Sunshine, I hope the birthday girl has a wonderful time tomorrow, too. As you say - where did 18 years disappear to! She's grown up into an amazing, talented and beautiful young woman. I could just do with one of those massages!
Nana - it's about par for the course for you at the moment finding your cakes had gone mouldy. Please don't knock yourself out getting everything 'perfect' for Christma. Your family would rather have you smiling and relaxed than poorly and in bed. You've got sloe gin - you don't need anything else.
Nanto - those fruit cakes looked delicious yesterday. Now you've sampled them, is it open house for afternoon tea? If so, I'm on my way.
WeeGranny - I hope it's stopped raining for you now.
Lizzie - your volunteering sounds like rather hard work - good for you.
Plant - I'm sure your GS will love the mince pies. Please say 'hello' from us Grannies.
Qwerty - I'm glad you were in less pain today. I'm sure sleepless nights don't help with anything, but you're so good having the twins for sleepovers.
Oma- I hope B's appointment went well.
Phew, it's been a busy old day! The GDs were super-excited when I got there this morning, and I did think it might be a hard slog today, but it's been brilliant. The girls have been a total delight, although I don't think their mum will agree when she sees the amount of green glitter glue GD2 got on her pretty cardigan! They spent an hour or so this afternoon happily cutting out, colouring in and glitter-glueing everything in sight to make some Christmas decorations. Unfortunately they weren't dry so I'll have to take them over tomorrow - I've got to go and collect the turkey anyway, so no problem. The dogs were a different story. Eva felt I was in need of cuddles - all day, and Cooper reverted to puppy-hood and kept taking things off the Christmas tree, and then he went round the house collecting anything he fancied, including GD2's brand new trainers, my slippers, GD1's trainers, a scarf, tissues, whatever he found in a bin - it was non-stop! Then he was sick!
So it was a good day, but i'm ready for my bed tonight.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I got very little sleep last night so did downstairs through just upstairs to dust and hoover ,
Got BP check at 8,40 then popping to shopping centre just to have a smooch around really , not that I need anything but thought it would break the day up and might tire me out for tonight .
How are we all this morning ? is everyone sorted for tomorrow or are there last minute dashing around to do
Will pop back later xxx
Nanto - I'm in awe - I haven't even done my own housework, let alone anyone else's Your in laws are very lucky to have you. xxx
Oma - You put your sleepless night to good use. Enjoy your mooch round and I hope you sleep better tonight. What about a quick trip to the seaside to blow the cobwebs away and help you sleep?
I'm prioritising today. That's another way of saying I know I won't end up with a clean house, beautifully decorated table, and amazing food prepped ready for the big cook-in tomorrow. I will make sure the GDs' presents are wrapped (we only got them last night because they had been delivered to DS's shop). I'll prepare the turkey, potatoes and veggies and set the table. I'll make a gluten-free apple pie for the non- pudding eaters, and a few mincepies. That's it. Hopefully OH will be feeling better and will run the sucky up thing round to reduce the layer of dog hair everywhere.
Whatever you're doing today, ladies, have a good Christmas Eve.
At 5 pm I'll e sitting with a glass of wine and my feet up watching Carols from Kings, and I'll be thinking of you all. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I love that graphic Nan2.
Oma I'm sorry you had such a poor night. I hope your BP is OK, I don't suppose tiredness helps it.
Sunshine, it's lovely to have you back and to hear the cruise was so good and your son doing so well
I hope you get everything done today, and settle down with that glass of wine!
We had a good panto night last night, and GS1 is a perfect pantomime audience member
I'm sad that my car has gone so I truly am car-less now.
No point dwelling on it though. The man collecting it was very nice.
Nothing much too do today apart from a clean and tidy downstairs, we did upstairs yesterday. I will mash the potatoes and swede for tomorrow and leave them in the fridge once cooled.
Our friend is coming mid to late afternoon and staying the night.
Have a lovely day everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem, pleased you enjoyed the pantomine, they don't have them here and I remember one Christmas visiting my parents house that we took the boys to see a pantomine, they wondered what on earth was happening!!!!
Nan2 don't suppose you could let me have one of your delicious cakes? 😂
Trying to take your advice Daisy & have a restful day today...or at least that was my intention. DD2 popping over for lunch with her two but they're a joy. Turkey defrosting so everything on course.
I hope all the poorlies are feeling a little better today. By the way I'm so pleased you enjoyed your cruise. Hope everyone's preparations go to plan.
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
Good morning. Sunny again here although we just had a short sharp shower ☔️
Sorry youve said goodbye to your car Gem 😢
Just had a good. Lean I. The kitchen and bathroom, P now making coffee whilst I recover! So pleased we’ve only got a little bungalow, well, almost a bungalow...there are two bedrooms in the loft conversion but it’s still little 🌞
All I have to do later is cook the gammon so once I’ve tidied up downstairs and had my shower I can relax. Have a good day everyone and Happy Christmas 🎄
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Oma, I didn’t sleep very well also, I could nod off quite happily now !
Gem good to hear that you enjoyed the panto last night . I haven’t been to one for many years . The last one I saw was with Paul O’Grady . It was very good.
Just a quick poll.
When do you cook your Christmas lunch/ dinner . I ask because my friend’s daughter has hers in the oven cooking now. She does the lot, trimmings and all and she warms it all up in the microwave wave on Christmas Day
I know I’m actually cooking tomorrow as we are going to DS but the idea of warming it up seems a terrible waste in paying for all that fresh meat and veg only to eat it the next day
When I did cook the turkey used to go in the oven after the little ones had opened their stockings Christmas morning . As they used to be awake at sparrows cough the turkey had plenty of time to cook. All the veg and trimmings were pre prepared the night before.
Enfys I love gammon , even a small Bungalow can be a slog cleaning xx
Lizzie I can imagine your children having no clue what was going on hahahaha
Nana once you get the Turkey sorted sit yourself down and have a easy evening xx
My BP was fine don't need it doing for another 3 month , im surprised considering I was so tired and have a headache ,
Bought a couple of stocking fillers for B and some new Hand towels , shops were not as busy as I thought ,
I was reading about lots of people let down by likes of Asda , Sainsburys and Tesco with shortage of Turkeys they had ordered . well I have been in Asda and Sainsburys this morning and they have dozens & Dozens of them
Mimi I text my sister this morning she was doing the same thing iIunderstand doing the turkey but not the veg
Mimi, all I pre prepare is the mashed potato and mashed swede, which I am going to do in a minute. We put them in the fridge once cooled and reheat them in the microwave, and they taste just as good. The starters I prepare tomorrow morning and leave in the fridge, and the rest just do in time for the meal.
Excellent news about your BP Oma.
Lizzie, people who go to the panto every year often have no idea what is going on
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown