Oma, thats very similar to some i have seen on facebook.
Looks good.
I've been trying to ring my sister in law in Wigan, but there was no answer. I left a message on the answerphone.
She said she would ring me when she got her biopsy results back.
Well she was due to get them last Tuesday,but i haven't heard from her.
I'll try ringing her tomorrow,and if i don't get an answer, i will ring one of her daughters.
Gem, a soggy carpet smells awful when its been like it for a few days.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Good morning Lizzie, Daisy and Nan2. Good morning everyone else.
I like the spice drawer too!
Nan2, I hope you hear from your Sister in law, and that all is well.
This morning my friend M is coming for coffee.
I have also to deliver the dratted newsletters today. I think OH will help me as the round is fairly local, so she can always nip back if our electrician phones to say he is coming over.
I have work this afternoon at 4.30.
We are hoping a scrap man is coming to collect the electrical items this morning. I am expecting him to be monosyllabic, as his texts replies are so terse! I don't care as long as he takes the things away.
Frosty here this morning, but the sun is shining now.
Have a good day everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Bowls for me this afternoon, this morning I want to pop to the shops to finish off DD birthday present. Bowls this afternoon. Sun shining and no wind, hope it stays that way.
Have fun with Storm Oma. Love your spice drawer.
Gemini, you will have to stop putting your hand up to do these jobs. Hope your metal gets collected.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant I am trying this year to volunteer for less stuff! Our family is one of natural volunteers, so n fact I didn't have to volunteer for too much at the wedding meeting last night.
Have a nice time at bowls Plant.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Nanto - I think we could all do with that sunshine-filled day, although we did have a lovely sunny morning yesterday! Hope your in-laws are ok, and there's not too much for you to do.
Plant - enjoy your bowls this afternoon. Everything seems better when the sun shines, doesn't it.
Oma - Storm is such a love! Cooper is being very tinkerish this morning. He's got too much energy as the family are all suffering from colds and he didn't get his usual long runs in the Forest at the week-end. Eva's washed her paws of him already, and is basking in the sun on the landing. It might be a long day!
I'm washing towels this morning, and am going to cook a meal for lunch-time instead of tonight.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning everyone, a very wet one here. I haven't been very well a few days, went to the doctor last Tuesday with a rash on my neck, she couldn't see much wrong with it so got a cream to rub on it, cutting a long story short, got worse over the weekend, I thought on an allergic reaction until a friend mentioned shingles last night, that was it!!! I should have realised before as I have had it above one eye. I have been to the doctor and got penicillin so hope it soon clears. She said I could better go and have my blood taken and see if there is anything causing it, I did that but they have just phoned to say there is a mix up with the stickering and can I go back tomorrow morning.
Whilst going to give blood I met a neighbour, she goes all over on our local bus, she was there for blood taken as well but had a full hour to wait for a bus so we went for coffee and a chat together.