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    Its very cold and windy here and we have had a few spots of rain.
    Certainly a big change from the weather we have been having.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Originally posted by Mimi View Post
      Daisy your comment on fitness levels made me get up off the sofa and go out for a walk.... in my winter fleece, by heck its chilly out there !
      Mimi - Sorry, it wasn't an instructions, and I'm ashamed to say I haven't even been down the road today. My shoulder is very painful and I didn't want Eva towing me along on the lead because she'd found an exciting trail to follow! Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

      It's got colder and colder as the day wore on here, but still dry. The wind is getting up, too.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        I hope your shoulder is better soon Daisy. Take it easy until it is.

        An indoor day for us today, after all the lovely outdoor times lately .
        I have struggled a bit with stuff today. Missing the children so much and feeling so sad about my mum in the care home with no visitors and maybe wishing she could go home. I know I can't change anything, and I know she is in the best place, but I worry she doesn't see it that way.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gem - your mum might surprise you, in that she's settling down ok and accepting the situation. xx
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning, the hairdressers here are open as from today and I have just read that some even started at midnight! Most shops are slowly opening, but, it was far too busy in the towns on Saturday, I don't do crowds at the best of times so certainly avoid them now. I did go to the dentist the other day, he has had to plan everything to keep to the rules, all businesses and practises have to. The libraries are opening from today.

            I did watch Boris, very ambiguous, can go to work if you want, exercise more etc.
            DIL was saying yesterday she is thinking of getting an E bike for when she starts work again, usually she goes on the light rail, if she chooses for an E bike she gets it through her work so she is looking at what is the best choice.


              The sun is shining,but its cold.

              Don't know what we are doing today,will just go with the flow.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning, long post on YEO, so won’t repeat myself here.

                After all the sunshine recently last night was so cold, very windy too. The sun is back out but there’s an icy wind so although it looks lovely out it’s deceiving. All my seedlings are doing so well, I want to plant them out but will wait until this last bout of chilly weather is over. I am overrun with tomatoes, lettuce, melon and courgettes, our neighbours will do well if they all grow.

                DD popped over yesterday with some shopping for me and although I know it’s against the rules, she came into the garden and we sat, keeping well apart, and had coffee. It was lovely, almost like old times apart from being able to get close and give her a hug. Unfortunately, SIL is now unemployed now as his company went into administration a couple of weeks ago so they are naturally very worried. So she needed that little bit of company as much as us. Times are very hard for everyone at the moment. I hope everyone is ok, haven’t had chance to read back. Have a good day 🌞
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Good Monday morning everyone. Nanto - Pooh and Piglet look happy!

                  Lizzie - you are a lot further down the road to getting out of lockdown than we are. Stay safe. What a good idea for companies to support staff in getting e-bikes. I wonder if all this will make them more popular here. I think I could be tempted by one, although realistically I'm not sure how much I could use it. It's 5 miles to the nearest small town, and if you've gone for shopping you've got to carry it back. I like the idea, though.

                  Enfys, I think a lot of people are meeting their loved ones in the garden and like you keeping safe distances. I don't think it's a flagrant breach of the rules, and it must have made you feel better. I'm sorry to hear about your SIL. I hope he can find another job as soon as businesses get going again. What about your GS - is he ok?

                  Nanto - it's a very cold wind here, too. I've just collected the dustbin lid and various pots of plants from round the garden - it must have been quite wild in the night.

                  My shoulder and back feel a lot better this morning, so I might try a little bit of much-needed dusting.

                  This has taken me ages to type because Eva keeps trying to climb on my lap. She doesn't like the wind and can hear it howling. I'll pop back later.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning ladies.

                    It was all a bit unclear wasn't it Lizzie? OH was hoping golf could be played in twos, with distancing and not going into clubhouse etc, but he said only with a member of your own family.
                    I hope all goes safely with the changes there. You are right to keep your distance as much as possible. We forgot to wish you a Happy Mothers Day for yesterday!
                    Enfys, we have done that with DD3 ,and with friends. If safe distance is maintained that is fine in my book. I have never been one to obey rules which make no sense, and being able to be closer outside to strangers than I can be in my garden with loved ones, makes no sense. I'm sure it did you all good.
                    Daisy, good to hear your back is improving, but protect it today! Poor Eva!

