Good morning, I can imagine how you feel, that is not much help I know. Sorry, thinking of you!
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Good morning ladies.
Oma, you gadabouts, out again
Thinking of you Enfys, hoping today is a nice one with less worries dominating xx
Lizzie, I know you understand full well how Enfys is feeling.
Nan2, I'm sure the visitors will be very happy with the sandwiches. I would be!
I have invited our friend T over this afternoon and to eat with us and stay the night. I will make shepherds pie with plenty of fresh veg. We have a lot of sweet food for pudding, so I won't buy or make anything. We would have liked to go and see a car we are interested in today but unfortunately the garage isn't open on Sundays. Good job we checked as it is an hours drive away. We will go tomorrow.
A bit of hoovering and dusting to do and a walk to the local Sainsbury's for a couple of things, otherwise an easy day.
Sending good wishes to everyone for a good day.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning from me.
Gem - a shepherd's pie sounds wonderful after all the rich Christmas food. I've got lots of leftovers still in the fridge - I need to give it a clean out. There will probably be lobby (a stew, a bit like Scouse) with loads of veggies that need using up for dinner tonight! Enjoy your easy day.
Nanto - I'm sure the visitors will be delighted with sandwiches - again after all the rich Christmas food a nice fresh sandwich sounds good.
Enfys - You've been doing very well living in the here and now, but inevitably you will look ahead as we move into the New Year. Everything seems a hundred times worse at 3 am. Sending you massive hugs.
Oma - enjoy another day of wild social whirl! xx
Nana - well done - you've survived with sense of humour intact. You do need to rest now though and get your strength back. I hope GS3 enjoyed his picnic birthday party.
Lizzie - did you sample the new coffee corner at the garden centre? It's nice to know the sales are in full swing there as well. I hate the firework season!
I did take Eva out for a walk late last night. Strangely, we didn't see another soul, and got back about 11.15!Today I need to get some washing done andgive the kitchen a really good clean. We've got friends coming for our usual New Year Eve dinner, so will have to shop tomorrow. Getting the house sorted out today will make it easier! I only have to do the main course - friends bring everything else.
Wondering how Glam is.
I think Clover was due to go to her DD's about now? I hope all is going to plan, Clover.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning all.
Enfys the early hours of the morning lying awake is when your defensive’s are at their lowest , it’s so hard to see how you are going to get through the next hour let alone the whole day.
I firmly believe it’s our way of coping when going through enormous stress which you and P are bound to be feeling. Trying to look on the positive, cheerful side 24 hours a day is extremely hard and indeed impossible, whatsoever anyone is dealing with.
Personally, when I had to care for dad when he was so unwell was so hard . Some times I would lie awake at night , crying and wondering how on earth I would get through the next day but I did. I some how found the strength to be cheerful when I was with him
I know it’s so much harder for you and P but remember we are here for you
Sending you lots of hugs x
Anyone taken their decs down yet ? OH asked me this morning when are they coming down which is unusual for him, it’s usually me itching to take them down once we are in the new year.
Not doing a traditional Sunday lunch today, we are having risotto with the left over gammon , I’ve even got some wine to add to it !
Has anyone saved their coffee grounds to use around the house and garden? Do I just put them around my garden plants as they are or do I need to dry them first ?
Have a lovely SundayBring me sunshine in your smile.
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Another very quiet day for me, I have been invited to Sil's sister's house, they are having a family gathering, the idea was that I could meet her lovely GS. I might go and visit Sil's mother instead, she still isn't keen to get up and go downstairs yet, her widowed DD has come for a few days to look after her. The family think she is enjoying the attention now. I have a voucher for a garden centre so might pop there as well. It is now 10.30, if I don't get dressed I will not be going anywhere!
Mmm Shepherds pie does sound good Gemini after all the rich food. Risotto is another favourite of mine Mimi.
Gemini, hope you find a car soon. Pleased your mother was in good humour when you popped in.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Thank you everyone. Things look better in the light of day.
Yes, the tree etc is down! I was up at silly o’clock this morning so did it then, and we have just shoved it back into the loft.
We are also having shepherds pie! Just fancied something basic and normal after all the rich food. Plenty of veg and roast parsnips, P’s favourite.
Whilst I was putting the tree in the loft,we found two big boxes of cables, bits for computer, goodness knows what,P is now sitting sorting through it all. I bet most of it is useless and out of date but will he get rid of it...hmmm, we’ll see.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Enfys , I have spent many a night lying awake crying and being scared for the future , lots of what if scenarios .
