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    Morning ladies ,

    Nanto he gets them all the time awful arnt they ,

    Gem busy day again for you

    Daisy is little one still off school?

    Having Boiler serviced today then taking MIL out for tea ,

    Toe really sore today didn't help when we eventually went back to bed and I stubbed it again on the foot of the bed ,
    The air turned Blue my goodness did it hurt

    Its cold and damp but just that dreary kind of damp that seems to go through you ,
    B been out with the leaf blower sucky thing and cleared the leaves from the garden and the alley way they very dangerous when wet

    Have a good day ladies xx

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Sun shining here, I am hoping to get in the garden later. I have someone coming to hopefully clear some down pipes.

      Oma you must stop climbing on worktops. Hope you and B got some sleep later.

      Enjoy your performance at the cinema Gemini.

      Pleased to hear your GD is feeling better, perhaps she was just very tired, they have such busy lives these days. I am sure Cooper will enjoy his day with Eva.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Morning. Didn't get to Dunelm yesterday so going in a bit. Woke up to torrential rain & immediately thought about the poor people in the towns not far from us who have had to leave their houses because of flooding. It must be heartbreaking. Worse still, (if it can get worse for them) it is being reported that some toe rags are looting. What low life!

        Oma, whatever are you doing on top of work tops cleaning? Get B to buy a tall pr of step ladders for your Christmas present. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚ You must have looked like a pr of book ends with your legs up in the air. Please take care both of you.

        If I have a numbing injection at the dentist & I'm gagging for a drink I use a straw & lots of tissue.๐Ÿ˜
        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

        (Doe Zantamata.)


          By heck, itโ€™s flipping cold out there today

          Nana, you have to feel so sorry for those who are having to deal with their property that has been flooded and it doesnโ€™t look as if the weather is going to improve any time soon. We have a weather alert here for Thursday, more heavy rain forecast.

          Oma where we used to live we were always having to clear the leaves away from the front of our house. There are two trees near by and all the leaves would gather on the steps of the garden path making it extremely slippy when wet.

          We we were going to the cemetery today but the weather is far too nasty to venture far .

          Keep warm ladies
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            That was a rather frustrating meeting this morning. I had apologies from the treasurer, our librarian and 2 other members. However a couple of others didn't turn up, including the chair!
            Our lovely vice chair took the reigns and he and I ran the short meeting, Basically we couldn't discuss much as the main purpose was to plan ahead for next year and with so many absences we didn't. The Costa Coffee meeting room diary hadn't been bought yet, so we couldn't even book the room for the the next meeting.
            Rather a waste of time for those of us who did get ourselves there. We will meet again in January and I shall be sending extra reminders!

            Keep warm and safe ladies, and no falling, on wet leaves or from worktops
            โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


              A very nice gentleman managed to clear one down pipe but the other one needs clearing underground going to the soak away, he has given me the name of someone who might be able to clear it with a power jet. He also fixed a drip drip from a gutter which my sil insists on putting a bucket under it. I feel very satisfied with the work and will give the name he has given me to try to clear the blockage. It is nice when you feel satisfied with jobs done. I had planned to get out into the garden but it is raining now.

              Gemini, what a shame so many people on the Committee didn't turn up. Sometimes people put themselves forward and then don't give it priority.

              I love backing onto woods, the beech trees are beautiful but the leaves are a nuisance.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Oma - yes, GD1 has gone to school today, although she wasn't very happy about it and was quite vocal in her complaints. Poor thing is also having trouble with adult teeth coming through - it seems to be very painful for her, and her mum says it was the same for her. I hope she lasts the day! There still seem to be a lot of children off with this tummy bug. Only you could choose the one toe out of 10 that was already hurting to stub it on the bed! Please take care of the poor little thing. xx

                Gem - how frustrating that so few people turned up to the meeting. I suppose they all had good reasons, but as you say, it was a bit of a waste of time for those who did attend. Enjoy the cinema this evening.

                The floods are awful, and I feel so sorry for those affected. It's not just the devastation of having your lovely home filled with dirty, smelly water, it's the time it takes for it all to dry out before you can even begin repairs and replacements. As for people looting - words fail me.

                It's a lovely sunny day here today, but still colder than it should be at this time of the year. I made the casserole - chicken, onions, garlic, potatoes, carrots, swede, parsnips and mushrooms with a few spicy bits to warm it up a bit. I don't often do meals I have to make in advance, but it's quite satisfying when I do.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Cold but the sun is shining.

                  Gem, what a shame some didn't turn up for the meeting.
                  Enjoy the cinema tonight.

                  Been a productive day.
                  Housework done,then made pies for the freezer.
                  Wrapped up some Christmas presents,not my favourite job.
                  Still have a few more cards to write.

                  Ordered some perfume for GD2 birthday.That arrived this morning.
                  Claimed some vouchers from a survey site and the came as well.
                  So got those wrapped up as well.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Cold,a little bit of frost,but the sun is coming up.

