WeeGranny - It wasn't as grand as a Scottish steak pie. More of a humble mince and onion pie with shop-bought puff pastry. My Cordon Blue moment was a sprinkling of grated parmesan on the pastry.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning Nan2.
Your lovely graphics and positive attitude cheer me up
Good morning all you other ladies.
Another lovely sunny day, I will wash dressing gowns and sofa throws today.
Today GS2 and I were to have been at the theatre seeing The Room On The Broom. Therefore no plans here.
We may have a drive out and bit of a walk, this lovely weather can't last.
Have a good one, stay well.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Yes, I heard that too Nan2. That's why we want to get out today. Tomorrow will be supermarket in the morning and Mum's in the afternoon, so I want to make the most of today.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Nanto - thank you for the lovely cheery graphic. As Gem, says they do cheer us all up. Don't go too mad on the housework - enjoy the sunshine. I think you're right - the weather will change at the weekend, but this week has been amazing. We had a hard frost last night, but already the sun has banished it.
Gem - yes, get out and enjoy the fresh air while we can. Our washing's piling up but I want to be outside while it's like this. More work on the greenhouse today, then I can start sowing seeds.
I'm trying to pay for my Sainsbury's online order - delivery slot booked for tomorrow, but the checkout has crashed! I hope I don't loose the slot if I can't make the payment. Still in the scheme of things, it's nothing and we won't starve.
I hope everyon is ok and staying safe.
Back later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning lovely ladies .
Beautiful graphic Nanto , made me smile
Gem make the most of today enjoy your walk .
Daisy it looks fine , it's what it tastes like not it's looks . It is tricky keeping the collar on even with egg wash sometimes it slips .
Well had a shower , did the ironing and while I was doing that B decided to hand wash the floors . Came down to lovely clean floors smelling of Dettol , BUT one husband not able to get up again the stupid man
Why he thought he could get down there and back again is a puzzle . He can't walk half the time never mind get on his knees.
He just sat there till I came down then we had to shuffle him into the living room on his Bum to haul himself up on the sofa .
He won't be doing that again anytime soon
Having a rest day today before I decorate the living room tomorrow .
Sorry Oma, I had to have a giggle visualizing you shuffling B to get him up again.
Enjoy this lovely weather everyone, stop the decorating, ironing and cleaning and get outside to soak up some Vit.D
Not sure what a Scottish pie is but it sounds good.
Sil connected up my new television, it is up and running but I now have three controls instead of two and a wire connecting my telephone has come out, so no landline, Sil did't notice that, bless him he is so good to me. DD came in to have a look, carrying a glass of wine for me. The old set is sitting in my sitting room, JL will collect it on Sat, we have to put it in the drive for them. At least my heating is back on.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
So glad you have your family right there Plant, plus TV and heating!. I agree about getting outside. It does us good and we could be cooped up inside for a few days if the weather turns.
We are having an Indian takeaway delivered tonight. When OH got her first monthly pension payments she treated me to a meal out. I can't do that now my turn has come, so I will treat us all to a takeaway instead.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Oma, I had to laugh at that, at least your floors are clean.
Daisy, enjoy being out in the greenhouse sowing the seeds.
Plant, you will have to get used to your new Tv, very complicated at the moment compared to the older ones.
Gem, enjoy the takeaway.
If I have missed anyone, sorry. My doors are finished now so will be sitting down more often.
DS2 just came on his racing bike, he lives in Rotterdam, they found the house of their dreams, then along came the Corona, now they don't think it will go through as they have to sell their houses first.
I just have one window to clean above the door I painted yesterday so will do that now.
I was waiting in the garage for DS2 to arrive, I opened a drawer and found 2 spare gates for easy hanging baskets! I bought them a few years ago in England and only used them once but thought I would do it this year, if we are allowed out for plants that is. I knew I had spare gates and searched everywhere for them, even in that drawer, couldn't find them anywhere then this morning they were just there! Strange.
Daisy, how on earth did you manage to get a home delivery for tomorrow? I've been trying since last weekend and can get neither a delivery not click and collect for at least 3 weeks! And that's with finger poised over button at midnight when supposed new slots are posted!
Beautiful morning here. Going to prepare new border I started yesterday and get new shrubs planted, though that might have to wait until tomorrow.
Enjoy this weather while it lasts ladies any have a good day x
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
WG we have just done our very first online shop with Asda got a slot for next Friday 31st
Never shoped online before so took some time . DD did a lot for us but it's difficult for other people to get exactly what you want .
I will still ask her to get milk etc just the basics . But for now we have decided to do shopping this way . We may not get everything we ordered but giving it a go . So far all we ordered is supposed to be in stock 😁
I couldn't get a Tesco order until April 11th (this was a few days ago) and that was Click and Collect, no deliveries available. Maybe I should try Asda or Sainsbury's and cancel!
Oma the first order is the hardest, its easier after that. Good idea for you in your situation.
We had a good day and have been outside a lot. Looking forward to our Indian Meal
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Wee Granny - I've done about 3 online shops with Sainbsury's before, so I suppose I'm in their system and they identified us as 'vulnerable' - ie ancient!!! They emailed nearly a week ago saying they were opening special delivery slots giving priority to us oldies. I didn't need anything then but filled a virtual trolley and saved it. On Sunday they released slots for Monday, on Monday slots were offered for Tuesday and today (Wed) they offered Thursday and Friday. So I opted for one tomorrow evening. But the checkout crashed and I spent most of the morning trying to make the payment to secure the delivery! Still, it worked eventually. If you've ever shopped online with Sainsburys it's worth a try especially as your OH is classified as very vulnerable. Good luck - I do hope you can get one soon.
Oma - I think Nanto is an expert on online supermarket shopping. I've only ever used Sainsbury's but my DIL who works in retail IT says it's the easiest to use.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "