Thinking of Enfys. Clover, we have the wind today, very windy here at the moment It would be blustery walking along the seafront. A lovley thought of them to rent a house nearby.
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Clover - how lovely that at long, long last you can be with your DD and family for real. It will do you the world of good after so many months of heartache and sadness.
I bet the walk at the Mumbles was bracing to say the least.I hope it stays fine for you today - I'm sure you and Luna (?) will have a lovely time. My GS1 will go in the sea no matter how cold - brave boys.
My DS1 had a better day yesterday and I haven't heard from them yet, so no news tends to be good. We're still waiting for a firm date for his angiogram.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning everyone.
Along with the rest, my thoughts are with dear Enfys and family today.
Four hours in the corridor WG! I hope the takeaway helped you both recuperate.
Six months seems a long wait Avo.
Clover, I'm so happy that you can spend some time with your family. I'm sure you all need be together.
Daisy, I'm glad all is well with DS at the moment long may it continue.
This afternoon GD and I go alpaca walking! It was her 10th birthday present. We wanted to go after we came back from Florida. Then of course Florida didn't happen and the alapacas went into lockdown with the rest of us!
She reopened the walks and I booked us in. Alapaca walking is a naturally socially distancing activity anyway, due the the length of an alpaca, and them not wanting to be too close to each other anyway! OH is coming along and driving us there, but not coming on the walk. I have offered to pay for her as an extra walker, but as she and I have done this together before, she says she will just wait and read or may go for walk or drive somewhere else.
We are meeting DD, GD and GS2 for lunch in the village (Our first tine back in any of the village cafes) Then we will take GD, and DD will drop GS at his Grans for the afternoon. We'll probably make out we are going somewhere really boring! He loves animals and would love to come if he knew. The voucher is actually for an adult and up to 2 children, but the youngest age is 8.
Have a good day, take care.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Thinking of Enfys and her family today.
Clover, how lovely for you to have a visit from your family, it will lift your spirits and leave some memories. Hope GS enjoys his swim.
Sunshine here this morning, hope it lasts. GD2 birthday today, they are in Cornwal so celebrating with a trip to the Minack to see Educating Rita. Hope they don't get blown away.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Enfys is in my thoughts too.
Still blowing like Billyo here, and I may be taking a chance as I have 3 loads of washing on the line, but I couldn’t fit anymore dirties in the washing basket. I just hope I don’t have to go to the neighbours to retrieve any.😬 DD2 and boys are coming for the day tomorrow so I aim to be super organised.
Best foot forward then...Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Grauntie - I'm sure your aim to be super organised is better than mine. the intentions are there, but I never quite make it all happen!
Gem - I hope you and GD have a fantastic walk with your furry friends - it's a lovely thing to do. I'm sure you will all enjoy lunch in the village.
The wind has dropped considerably here and I've just been out in the garden trying to retrieve plants knocked about by yesterday's wind. The sun was really warm, so quite pleasant. I don't suppose we'll get back those searing temperatures of the recent heatwave, but most people are probably glad about that!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
It is still blowing a gale here, I did go to the village market (3 stalls) on my bike this morning, had to hold on though! Quite a few trees and branches down along the way. This afternoon I have actually walked to the village without getting pain in the lower back to the physio is helping. My leg is still giving me bother in the night and I do wonder it is with not walking etc, so, I have bought a mechanical tread mill, just walking speed, it will be handy on the days I can't get out to walk. I am going to pick it up in the morning, I do hope it fits in the car otherwise DS2 will go for it for me, it isn't far.
My neighbours holiday to the Canary Islands was cancelled 24 hours before their flight, they had cases packed etc. The daughter isn't very pleased at all, she said she would book for Portugal so her father told her she can do that but not for them! He did right. I was just talking to him and they haven't heard from her since. Very stroppy for nothing.
Wind has calmed down, just had a very light shower,but the sun is out again.
Went to the CO-OP this morning,to send a package by Hermes.
Just ordered some perfume off Amazon. One of the presents for eldest GD next month.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
It’s still dull here but so stuffy , waited for call from Nurse about results of my Diabetes , everything stable so no change in meds , Mentioned I will be speaking to her tomorrow about my arm thinking she might sort that out while she was on but no have to speak with her tomorrow as only has so much time with each phone call , madness isn’t it ,
We went down the road to Iceland warehouse after that,
it was busy but not so busy that you had to avoid people .
GM do you think you will be super organised or is that wishful thinking
Lizzie some people take a strop over the silliest things don’t they , your neighbours obviously don’t want or need the hassle .
Gem hope the rain held off and T enjoys the Alpaca walk
Plant has GDs tummy settled ?
Daisy how does Eva cope with the wind ? Storm hates the rain and if the wind blows his ears he doesn’t like that .
Clover how lovely raising a glass to G he was such a gentle Gentleman I’m so pleased several of us got to meet him xx
Nanto always a birthday isn’t there , we will never be rich with GC
Wonder if the funeral is over B and myself were thinking about them all this afternoon , B said this is the hardest part saying goodbye.
Im not fat just 6ft too small
GD was fine the next day thank you Oma.
At last JL picked up my old television, it was due to be picked up then lockdown happened. The latest wind has brought down apples and pears and the poor Victoria plum has lost 50% of its branches. I put some plums at the end of the track hoping someone would like them, I must go and see if they have gone.
Clover, having the family there must be lovely, would you consider having a dog yourself?
Enfys and her family have been in my thoughts today.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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