                    Tonight is our weekly phone quiz with friends.
                    This morning I will walk down to the village. Tomorrow is OH's birthday and I want some sweets to go with the book I got her, plus a cake, to save me making one. I intended, to but have now gone off the idea.
                    Housework needs doing, so I will be doing some of that too, and sending an email to my mum via the care home (They will print it off for her)

                    Take care everyone, and stay safe.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      I agree with your sentiment Gemini, about sitting in the garden with friends and family but this change in the weather will put a stop to that unfortunately. Sil's mother is being moved to a nursing home this morning from hospital and like your mother she will have to be isolated for 14 days.

                      Daisy, take care of that back, it is the powerhouse of the body, just sit and cuddle Eva.

                      You are very wise to take things cautiously Lizzie not rushing out to the crowded shops.

                      Apart from changing the bed, I don't have any plans, it is sunny here so I might be able to sit in the sun room, wind very strong.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Daisy, I do all shopping on my bike, 2 large carrier bags and they hold a lot!! The only thing is with E bikes in the UK is, the roads! We have great cycle paths here, when I was in Sussex 2 years ago with DS2 and partner I took my bike, only went out once, I have never seen potholes like it! DS2 is a keen cyclist and went out every day and he said to me " don't do it mother, it is not safe!"

                        It is cold and very windy here, no long rides today for me!


                          I agree about the roads Lizzie, I hate my DD3 riding her bike! There are fortunately some fairly good cycle tracks between her house and ours, which were once railway tracks, but I hate it when she has to cycle on roads (she is 32, but still a child in my eyes )
                          Yes, not such good weather for the outdoor gatherings as we have had Plant, but hopefully nicer weather will return. I hope your SIL's mother settles in the nursing home.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good morning ladies
                            Window cleaner just finished windows and now it's black sky and heavy rain so that was a waste of money

                            Daisy poor Eva give in and just have a day of cuddles tell yourself she is more important than dusting and anyway you need another day resting your back

                            Gem we have had a couple of distance visits this week that really cheered me up . We thinking although we are in lockdown till 30th June we could go to coast in the car and watch the sea not get out of car but it would be a change of scenery . Take a flask and some sandwiches and have a car picnic

                            Lizzie I worry about cyclists on our roads the traffic scares me but the pot holes are a danger especially if full of water cyclists don't know how deep they are .

                            Plant the days are long at the moment , finding stuff to do is difficult even changing the bed sounds exciting now 😂

                            Enfys I do hope your DS can get work when this is over such a worry xx

                            Gave the kitchen a clean this morning and re arranged a few things then we sat and did our Tesco order for Thursday , hate shopping like this I prefer to see what I want but better this way than putting burden on my over worked DD to get my shopping .

                            It's cold today , it was during night I was up til 4.30 and I put heating on , it was blowing a gale , glad I took patio umbrella down yesterday it definitely would have looked like a Dementor blowing around
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              I agree with you Oma, it is very hard work looking after someone that is ill, when my hubby was ill a friend visited often, one day he came with a huge white hydrangea in a bowl for me, he said people forget how difficult it is for the carer, I just cried!

                              Oma you do right to go to the coast for a picnic, it will be a change for you both.

                              Yes Gem, the roads are not safe for cyclists. They are not very safe either this morning, just been to the shop and almost got blown away. Yes Oma, that is it with potholes if they are full of water, if you hit one you don't know how deep it is.

                              Plant, I am never one for crowds. It is sunny here but so much wind. There were lots of branches and leaves off the trees when I cycled home.


                                Good morning all, it's very windy and cold here today but the washing is blowing on the line so that's a good thing.

                                I agree with our ladies on here , being a carer is very hard . When I was a carer for dad I felt as if I was totally on my own . The pressure was enormous, I lost count of the amount of times I would cry on my way home after being with him. Who cares for the carer when they can't cope anymore.

                                OH gave the blinds a good clean today , it's a job I hate doing. He uses an old shower mitt and a little dab of fabric softener to lift the dust off. The flat now smells lovely.

                                I was going to do some jobs in the garden but that can wait, I can't be doing with being out there in this wind but I may go out for one of my many walks we are allowed per day according to Boris . Still can't go into any shops yet because of OH .
                                Actually I don't feel very safe out there at the moment. I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and a woman was walking towards me coughing and spitting on to the pavement so I had to cross the road to get away from her. Our postman was spat into his face ( deliberately) by a man only the other day . What is wrong with people.

                                Have a safe day everyone
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

