Yes Gem it's time for us 4 to have lunch again 😁 xxx
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Nanto - that sounds like positive news for your sister in law - fingers crossed for her.
The new flooring looks lovely - it actually changes the whole look of the kitchen, doesn't it!
Gem - I'm pleased to hear your DD2's FIL has had good news as well. A good lunch with friends is a nice way to start the week.
I got tons of ironing done this morning - but not quite finished. There's about half a dozen shirts, blouses etc and a couple of pairs of trousers left. Still, I feel very virtuous!! Hahaha
When I pick the girls up I usually turn the car radio off - they make enough noise without adding to it! But GD1 is convinced I'm turning off something that isn't suitable for them. Today was such a day. She pestered all the way home, wanting to know what the programme was about. She was quite disappointed when she found out it was Cornish Pasties!!(that's not quite true - I turn it off because I'd rather listen to them talking about their day.)
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Oma, yes, she is curious, and she's realised that there are a whole raft of things that aren't discussed when she and her sister are around, and absolutely adores it when she knows something but is told not to tell GD2 as she's a bit too young!!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Lovely to have good news before I go to bed. Fingers crossed her scan comes back with good news in 5wks time. I agree your kitchen looks lovely Nan2.
Daisy your GDs make me smile. I bet there's never a dull moment.😉"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Good morning , very wet and windy here this morning, I will catch up on myself on here! Nan 2, love the flooring in the kitchen.
My shingles are almost gone, I am still rubbing the cream on but not itching now. I went to the pool yesterday for fifty fit, aqua, I do enjoy that and the group are so friendly, a neighbour from the first floor goes with me, we went on our bikes yesterday, she is looking for a new E bike, I went with her to the shop I got mine from, she got a really good offer but hasn't made her mind up yet. It is her partner that is very will with cancer of the bowel, they have a LAT relationship.
My DS1 and his partner have had a LAT relationship for 17 years, DIL has 2 girls and they always said when the girls are grown and on their own they would find somewhere together, it is now actually happening. Both their houses are on the market and they have found a place ideal for them, part of a farm with their own outbuildings, land etc, now they just hope that their homes are soon sold.
Gem, any more news on the travelling?????
I went to the specialist last night for new support soles, I have had an awful pain in my right foot for months, burning and pain, he said a bone had got dislodged, stretching a nerve, he pushed and pulled and now I can move my foot again, I wasn't walking right at all as I couldn't bend the foot, all is moving again!
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Good morning Lizzie,and all who follow.
just stopped raining but i suspect there will be more to come.
I have moved my post about the kitchen flooring to the Homes and Garden section,as Gem asked.
Raining or not,i need to put some washing in.
Roast chicken dinner today.Hubby remarked we hadn't had roast chicken for a while.
Took it out of the freezer yesterday.
Lizzie, pleased to hear the shingles are almost gone, and good news about your foot.
Wishing you all a good day.Last edited by Nanto2girls; 10-03-2020, 07:09 AM.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
A very quick good morning from me to Nanto, Lizzie and those who pop in later.
Lizzie - you must be feeling so much better with your shingles nearly gone and your foot free of pain. xx
Nanto - roast chicken sounds good. What a pretty graphic.
I'm very late this morning so am picking Cooper up from the shop, but I'd better get a move on or else it will hardly be worth coming back home before the girls are out of school.
Chat later. xx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning all.
Nan2, Roast chicken dinner does sound good
Good to hear the shingles is much better Lizzie. I know my OH's was once the rash appeared. She was lucky though, hers was a mild case.
No more news on the travelling. We are all worrying and OH and I realise our travel insurance does not cover FCO banning all travel, so we are going to phone today to see if it can be added on. I'm booking Disney fastpasses as though we are going. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst is all we can do at this point.
Golf for OH today, usual Tuesday competition. GS1 pick up for me.
I have a few things to do here this morning, and I may drop into the Designer Outlet on my way for GS, if I have time.
Have good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies just a quick hello ,
B has a prescription review at Drs then we have to go to our local Hospital about 8 miles away to pick up Meds from Hospital Pharmacy that his HEP Dr sent there .
Some weeks it seems its just one Hospital after the other but got to be done ,
I will catch up later just wanted to say hello xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Pleased to hear your shingles is feeling less painful Lizzie and that your foot pain has gone.
Roast chicken sounds good Nanto, prawn stir-fry for me today.
Gemini, what a shame that you have this problem hanging over your holiday plans, you can only just carry on with the planning.
Not a good day for me yesterday, I had a fall at bowls, I went to kick a bowl away as it was in the way and rolled on it instead. I made it a rule never to kick bowls but broke it this time. Nothing hurt but my dignity, perhaps those injections I am having to strengthen my bones is working. Then when I went out in the evening I managed to just catch GD's partners car, got out in the rain and shone a torch on it, it appeared to be just a scratch but he was going to have a look this morning. I hope there will not be a third accident.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare