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    Yes, it's really good to hear that you can see a light at the end of the tunnel Oma. What a terrible time you're going through. Mind you I don't iron bedding when I'm not poorly, never mind when I am.

    Plant I'm pleased you're enjoying your break. You're certainly an active lady.
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      Good morning, need to get back into catching up, I can have very dark days, or weeks sometimes and I am just crawling out of it!!! Too much to catch up on but I do hope all those with pain soon improve.

      I had GD1 here yesterday, it is part of our agreement, she wanted Spotify, I said I would pay it for her, if, she came once a month to help me with what I can't? do, she agreed so comes and helps me, last time we sorted the terrace out for the winter months, this time was more enjoyable, making a Christmas cake, she loved doing that!!! I make one every year for friends. GD1 is so tall, she will be 14 years old in a fortnight and is already 6 ft!!!! Very handy for reaching high in the cupboards etc. I told her she is gaining in height what I have lost.

      Today I am going with DS1 and GD2 to an open air fishing museum, should be nice but rain is forecast!!! We shall see how it goes. GD2 is taking a friend with her. I will make a start and shower etc. Sorry for not responding to messages, I am here, do read them, forget to do the posting!!!


        Good morning all. I hope I find you all in good health.
        Oma, are ou feeling more comfortable today.
        Enfys, how is P.

        Nana like you I never iron bedding, in fact I iron as little as possible !

        Lizzie48 I used to make my own Christmas cake and Christmas pudding every year without fail. That was when our three children were still living at home but now they have flown the nest and all that’s left is OH, me and the cat .
        Also we haven’t spent
        Christmas day at home now for 6years so there seems little point in doing it.

        We don’t have a lot planned for today , we will just potter about and see what we decide as the day goes along.

        Enjoy Sunday ladies, whatever you have planned
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          We were hoping to get the grass cut today,but its raining. Doesn't feel cold though.
          Plenty of other jobs to do.

          Lizzie,i still make Christmas cakes. Both sons like it,so i make them 1 each a couple for us, and just a small one for in laws.
          I don,t decorate them. We like it with cheese on.I always make them in loaf tins.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning everyone.
            And a dark wet and dismal one is is where I am. Lucky Plant and Qwerty in sunnier spots!
            Lizzie, I wondered how you were doing, I know you have your darker times. Don't worry about responding to everything, It's not required
            That sounds a lovely day with your GD. 6 feet tall and not yet 14!!!
            I doubt there will be much grass cutting for a while Nan2. Its so soggy.
            Mimi, I quite like unplanned Sundays like yours.

            My gorgeous granddaughter will be 10 on Tuesday. Today is the family celebration of her birthday, so we are going over there late afternoon. She and her dad have karate first.

            Have a good Sunday, wherever you are and whatever you have planned.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning ladies , very dark and wet hear in The North ,

              Lizzie I saw the photos on FB she looks a beautiful girl and yes very tall

              Mimi I don't make them now either , only me eats it now FIL isn't around he loved my Christmas cakes I even made them during the year for him

              Nana nice to see you posting

              Nanto don't think the grass cutting will get done today it looks as though its set in for the day this rain xx

              Im not feeling too ad this morning , just taken first pain killers since 10 last night , its still painful butt getting easier ,

              Have to go to Bon Marche this morning I ordered a summer dress that was in the sale to be delivered to the shop not paying for delivery when the shop is 4 minutes away ,
              I already have this dress in a green and a lime yellow this one is turquoise , full price was £34 sale price £20 that's good with me ,
              I may as well buy some new trousers while im there , I have about 8 pair of Black trousers but when I was ironing yesterday I noticed about 3 pair are starting to look a bit tatty so they went I the bin .

              Hope everyone is doing ok today xxx

              Gem our posts crossed , hope she has a lovely day and enjoys all her gifts xxx

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                It's a slow road Oma, but your dentist said it would take a few days didn't she? Keep taking it easy and let your body heal and the antibiotics work
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Oma that dress sounds like the one I fell in love with and bought at full price!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Mimi, I don't make C cake for myself, the last time I did I decorated it with nuts and it was a succes, but, don't bother, we are going away for a weekend at the end of this month and I will make 2 fruit cakes to take with us.

                    Nanto 2, they don't have C cakes here, friends used to buy them at Marks and Spencers but that closed, I said I would make them one, that was a few years ago and as GD1 says, " it is a tradition".

                    Gem, I compare myself to a game of snakes and ladders! Get almost to the top, then, slither down the long snake!!!!! Enjoy the birthday party.

                    Oma, yes, GD1 is tall, seems to have grown so much in the last year. She always was tall for her age. My GS1 is 6ft 5 ins and DIL is tall so knew she would be tall, GD2 isn't as tall. Hope your mouth is soon healed, DS2 had something done on his teeth a few weeks ago, by a specialist in the hospital, he isn't one for pain and was dreading having it done and didn't realise it was going to be painful for a fortnight!!!! It did heal and no bother now.

                    Must go, DS1 is waiting.


                      Good morning.
                      Looks like we’ve got the best of the weather here in Wales,according to the forecast anyway.It’s lovely and sunny at the moment .Tidying up in the garden is on the agenda

                      Oma I’m pleased your mouth is improving

                      Lizzie I know what you mean about snakes and ladders My ladder usually depends on how OH is. Sometimes I slip off the bottom of the board

                      ​​​​​​​Everyone have as good a day as possible x


                        Gem this is it reduced to £24 but I also used a discount code so got it for £20
                        You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                        This gallery has 1 photos.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning everyone.

                          We're finally back at home. We finished sorting out my cousin's house late yesterday afternoon and by the time we'd driven home and collected Eva from DS2's it was 11.30. I'll write more about it later in my Journal, but for now, the relief of getting the house sorted out is immense, and also a little sad.

                          We're blessed with a bright sunny morning here, and I hope it stays that way as I have about 10 loads of washing to do, but can't start until OH gets the cases out of the car and OH is still asleep. I don't want to wake him - he's done a lot of heavy lifting etc these last few days as well as all the driving.

                          I've only read this morning's posts but I'll gradually catch up with you all. It's nice to be back! xxx

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma it is the same one, Flippin 'eck!!
                            Welcome back Daisy!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Hahaha take it back and order online and look for a discount code we have good taste me and you
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Originally posted by Oma View Post
                                Gem this is it reduced to £24 but I also used a discount code so got it for £20
                                Lovely dress Oma, just the sort I thing I like to wear..... now all you need is some nice sunny, warm weather
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

