning anything today, definitely no housework. DD and Sil are in Cornwall for a week, at least I have the company of the shed dwellers. Dil came and had a sandwich lunch with me yesterday and a chat. When she comes here she will sit but when I go to their house she doesn't sit still for long. So pleased we get on, she is very kind to me.
What a shame about your frame Oma, hope you find another one.
Gemini, shame your meal with DD2 and family had to be cancelled, a day to yourselves. Any news of your mum?
Nanto, I am a good people watcher. Love the summer Graphic, wish it was.
Thinking of the Daisy family as I know we all are.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Exchanged frame so im happy and while there bought a nice half circle rubber door mat for outside front door , mine was looking rather shabby ,
Before we went out i filled a dish with bleach and put all my white dish cloths in to steep , forgot all about them till went to make a cup of tea , they are lovely and white now so put them on a hot wash to get rid of bleach smell
Its that grey damp sort of day but at least its not raining , still too wet to get the leaves up though ,
GS1 just rang , DD & SIL have taken Storm to the beach and GS is hungry so he's making himself something and wanted gravy with it , so i had to talk him through the process of making gravy one step at a time while he made it , he's a devil for thick home made gravy , he would have it on everything if allowed , he sent a little video and he did a good job no lumps
Clover always best to keep the workmen happy , once the roof is on it should outlive you
Anyone mind if I ask about Daisy? I don’t know if I have missed something or if it’s been posted where I can’t see. If so that’s ok. Just passing on good wishes to her and family.