Night times are the worst you have all these hours to worry and your mind goes into overdrive .
The slightest cough , sigh or groan and you panic , they get a iffy tummy or a headache and your stomach tightens and your heart flips ,
The light of day and you can relax a little , its a awful situation to be in lv xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Things always seem worse in the dead of night Enfys. Even worse if you're not sleeping well. Can you take something to help you sleep? Tomorrow is another day and hopefully things won't seem so bad.Thinking of you x
Have spent the day doing housework and getting things ready for DD etc arriving for Christmas on Tuesday! She asked if she could come tomorrow as Sil and GS are going to the football, felt awful at saying No, but I just needed an extra day getting myself sorted out after our break. Why do we feel guilty about saying No to our children? Anyway tomorrow is food shopping and I really should get a present for SiL, but I have no idea what!! Don't think he'll be impressed with just the new dog lead I've got them!
Thinking of Clover tonight and hoping she has a more settled night with G. It must be so hard for her.
We're having roast chicken tonight. Had a Chinese take away last night, but didn't really enjoy it. DS managed to get a turkey for our Christmas dinner. Much smaller than last year, thank goodness, but just as tasty! However, there wasn't a sprout to be had so we had cauliflower instead which was just as nice. No sprouts tonight either, none to be had in Sainsbury's. They're either very popular or there's a shortage!
Hope all poorly people and families are soon feeling better. Enjoy this evening whatever you're up to.
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Shepherd's pie seems very popular today! I ended up making a casserole for tomorrow and a stir fry for tonight. The fridge is looking a bit more organised, thank goodness. I'll probably do my favourite go-to beef recipe for New Years Eve, and I've got the meat in the freezer, so I'll only need to shop for fresh veggies and some nibbles.
WeeGranny - It's always hard to say 'no' to anything where our children are concerned, but you need time to unpack, get the washing done and generally get ready for your UK Christmas. You're probably right about the dog lead, but men can be so hard to buy for. What about fingerless gloves - I found these really good for dog walking on cold days. Or something yummy to eat?Fancy Sainsbury's running out of sprouts. If you were next door, I could pop round with a bag of them for you. Maybe the very wet weather has affected the crop.
Nanto - it sounds as though your sandwiches went down very well - literally as well.I bet Mam and Dad were exhausted afterwards.
Enfys - I love roast parsnips, but I'm not great at cooking them myself. It's amazing how computer 'bits' gather in dark corners. My GS1 gets given a lot of broken and outdated computers and peripherals and he strips them back to the components and sells them on that well-known auction site. A nice sitting down job on a dark rainy day for P if he wants to get rid of them. There seems to be a good demand out there.
Plant - how did your day go in the end? I hope your SIL's mother is getting better, and I'm sure having her DD there will help.
Mimi - I don't know about coffee grounds, but if you put them round plants they'll get wet anyway, so I don't suppose you have to dry them. We won't take our decorations down until after New Year's Day.
Clover - I do hope you manage to get some sleep tonight - you can't continue with getting so little. xxx
I got loads of washing done today - where on earth does it all come from!! It's not ironed, of course, but I'll try and get it done tomorrow.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
I went to the garden centre and called on SIL's mother on the way back. Her DD is there looking after her for a few days, she had managed to persuade her mother to have a bath and come downstairs. Her children think she is enjoying the attention but I thought she was very weak and she was still aching from the fall. She is 92 for goodness sake! If she doesn't feel well enough to go to her hairdresser then she must feel poorly.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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It sounds as though everyone's getting back to some form of routine now that Christmas is over. Enfys I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I'm sorry you're so sad. I haven't seen anything from you Clover, about having little sleep. Maybe it's in YEO. Chin up love.
Spent til midday in bed. I was giving myself some TLC as my body feels 'worse for wear'. I then spent the rest of the day til midnight getting all my pictures off my mobile onto my external drive. I'm itching to use my new mobile but wanted to get my fotos off & safe, just in case.
I hope that I can quickly learn how to use the new one. It shouldn't be much different to the one I have. Just a newer model. I hope you're all fast asleep. Sweet dreams."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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I thought you might be love. I'm just catching up with everyone's news. Life can be so cruel & heartbreaking sometimes. Let's hope our love helps across the miles.xx"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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