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Good morning everyone.
Nan2, I wish I was in your picture!
I hope Plant's GD and the baby go home today.
Oma, did you have a better night?
It's the weekend again, in case you didn't know! I rarely know what day it is now.
Very wet here. I just saw two runners go by with torches. Now that is either madness or true dedication, running in the dark, cold, and wet!!
Today's plan is getting all the Christmas stuff up into the loft.
Have a good day all, stay safe.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning, I do hope the young family can be home today Plant. I was just talking to a friend at the Lidl and he has become a grandfather for the first time this week. I met him at the Lidl, we had to wait to get in as we were too early,
with chatting to him I had placed my bike keys on top of the bike bags and left them there! I realised this whilst waiting to check out so left everything and quickly went outside. Luckily it was still dark and they were still there, I went in and apologised to the young bloke behind me that had to wait, he said " luckily it is still early", I told him even the bike thieves can be early, he agreed with me. They even stole the 3 wheeler belonging to an invalid from the station yesterday.
DS2 and partner are eating here, so the red cabbage is cooked and the stew in the slow cooker. I still need to shower though.
Yes, Gem, I agree with you about the runners, do they do it whilst it is still not busy on the roads?
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Good morning ladies ,
It was a very hard frost during the night , still there when I went up to bed at 5 , by time i got up at 7.30 the rain had washed it all away and we even have a glimpse of sun shine
Beds stripped and in the washer and we have turned the new mattress , they recommend every month .
I didn't feel like getting dressed this morning but I never lounge around in my night clothes unless im really unwell
So a very quick shower and dressed ready for another long day ahead
Plant hope GD gets home today ,
Gem that's dedication running in the dark and cold
Lizzie you were lucky it was early , these days people will steal the shoes off your feet if you stay still long enough
Nanto buy yourself a treat when your shopping , after the week you have had with MIL you deserve one , hope she is less sore today xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning everyone. It's pouring with rain here, dull, dark and totally uninspiring.
Nanto - I didn't see you taking that photo of my morning OJ when I was sitting on the balcony enjoying the morning sun. Delusional, aren't I!Oma's right - you should buy yourself a nice treat today when you're shopping.
Oma - oh dear, another sleepless night. Try and get a nap later. The days are much shorter when you get up late!
Lizzie - thank goodness you remembered your bike keys when you did. Enjoy your time with DS2 and his partner. I bet dinner smells wonderful.
Plant - I hope mum and baby have had a good night - fingers crossed they will be home today. xx
Gem - a lot of people run with head torches and hand held torches here. I was dazzled by one in the Forest a few days ago when I was walking Eva. He was at least on a proper path, but it was so bright I couldn't see whether it was a cyclist or a runner. They're a nuisance on our narrow unlit roads - sometimes it's hard to tell which side of the road they're on, and sometimes they just veer across the road without warning. I'm glad they're getting their exercise, but I'm sure someone will get hurt one day.
We need to do bedding today. It's such a chore, isn't it.
Take care everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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We woke to a scattering of snow, a strong wind and freezing temperatures! I put a coat over my dressing gown when I went in the garden with Bella first thing. It wasn’t pleasant out there. Will wrap up when we venture out for a walk. I’m waiting for one of the chickens to lay an egg I need one more for my cake! I don’t think they’re in a hurry to lay this morning. Log burner is alight and cosy. Hopefully the weather will make more people stY home this weekend. Last weekend we had a lot of walkers come here. I don’t know what happened to “stay local, in your village or town”.Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
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Avo, I heard snow was expected in the south of the country. I hope you get the egg!
Daisy I hate doing bedding. Luckily we have just done ours
We have just had our weekend treat of croissants with jam for breakfast. We were remarking how much we miss those spring and summer outdoor breakfasts. Enjoying the flowers, watching the birds, next doors cat coming for his second breakfast! Roll on spring.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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We have snow! Who ordered it. The sky still looks full of it although I think it might turn to rain. No plans today apart from hoping to have GD home with baby. I am close to finishing my latest knitting project so might get on with that. I actually had a go on my sewing machine yesterday and made GGD a bag.
Oma, I wish I could turn my mattress, I can swivel it around but that takes some effort and I get pinned against the radiator so have to climb over, a video should be made of it. Hope you manage a nap later after another bad night.
Lizzie, thank goodness you remembered the keys, I am sure the other shopper understood.
I notice that my GGD's partner's car had gone from the drive, I do hope he has gone to fetch GD and baby.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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