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    Oh Gem are you ok ? I bet you were shook up , my heart missed a beat when I read it
    Remember its only a tin can with wheels as long as you and the other person are ok that's what matters , It happens so many times and when its dark its even worse , big hugs and kisses my lovely xxx

    Nanto hope in laws are better today and you have a easier time ,

    Going to MIL's this morning , its very white again and a thick fog , I will see if she needs any shopping as we will be going into Morrisons anyway and its just up the top of her estate ,
    I want to call into her Hairdressers too to buy her some gift vouchers , no idea what else to buy her so we thought gift vouchers for when she has her hair done

    Have a good day ladies apart from you poor Gem im sure there are lots of phone calls to be made today xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Gemini, what a rotten thing to happen, easily done in that situation. So pleased no one was hurt. I hope you manage to enjoy your lunch with your friend.

      WI for me this morning so I will have to pop back later.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Morning all.

        Gem I’m so sorry about your car,but accidents happen and no -one was hurt apart from the shock.

        I hope poorly people and loved ones feel better soon.

        Not a lot to say , so I’ll just wish everyone a good day.


          Nanto - I'm pleased to hear your in laws are a bit better, and that your SIL was able to give some help.

          Oma - gosh you're certainly getting more wintery weather than us spoilt southerners. Yes, definitely better to get the bugs out of the way this week, but of course DS and DIL are mega busy in the shop. DS has stayed home again today, on the basis that it's easier for him to catch up with his work which is mainly computer-based. GD1 has gone back to school today, and I've said I'll have Cooper on Thursday or Friday to give them some time in the shop without his eager but not very useful "help" LOL Oh dear - I'm sure your SIL will be in trouble, leaving Storm out in the garden, even though Storm wouldn't mind. there are so many dog thieves around these days, it's a big worry.

          Nana - none of us can keep up with posts at times, and you've had more than your fair share of busyness just lately. I hope you enjoyed your bit of pampering. The quilt will keep till you've got time and energy to devote to it. In a way it's nice to know you've got a project in progress ready to pick up when the moods takes you.

          Plant - I do hope the treated tooth settles down. As Oma says, getting it fixed is money well spent. xx

          Well, we've got the tree up - not decorated yet, but it's a start, and I've cleaned the living room and hall to within an inch of their lives, put cards up and got some nice scented Christmas candles out, so it's starting to smell like Christmas, or a newly-cleaned bathroom - not sure which!! It's the Christmas party at dog training tonight. The only time the trainer gives the dogs treats (she's very hot on them bonding with their owners, not her) and they get a huge sausage, which they're expected to ignore until told they can have it. As you can imagine, most fail, but being Christmas they get the sausage anyway!

          OH is feeling a bit better. He stayed in bed till lunch-time, but his eye's looking quite normal and he feels a bit better generally.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Clover - good morning. I was typing when you posted.

            I hope you are ok. Are you off to your DD's for Christmas? How is your leak now - did the builders fix it properly? xx

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Afternoon all.
              Oh ,Gem, what a horrible thing to happen. How are you today.

              I was surprised this morning when I looked outside as late last night it had started to freeze, we had ice on top of our black bin but this morning it had all gone.
              I am going to Miller and Carter with the ‘girls’ this evening for our Christmas meal . One of the ‘girls’ has had to cancel as she has come down with Norovirus .

              She has been unwell over a week now but she is finding it hard to shake it off as she only finished her last treatment of chemo a few weeks ago. It’s horrible for those who are fairly fit but for anyone like her it’s so much worse.

              Hope everyone is feeling well .
              Keep warm everyone

              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Gem, pleased no-one was hurt. you can always get another car,but we can't get another Gem.

                Mam a lot better,but dad is back to square one.
                Hopefully my brother in law is going later today. Said he would let me know if he can't make it.
                I get tomorrow morning off, sister in law is going before work.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Gem, as the others say, it is just a car, but, I can imagine how you felt! Pleased no one was injured, enjoy the lunch!


                    Daisy we are going to DD’s on 28th. They go to in-laws for Christmas.
                    Yes thanks the roof is fine. Just as well for the amount I paid and all the awful weather we’ve been having. I could probably had it done cheaper but I trusted this company and would use them again.(Hope I don’t have to though )
                    Hope your OH is feeling better again today.


                      I have a poorly husband , he came down with the sickness bug this afternoon ,
                      He's now tucked up in bed watching football
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oh dear Oma,hope he feels better soon.

                        I got caught up on all my jobs this afternoon,so pleased about that.

                        Raining heavily here now.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Poor B, I hope he feels much better tomorrow and you stay clear of it Oma.

                          Thanks everyone, as you say it's just a car but I did love it. From the photo we had to send them they are pretty sure it will be written off. I'm going to be off the road for a while I think.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I've just seen this Gem. It must have been one hell of a bump to cause so much damage. Thank goodness you're ok.

                            Oma so sorry to hear your B is poorly & your friend Mimi. When my sister was in hospital after her breast cancer op'n (a few yrs ago now) she got the Norovirus & was very poorly. I hope they're better soon from whatever sickness thing they have. Nan2 I'm sorry to hear one of your patient's is slow to 'mend'.

                            Hope everyone has a good night's sleep.
                            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                            (Doe Zantamata.)


                              Oh Gem, I'm so sorry about your car, but hopefully you will get one from the insurance company that you are comfortable with. It will be very hard for you to do without a car completely.

                              Oma - poor B. It's such a nasty bug - stay well away from him, but please blow him a kiss from me and say I hope he's better soon. xx

                              Clover - thank goodness you got the repairs done when you did - you'd have needed a very big bucket with all this rain. In a way it's quite nice to celebrate Christmas at a time when everybody can relax and enjoy it. I'll raise a glass to you on the 25th though. xxx

                              Nanto - you must be relieved mum-in-law is a bit better. Hopefully tomorrow FIL will be on the mend as well. xx

                              Mimi - your poor friend getting Norovirus just when she should be building up her strength after the chemo. I hope she makes a quick recovery.

                              Plant - did you have a Christmas party at your WI this morning?

                              I've finally got the tree decorated and put some other decorations up. Need to do a bit of shopping tomorrow morning, but hopefully it won' take long.

                              My OH is feeling much better. He went to the local hospital this morning for blood tests and an x-ray. There was a queue of 32 waiting for blood tests, so he took a ticket and went on to x-rays where he was seen very quickly. When he got back to blood tests the queue was down to 10, so he didn't have to wait long.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Daisy, I'm glad your OH is improved. Our hospital blood taking queues are like that, so we go to Asda!
                                We now doubt I'll get a hire car if my car is unrepairable, but we'll have to wait and see.

                                Night all x
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