                    In laws this morning. There's a pile of ironing waiting for me.
                    Also think i will clean the kitchen.

                    Stay warm everyone.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning everyone.

                      Nan2, I would say the only good thing about ironing is that it keeps you warm

                      Regarding the meeting yesterday, the chair said she had sent me her apologies but is having some computer problems and found they hadn't sent! Also the librarian had sent a very good list of suggestions but unfortunately to the chair and not to me, and that hadn't been forwarded either

                      We all enjoyed 42nd Street, and our Vue has wonderful new extra comfortable reclining seats. Prices will surely rise! There was confusion over the start time. When we all decided to go the time was 7. Then when I went to book it was 6. So, we had to rush to get there and GD and GS2's grandma had to have them picked up early to be there. The four of us and another group of 4 waited and waited in an otherwise empty screen until after start time. I knew it was fully booked as OH had planned to come if I could have got 5 tickets, so where was everyone?! .We found someone to ask who had no idea what was going on. He asked his manager who said its starting at 7!! We can't work out how everyone but the 8 of us knew this, but even the staff didn't seem to. It's a good job those seats were comfortable as we spent a long time in them!!

                      This morning we are taking a donation to the hedgehog lady. I have a dentists appointment at 12, a half hour one to fix the tooth with a bit missing. GS1 to pick up from school. I swapped my day so I could go to the cinema last night. I get to leave a bit earlier today as he is at Beavers at 5.45. Once I take him there I am free to go as his mum or dad will pick him up.

                      Have a good day everybody.
                      โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


                        Good morning, everyone. That cup of coffee looks very welcoming, Nanto.

                        I'll catch up later, but we have an appointment at the bank this morning. We finally, after waiting 9 weeks, got the Grant of Administration for my cousin's estate, so we can now open a bank account to deal with the finances. So that's this morning's job.

                        I hope everyone is well and no-one is suffering from any of the awful weather. It's cold but sunny here.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning everyone, wet here as well!! I am feeling much better and getting back to normal life. I want to go to Ikea at 10am for a few things, only a 10 minute drive away.
                          I have been reading posts but forget things!!! I do remember reading about the Lidl, I love it, there is one opposite where I live, used to be so busy, unbelievable, 18 months ago they opened a new, larger, one at the other side of the village so this was isn't as busy, the staff are very friendly and always have time for a chat. Aldi isn't as populair here as in the UK, there is one in the next village, have a look around if I am there but get most of what I want from the Lidl.

                          I have a solid wood work top in the kitchen, have to oil it regularily, today I am going to sand it down and then oil it again, that was my plan before I was ill so must do it, the neighbours won't be very pleased with me, very noisy, but, has to happen.

                          Daisy, you will be able to get things settled concerning your cousin, at last!

                          I will get to Lidl before the crowds arrive, junior schools are free here on a Wednesday afternoon and the parents tend to spend an afternoon there when the weather is like it is.


                            Lizzie, glad you are feeling much better. I think Oma or someone here has worktops like yours. A friend of mine does too. They sound and look lovely but I don't fancy the work involved!
                            Daisy I hope all goes smoothly at the bank.
                            โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


                              Sunny here atm, I am going shopping with GD to look for a Birthday present for her, nothing else planned. GS2 got into the loft yesterday to put my cases back. I asked him to look for some photos, which he found and he also found a box of clothes, goodness knows when they went up there. Mostly cord trousers, back in fashion I gather. They are too small for me now, I have washed them all, will give them a going over and take them to the charity shop.

                              Your trip to the cinema sounds eventful but enjoyable Gemini.

                              I hope your GD manages her day at school Daisy, poor little soul, teeth are a nuisance coming and a nuisance going. I hope your appt. at the bank goes well Daisy and you are able to move forward and settle the estate.

                              Lizzie Sanding worktops indeed, you take care and I hope the neighbours are okay with the noise.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Morning all.
                                So far itโ€™s dry here. At the moment the man on our local radio is still talking about the floods here, which happened three weeks + ago and itโ€™s still impacting on many families so I dread to think what is it like for families dealing with the floods in the East Midlands and further north. My heart goes out to them.

                                The plumber arrived this morning to fix our leaking tap . I asked him would it be too much of an inconvenience to install leaver taps instead of the traditional type of taps. Bless him no sooner said than done . No more struggling with trying to turn on the tap or having to get OH to turn them on for me.

                                Gem, I love the music from 42nd street .

                                Lizzie good to hear that you are feeling better but donโ€™t go doing to much, take it slowly.

                                Daisy hope the appointment at the bank goes well.

                                I have just made an appointment at the hairdresser for next week and also for 16th December, good job I did as the December dates are filling up , she hasnโ€™t many free dates left in the two weeks before Christmas.

                                Keep warm ladies, it feels like another cold day

                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

