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    Hope everyone has a good evening xGreetings from Slovakia where it has been a beautiful day! Having left Stansted in pouring rain it was lovely to get here and to blue sky and sunshine. Just spent a lovely evening with DS and now ready for an early night after what seems a very long day. Thinking of you all and hoping everyone has a good evening x
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      Hello WG 😊
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem - I'm glad you had a lovely day with GS despite the weather. Well done on getting most of your presents wrapped. I've started, but I have done a couple of difficult to wrap ones. Your poor car. You were so delighted with it and it's special because it was exactly what you chose. I've usually had whatever car nobody else in the family wanted, and the only cars I've totally chosen for myself were my Picasso and my current one, a Yeti. A car's a car, I know, but I really enjoy driving my current one and would be very sad indeed if I didn't have it. Sending hugs, and good luck with hunting for another one you like just as much.

        Plant - the lady we know well in the chemists wasn't in today. The pharmacist has no sense of humour and didn't even smile!

        Nanto - a good day for you with no dramas. xx

        Oma - you were right - Eva kept out of Cooper's way! He's been like an over-tired toddler all day today - you know when they go from one thing to another aimlessly, the slightest thing puts them off, and they seem to be looking for mischief. Coops had a go at the Christmas tree every time he walked past it - it's in the hall. So in the end we kept him in the living room, dining room and kitchen. He only actually ate a small part of a fir cone (including gold paint and glitter!). But he was asleep on his bed in the shop before I even left the building!

        Needless to say, I didn't get very far with my wreath, but I did cut a load of greenery ready to do it tomorrow. I've put it all in water overnight - is that the right thing to do? I seem to remember flower arrangers talking about 'conditioning' flowers before arranging them, so I wondered if this was the same!

        I also need to almond paste the Christmas cake. I had grand ideas of making my own this year, but gave in to reality and bought some.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Absolutely poured it down all day. It didn't bode well for our Christmas outing to 'Enchanted Brodsworth' with DD2 & her two little ones. Would you believe the downpour stopped 5mins after we got out of the car. Super night ..toast your own marshmallows, hot choc, lights by the hundreds of thousands. A couple of fare rides & burger van etc at the end. The children were so excited & loved every minute. My DD said 'someone is looking out for us' just lately. I agree.
          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

          (Doe Zantamata.)


            Nana sounds a perfect night I love hot chocolate this time of year and I bet the little ones were tired out , someone is certainly looking down on you at the moment

            Daisy I can imagine what cooper was like hahaha, its like sending the grandchildren home isn't it after a naughty day

            Storm never touches the tree but last week he kept poking his face in to it , DD kept telling him off till she found out that a few days before hand they had a Chinese take away and SIL had put prawn crackers in the tree for Storm to find , so of course that's what he was looking for

            SIL has pushed his luck with her this week
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              ADMIN thank you for the Card xxxxxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning!
                I have learned a lesson, never too old too learn so they say. My lesson is do not have bran flakes as an evening snack. I often have cereal in the evenings usually rice crispies or corn flakes. Last night I fancied bran flakes and served myself quite a big bowl. The discomfort and churning in my bowel has kept me awake most of the night. I got a couple of hours but have been awake since before 2.30, and have finally got up.
                I was lying in bed after reading for ages, feeling a bit sad that yesterday was the last run up to Christmas day I will spend with GS2, as he will be in full time school this time next year
                This morning I (volunteeritis again) am helping with the monthly library book sale. The Friends group have agreed to help with these. No one was keen to do this one, so close to Christmas. One lady did volunteer with me, but I have been unable to get in touch with her so I don't know if she will turn up. To be honest I doubt many people will come anyway. We will be serving tea coffee and mince pies as well as the books.
                This afternoon I will take my mum's presents over to her. Both these things need OH to drive me of course.
                OH marzipanned the cake yesterday, so I may ice that later.

                Have a good day ladies, the shortest day, hooray, nights slowly will get lighter
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good morning. Hope you managed to catch up on some sleep Gem.
                  Hope your volunteering goes well.

                  We are going into town shopping,ordinary shopping,not for Christmas.
                  Supermarket shopping on the way home.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning from a wet and windy south coast ☔️

                    Back to normal after our little trip away, still washing to do. Unfortunately, my machine is one of those due for recall from Hotpoint because Of the fault which can cause the door to catch fire. So annoying, I have been in touch with them and apparently I will hear in the New Year ...great. They say don’t use it or only use it on 20 degrees!

                    All prepared for Christmas here, we are going to DD’s and all I have to do is cook a gammon, so an easy time for me.

                    Im off to our family history group meeting this morning. We all take nibbles etc so I have sausage rolls in the oven all ready to go. Should be fun.

                    Good luck with your volunteering Gem, and I was sorry to hear about your car.

                    Clover, how are things with you ....hope a little better x

                    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                      Good morning all you early birds. What a lovely feast of graphics, Nanto and Gem.

                      As Enfys says we're getting the worst of the weather at the moment. The sun has just risen in a fairly clear sky but everywhere is flooded and going out in anything other than wellies is impossible!

                      Enfys enjoy your family history group this morning.

                      We've got one of those washing machines, too. I don't know how they think we can leave all our washing till they get round to sorting things out, or even wash everything on 20! I've decided I won't run a 90 cleaning programme which I do about once a month, and I won't run it when we're not in, but otherwise I'll just keep an eye on it.

                      Gem - I'm sorry you had such an uncomfortable night, but I hope the book sale is worthwhile this morning. I'm sure there will be other things you will do with GS2 when he starts school - as one door closes, etc, etc.

                      Nanto - enjoy your shopping.

                      I've got a very tiny pile of ironing to get out of the way, then we'll decorate the dining room. By lst night OH was feeling a lot better, so I hope he can give me a hand today.

                      Oma - I hope B is ok now as well. Your SIL is certainly living dangerously hiding prawn crackers in the Christmas tree for Storm. I wonder why he thought it was a good idea.

                      Have a good day ladies. xx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Morning ladies ,
                        Gem I sometimes have a bowl of cornflakes on a evening but not Bran flakes they make my tummy growl and windy eating them on a morning , night time and lying down oh my goodness
                        Hope people turn up today make it worth while you volunteering x

                        Daisy B is fine now thank you , SIL thinks doing silly things are funny
                        Hope you get your decs up or it will be over before you do

                        Enfys enjoy your FH group it breaks the day up doing something different doesn't it .xx

                        Nanto good luck with parking in town or do you do park & ride ?

                        DD daughter picking me up at 10 then we meeting her MIL ( friend Dorothy ) in the Metro centre at 10.30 going for brunch then to cinema to see Cats , looking forward to it .
                        Have a good day ladies and all who follow xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Your SIL is certainly pushing his luck Oma, quite funny though. Hope B is still feeling better.

                          Gemini, I hope you get your car sorted soon. Good luck with the book sale. Sad feeling I am sure that this is the last time GS2 will be with you all day, where has that time gone.
                          Many thanks for the E card.

                          Enfys, have an enjoyable time with your family history group, sausage rolls sound good.

                          Nana, what an enjoyable time you had with your DD and family.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Oma, we usually get parked up ok.
                            It's only a 2 minute walk into town from the car park.

                            Thank you for e card admin. Beautiful.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Thank-you for my e card Admin.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Thanks for my card as well!

