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    Good morning, Nanto and all who follow. Routine soon takes over again, doesn't it. But if sounds as though the wedding went off perfectly and the photos are lovely. Have they gone on honeymoon? Hope your in laws are ok.

    It's dry and vaguely sunny at the moment - hope it stays that way.

    I'm off to collect Cooper soon and then I hope to catch up on here.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Daisy, the newly weds are on their way to Krakow as we speak.
      They were going to have a delayed honeymoon,but decided to got there for a few day.
      We gave them the money for it,our wedding present for them.

      Hopefully today,we are having new flooring down in the kitchen.
      Thats if the fitter can fit us in today.
      Last edited by Nanto2girls; 09-03-2020, 08:10 AM.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Morning ladies ,
        I had 7 full hours of sleep last night and feel so much better for it

        Normal Monday , B off to Hospital and Dog coming at 10 , SIL of to do bits in the unit before opening ,

        Nanto its always a let down after the event isn't it when you have to get on with day to day stuff

        How are we all today , I was thinking of Clover last night I hope she's ok and Mimi wonder how she's getting on poor woman .

        Have a good day ladies xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning, lovely sunny day here but I haven’t been outside so don’t know how cold it is.

          Had a quiet weekend but that was OK, enjoyed playing with my new cooker and we caught up with some of our viewing. Rewatched the first series of Liar so now we can watch the new series.

          OH is finding it hard to get going in the morning so I have just taken him tea and toast in bed so he can take his time. We have no plans for today, apart from having Dexter, so I’d like to get out in the garden later even if I only sweep the paths.

          I was thinking about Clover and Mimi, hope they are both OK. I really hope G is getting some help and Clover is able to rest and recuperate.

          Have a good day everyone 🌞

          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


            Good morning my dears.
            A nice sunny one where I am.

            Happy Honeymoon to your GD and OH, Nan2.
            So pleased to hear about your night's sleep Oma, it will have done you good!
            Lots of rugby fans on here I hope you all enjoyed it.
            OH's birthday lunch sounds lovely WG.
            Good idea for your OH to have slower start to his day if it helps Enfys. Lovely to have kind wife we serve his breakfast in bed

            It was a bit sad last night at our meal out but we enjoyed it and tried to have as good a time as we could. One of our friends wasn't there as her mum is in hospital after having a small then a bigger stroke on Friday. Her mum is a lovely lady, and has lived with our friend for the last couple of years.
            Added to that the large, very good and very popular Chinese restaurant we went to was almost empty.
            Sunday night is a quieter night, but this was deadly quiet really. Presumably people are just avoiding everything Chinese. We felt sorry for the staff, all of whom are so nice.

            Today we are meeting our friends C and P for lunch. We are driving a few miles away to somewhere which was recommended. Looking forward to catching up.

            Have a good day everyone.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              My DD's birthday celebrations are over now, it seemed to go on for days. My two desserts were very popular at yesterdays lunch. GGS was on good form, they even managed to get in the garden with him. GGD was as sweet as ever, she has found her voice. I have bowls today and Embroidery group this evening.

              So pleased you had a good sleep Oma, that will do you good. Have a nice day with Storm.

              Have a lovely day with C and P Gemini. Shame about the Chinese Restaurant being so quiet. I do hope people are not avoiding the Chinese Restaurants.

              I didn't manage to watch the rugby yesterday but pleased with the result.

              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Morning all. OH off golfing again today. I think it's now safe to say it's a weekly event. The alarm technician is due at lunchtime for the yearly check. We need it round here as crime is on the increase in our village I'm afraid.

                I wonder how Clover & Mimi are getting on too. I hope they're ok. Oma, I'm so glad to hear you've actually managed to get some sleep at last. Plant I'm glad you had a lovely family get together.
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Oh Gem what a shame for the Chinese restaurant , People are being a bit silly at times ,
                  Enjoy your lunch , sad about friends Mum is she very elderly ?

                  Plant bet little ones brightened your day

                  Nana always best to have alarm checked , you just never know do you ,

                  Enfys nothing wrong with P taking his time to get sorted on a morning , better slowly than in a rush xxx

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    I'm another one thats been thinking of Clover and Mimi.
                    Hope they are both coping.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Well B back from Hospital and they had the results of his biopsy ,
                      Pleased to say its not a return of Cancer ,
                      Its caused by the Graft V Host but the biopsy showed his bowel is starting to repair and they think it caused a infection that's why its lasted so long ,
                      They have upped his GVH tablets to help speed up the process

                      We were optimistic that's what it was but you always have it at the back of your mind what if .
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma, WHAT FANTASTIC NEWS❣ So pleased for you both.xx
                        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                        (Doe Zantamata.)


                          Oma - I'm so pleased it would good news for B today. I wonder if quietly worrying about that has caused your sleepless nights just lately. Anyway, I'm glad you finally got a good 7 hours and feel better for it.

                          I think all our thoughts are with Clover and Mimi, along with other members who we know are dealing with all sorts of anxieties at the moment. xxx

                          I think our Chinese community is having a hard time in lots of ways - there are awful stories in the media about racial abuse, plus so many of them must be worried about relatives in China, to say nothing of restaurants etc being deserted. But I only saw one person wearing a face mask in Southampton on Friday and she was Chinese/Asian.

                          Nana - I'm sure you OH is enjoying getting back out on the golf course after all the bad weather.

                          Plant - you and your family do know how to celebrate birthdays! How lovely to see the GGC as well. That little girl is such a delightful baby, and your GGS sounds a bright and perky little lad.

                          Nanto - what a lovely present to the bride and groom. I'm sure they will have a fabulous time.

                          Enfys - I was telling my DIL1 about your new cooker and the induction hob yesterday. She says it's given her a real incentive to cook - and she made an amazing pork roast dinner to prove it! Taking it easy in the morning sounds a good idea for OH. There's nothing to be gained by rushing.

                          Gem - how sad to hear about your friend's mum, and a big worry for your friend. xx

                          My morning got totally disrupted by OH inviting a friend round to help him with some auction site sale items. Unfortunately, Cooper is very jumpy round men he doesn't know, so I kept him downstairs out of the way, and felt I had no alternative but to do some of the dreaded ironing! Of course I had to keep leaving off to give Coops a cuddle. Off to collect the girls in a minute or two.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma, great news, so pleased for you both x
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Great news Oma! Nice to hear something positive for a change xx
                              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                              Theodore Roosevelt.


                                So happy for B. It must have been so so worrying for you both Oma.
                                Celebratory meet up once we are back from our hols I think
                                We had good news the other day too, about DD2's FIL who had prostate cancer last year. They recently thought he also had it in his bowel, but after investigations he had the all-clear.
                                So nice to hear good news.

                                We had a very nice leisurely lunch and catch up with our friends. The place we had chosen was open on Mondays (a lot are not) but was so tiny the few tables were already taken by people who had just ordered. We had a quick discussion then got into our cars to drive a few miles to another tea room, and very nice it was too!

                                It is cool and raining here now.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

