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Good morning, Nanto and all who follow. And 'good morning' to your cute blue bird.
We're still in Christmas mode, with New Year's Eve to round it all off tomorrow. Shopping this morning - an exciting trip to the supermarket.
Nana and Oma - you were both up late last night - I hope you eventually got some sleep. I woke up thinking about Glamm, Clover and Enfys. As you say, Nana, life can be so cruel at times.
Back later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning ladies.
My thoughts are with everyone struggling in some way at the moment, Particularly Glamma, Clover and Enfys.
I hope that poor lady feels a little better today Plant. I think her family underestimate the effects of a fall on someone of that age!
My shepherds pie was much appreciated last night
This morning OH and the friend we co-own the rented house with are down there replacing loose floor boards.
This afternoon we are going to see a Nissan Micra, my preferred car. It has everything I want, and is at the top end of our price limit. OH will try to beat them down by a couple of hundred! We have £1500 from the insurance company for my written off car, and my mum has promised to help me. I have no idea how much she is thinking of, but anything will help.
It's in Holmfirth. As the work at the house has been arranged with the tenants for a while, we cant change that, so we have an appointment to see the car at 3. On the way back we will call in at my mums. I phoned her for a chat yesterday and she was fine and understands that I cant come as easily to see her as usual having no transport of my own at the moment.
If this is the car for me we will probably go for it on Friday. I will report back!
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning. Had a better night, thank you all.
Must do some shopping this morning, we don’t need much but are running out of bread and milk so a little trip to Tesco’s for us.
Had a better day yesterday, we both kept busy, I think that is the answer. P managed to sort out his boxes of bits and bibs so now has a collection to go to his camera club, some to donate to a local organisation who refurbs computers etc and some he wants to keep, so a good day for him. Otherwise not much going on here so I’m making the effort to sort out the spare room where I keep all my crafting, knitting stuff etc. I need to have a project where I can use up some of my wool so feel a new blanket coming on 🙂
Have a good day everyone 🌞
Daisy, have sent you a pm.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Morning ladies ,
Been out to shop for new years day when we have a open house ,
We used to cook everything but don't have the energy these days so a lot bought in instead ,
Still make pies and Curry's though .
Enfys pleased you had a good night and feeling better , one day at a time lv xx
Gem I d hope you get the car I will keep my fingers crossed , B said tell S to haggle hard
Nanto hope you find in laws well today xx
Daisy its exciting shoppinghahaha
Hope Clover gets some help today she really needs it ,
not a good time for Glamm either poor woman
Plant how are you today how is the poorly lady ? did they get her downstairs yesterday xx
. Going to get some boxes down today and pack a few decs away , the ones on my coffee table etc as I have to move the coffee table and side tables into the shed when everyone is here or we have no room .Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning ladies.
I have been busy this morning.
I’ve cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, washed the floors and tidied up the spare room .I’ve had to sit down with a cup of coffee to get over the shock of it all !
Yesterday I did a bit of online shopping at Debenhams with the gift cards I had for Christmas. To make room in my wardrobe I had a good blitz with clothes I no longer wear and they have gone into a bag to take to the charity shop in the new year. Along with my clothes I put in some baby/toddler books that belonged to our eldest GS and was then handed down to each GC and now that the youngest is too old for them , sadly, they are no longer required.
Enfys good to hear you had a better night. As you say , keeping busy helps .
Plant how is SIL’s mother
I hope Glamma and Clover are having a better day today. In fact I hope any of our ladies are that are going through a tough time are finding things a little better today.
Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Mam feeling better today.Dad says he'll never be better.
Off to do the pies now for the freezer.
Feeling hungry,but we did have our breakfast early.
Gem, hope the car is suitable and you get it for a good price.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Nan2 I made mac' cheese in the slow cooker & put it in the freezer just before Christmas. I served it up & it was awful. OH ended up going to KFC for food for everyone. Can't say I'm a fan of that either😉 but it was better than the alternative. Have you ever made it in the slow cooker? When you have the time or inclination, could you pop the recipé up for me please? The texture was awful & although it had lots of cheese in you could hardly taste it. I won't say what my GS likened it to.😂
Hope everyone's ok & thinking about those who aren't.xx
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
I think Nanto is the slow cooker Queen Nana
I hope the car is right for you Gemini and you get it for a good price, it will be good if your mother gives you something towards it.
Keep wondering how Clover is, I do hope she is getting some support.
Haven't heard any news of Sil's mother, one of her GD's, partner and baby are visiting her today, she will enjoy that
Enfys, pleased to hear you both had a better day yesterday.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Nana, i've never made mac' cheese as we don't like it.
We don't like pasta of any description.
There are recipes in google for mac' cheese done in the slow cooker.
Weather today has been sunny and mild.
Apparently it's going to be the warmest New Year on record.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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I know I'm no culinary queen, but I can't work out how you'd do Mac'n Cheese in the slow cooker. Don't you end up with very soggy Mac? from Puzzled of GRU!
Gem - how did the car shopping go. It was too late to say when you're haggling be prepared to walk away - they should be keen to sell to get extra sales in by the end of the month/year.
Nanto - Your FIL's comment reminds of a lovely old lady we were friendly with when we lived in Wales. She often used to say "Some people like to take their pleasures sadly."
Mimi - have you met yourself coming back yet? Another busy bee.
Oma - it sounds as though New Year will start with a bang in your house.
I'm off for an early night - I've done loads of housework (much needed) and I certainly won't get an early night tomorrow!
Night, night everyone. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Well we bought the car. It's not easy to haggle with a good quality automatic Nissan Micra. They hold their value well and sell quickly. OH managed to get a small amount knocked off, plus the £125 tax thrown in. There's a tiny dent on one door and the last owner has had a small scrape painted on the front corner but not very well. OH noticed these straight away and they will be put right. We will get it at the end of next week.
My mum did give me some cash, but I have to say I was very disappointed but had to say thank you anyway. She could afford a lot more and gave me more towards my last car 8 years ago, which cost half what this cost.
Oh well, every little helps I suppose. We will manage.
I had never been to Holmfirth, of Last of The Sumner Wine fame before. There is some very lovely scenery around there.
Macaroni cheese in the slow cooker does not sound appealing!
Goodnight everyone 🌙
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I once cooked porridge in the slow cooker over night thinking it would save me time in the mornings.
The family wasn’t very impressed when I asked them how many slices of porridge did they want !
And with that little thought I will bid you all a good night and sleep well.Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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You're all right about pasta in the slow cooker. Served like one big slop. A recipé I won't repeat.
Pleased to hear you got your car Gem. Odds on if you gave your Mum £4 in change & asked her to give you £2.75 she wouldn't be able to do it. I may be wrong but it might account for her contribution or lack of. Monetary value gets lost somewhere along the way.
Hope our troubled Grans are ok.x"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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