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Good morning Nan2, and all who wander by
Nan2, cute graphic. Enjoy the fish and chips.
Our hairdresser is coming today. As the official start date is tomorrow we will be having it done outside unless it is pouring down. She has all the PPE.
No other plans as ar fas I am aware. I will phone my auntie to see if we can arrange a visit next week.
Have a good day ladies.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning Nanto, Gem, Bambi and all who follow.
Fish and chips - yum, I just fancy sitting on the sea wall with them while we watch the world go by.
Gem - I'm now thoroughly confused on what is allowed and what isn't - but I'm glad you'll get your visit from the hairdresser. She sounds very well-organised with PPE etc. I do hope your auntie is ok - she'll look forward to seeing you. Are you any closer to being able to see your mum under the new 'rules'?
We're expecting a parcel sometime today - a new umbrella for the garden. Ours broke last week and OH did a temporary repair but we both feel it's not safe anymore, so we've ordered a new one. The only other thing on the agenda is a trip up to another part of the Forest. Our lovely dog trainer is offering group walks in the Forest starting on Monday evening, and I want to make sure I know where we're due to meet. It's also a chance to try out the car's sat nav. I've had the car a year and never used it because I've not needed to, so it's about time I started! We'll take Eva for a walk while we're there.
I might (but only might) run the sucky up thing round as well.
Enjoy your day everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
I should forget the sucky thing Daisy, enjoy your lovely surroundings instead if it stays fine.
My hairdresser is coming on Tuesday, can't wait.
Hope the inlaws are well Nanto. Enjoy your fish and chips.
I have finished knitting the latest sort of cardigan come wrap and I need to press it today and sew it together. GD1 has presented me with 2 airs of summer trousers to turn up. that will keep me busy.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Morning ladies it's still raining and really dreary
I managed to get a appointment for 4th August to get my hair cut .
A busy morning I didn't get up till 7.30 I had a restless night and I knew my Asda Delivery was due between 8-9 so I just had a wash and brush up this morning no shower with running late . Just got dressed and about to dry my hair when DD and GS1 turned up with Storm she brought a few things from Aldi that Asda didn't have they were out walking Storm so brought them early .
Made them a coffee still with towel around my wet hair when Asda turned up , at least I was dressed
GS carried the bags in for me and I just put the frozen stuff away and left the rest in bags .
They went home and I have quickly unpacked the bags run the hoover around and cleaned my glass coffee table again as Storm shook his wet coat all over it
I'm having 5 minutes and then going to make some sultana and cherry muffins , I've been craving them all week .
GS 2 is 12 today doesn't time fly .
Oh and I fell out of bed last night , I was dreaming someone was turning my bed over and I was hanging on , next thing I knew I was on the floor and B was trying to haul me back into bed 🤣😃Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Daisy from tomorrow hairdressers can work in salons or clients homes, with rules in place, so ours was coming a day early. She has all the PPE and has had a covid test, which they must have to work now. All very safe, and we kept the kitchen door open. She wouldn't have a coffee as she said that's not allowed at the moment. OH had her highlights done so looks all glamorous!
Lizzie, that is so sad.
OMG Oma!! I would hate to fall out of bed
Plant, they keep giving you these fun jobs don't they?!
I was just looking through the Avon catalogue, and one of the models looks just like Sunshine's GD!
We have decided to stay at home today. OH wants golf balls from American Golf, but we have to go out to collect the Sainsbury's order tomorrow morning so will get those at the same time.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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A belated thank you for the card and best wishes for my birthday! I had an interesting day to say the least, but probably best put on YEO rather than here! ( it may not be today though!).
Funny old day here. Showers and sunshine and quite a strong wind. Had my Waitrose delivery and wiped it all down, but before I could put it away my DN rang to bring me up to date with all the goings on in her life. Eventually got shopping away and am now going to sort out some old wool for the little girl round the corner who's into making pompoms!
Home made fish ( well Waitrose made) and chips ( definitely home made) for tean tonight and probably a slice of my birthday cake. Can't not eat birthday cake can you?
Enjoy your evening ladies whatever it brings.xxBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Evening All.
Gs1’s 11th birthday today, so I was on cake making duty. He chose a jam sponge which was handy as that and a fruit cake are the only cakes I have ever made successfully. As I type I have an Allbran cake in the oven, a recipe from my new Mary Berry book. This has been renamed the ‘go faster’ cake as I thought it a good idea to chop up some dried fruit that needed using, namely figs and prunes! I really didn’t think it through did I?! 🙄😳
I went to the dentist last week and the hygienist today. Her first day back.
They both had full PPE on and reception was very well organised. I was very surprised to hear they were working though.
The nice thing about that was I got to drive OH’s car while he took my old bus for it’s MOT. His is a Honda, the same, but with all mod cons. The most modern thing about mine are the indicators! No point in spending money on another now though, When it falls to bits we can share. I’ve only had it 14 years!
Glad to hear you are at the sewing up stage with your knitting Plant. Still plodding on here. 😬
Have a restful night all.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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