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Just started my previous post,and got interrupted.
Someone popped in for a cuppa and a natter.
Gem hope all goes/went well with fittiing your mums new gas fire.
I was going to say something else,but forgotten what.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Enfys, sending HUGS.
I hope you soon get your water back Mimi
All went very well with the gas fire, to say mum is delighted is not an exaggeration. A very happy lady indeed, and she told the fitters soThey were 2 lovely young guys.
It is simple to stitch on and off. I went through it with her several times and got her to do it a couple of times. I know she's a little worried she won't remember how to do it, so fingers crossed she soon gets the hang of it. It's not far to mums. Without traffic it is less than 10 minutes to drive. At certain times of day is is a half hours crawl stuck in traffic however. So, we don't want to be called out regularly to help with the fire!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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The rain eventually stopped.
Sheffield,Rotherham and Doncaster had it bad. The river Don broke its banks.
We are lucky, our town is on higher ground.
Feel so sorry for those who get flooded.
Enfys and P,hope you managed to get a bit of sleep.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good morning all.
I’ve been reading about the rain that has fallen yet again on already sodden ground.
I hope no one is having to deal with the misery of flooded property.
We haven’t had much rain here but tomorrow looks to be a cold wet day with a chance of sleet , whatever happened to autumn. We seem to have fast forward to winter.
Enfys hope you and P were able to get some sleep last night.
Busy day to day, I have lots of washing to do that I was supposed to do yesterday so must make a start on that.
Tesco grocery arrives this morning.
Have a good day everyoneBring me sunshine in your smile.
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Good morning ladies.
We saw some of the Sheffield floodwater on the news. I'm glad you are higher up Nan2.
This morning is my appointment at the muscular skeletal department. Due to my original one at a local hospital a month ago being cancelled I have opted to go to one half an hours or so's drive away. I would have to wait even longer for a local appointment. I doubt anything much will happen today, but we shall see.
On the way back we will collect GS2, and will have GD later.
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning from a bright and sunny south coast. We had a lot of rain last night but dry now.
I’m only going to talk about good things here, but thank you all so much for your kind thoughts.
We had a good nights sleep, feel strangely calm and I am making plans for all the nice things we can do. Today we are out to lunch with friends, then I want to plan planting up my pots with daffs etc ready for the spring. We are also going to make an effort to get out every day for a walk, even if it’s only for 10 minutes or so. We need to build up Ps stamina and I think it will do us both good. Lots of plans going on here 🙂.
We are really looking forward to a few days away in December. We are doing an organised tour like we did before with the same hotel group. Pick up from home, 3 excursions, a Christmas dinner and a present from Santa 🎅🏻. How exciting 🙂. One of the trips is to the Donkey sanctuary which should be good. Could I smuggle one home do you think?
Hooe your appointment goes well Gem. Have a good day everyone 🌞"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Good morning, everyone.
Fingers crossed that everyone has escaped the awful flooding. It's dry, bright and frosty here - as Mimi says, we seem to be fast-forwarding into winter, although the autumn colours are still lovely.
Gem - I hope your appointment goes well and you get some answers plus a treatment plan.
We had a lovely evening with our friends and nothing went drastically wrong with the meal! Always a relief when I'm cook in charge.The kitchen looks a mess though - everything that couldn't go in the dishwasher is sitting resentfully on the draining board - OH and I were too tired to wash up last night. So that's my first job.
Then I want to put up a new bird feeder. Our old one collapsed at the end of last winter and with the cold weather starting and berries disappearing fast it's time to start the birds' soup kitchen.
EDIT: Enfys - you posted while I was typing. Of course we'll respect your wishes about keeping this thread for good things. Your plans sound lovely and a daily walk will do you both good. The holiday next month sounds fun, and I'm sure you will be able to smuggle a donkey home.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning ladies from a very wet Washington ,
Its never stopped raining since Wednesday morning big fat droplets ,
Enfys good to hear you slept well you must have been mentally exhausted but today is a new day and you can face it with plans and good thingsxx
Daisy did they enjoy the meal ? Dishes are the only downside but once you get them out of the way you will feel better for it
Gem good luck , when I went for my knee the first appointment With Muscular Skeletal dept I was just given exercise's to strengthen the muscle around the knee ( didn't work )
But different areas have different methods don't theymaybe they will start with a steroid injection , anything is better than putting up with the pain x
Nanto we are slightly higher than the bungalows at the bottom a few years ago although our garden was flooded those poor people the bungalows were flooded not good when its elderly residents ,
Mimi I agree we seem to have passed autumn most of the trees are completely bare now ,
Did a few bits of ironing this morning while B was in the shower and I was waiting my turn , not much else to do I did most when the Dog went home last night so a quick hoover around and I was done ,
B has Dr's at 9.30 then we will have a wander around our shopping centre pop into Asda and Sainsburys see if anything new apart from that not much on
Have a good day ladies xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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You ladies with painful knees, I hope something can be done to relieve the pain, otherwise you will need piggy backing when we meet up again.
Enfys, so pleased you both slept well.
Just local flooding on some roads here and the beech trees are looking lovely still. I am going food shopping, then I have to call into a local garden centre. This afternoon I am taking Sil's mother to the local hospital to see a dermatologist. GD1 and partner are off to Venice this evening for a couple of days.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good to hear that everyone's bright & breezy this morning. The sun is shining & the views are fabulous. Autumnal colours in the Lakes are breathtaking. I haven't heard from my neighbour to say we're flooded so that's good.😉😂
Hope your knee app't goes well Gem & they can do something to relieve your pain. Glad the meal went well Chef Daisy. I'll wait in anticipation for my Christmas dinner invitation.😂😂🎅"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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