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    Oma DD1 is 49 today. The big one next year! It seems so recently I was 50

    Awful about the medicines. OH was once given completely the wrong meds. They belonged to a man and she didn't realise until she got home. My dad was once given the wrong dose of his Parkinson's meds. Luckily no real harm done, but the wrong dose did make him quite poorly and we were all in Edinburgh for DD1's graduation so it was scary. We always check our prescription meds before putting them away for these reasons!

    Nan2 sweet dreams. I hope you have a really good night's sleep .

    Daisy you are always so busy!

    Lizzie I hope your GD had a good birthday.

    It was lovely having lunch with my 3 DDs and little E. GS1 came along to say hello then took himself off for a little walk then home. The cafe is local to them.

    GS and I are watching Ghostbusters tonight.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      I woke up early again, but managed to get back off for a couple of hours.

      Oma, i googled about feeling cold when tired. Apparently it's because your metabolism slows down.
      A busy day for you yesterday with all the tools going.

      Gem,hope your DD had a lovely birthday, Lizzie, same for your GD.

      Steak, chips and peas for dinner today.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

        Nanto, it's lucky you can get back to sleep again if you wake early. I know a lot of people can't. Interesting about your metabolism slowing down when you're cold.

        Oma, I can imagine B is getting lots of buyers for his equipment. My OH has been looking for a good second-hand Canvac for a couple of years but never managed to find one (I have told him to just get a new one!) and he's talked to a lot of people giving up on various wood-working hobbies. The second hand market is thriving! Is he going to treat himself to something to replace his "shed" activities? You'll have a busy couple of days with Storm!

        Gem, what a scary lot of mistakes in medications! We always check ours straight away just in case. What a lovely birthday lunch you all had. I beg GS3 enjoyed it as much as "the girls". I don't think I'm particularly busy, I think I've slid into the bad habit of letting quite simple jobs take too long! Did you enjoy Ghostbusters?

        It's quite mild here this morning, but we've had lots of rain overnight again. We need to go and do some shopping today. I'm looking for a birthday present for DIL1, but no idea what to get, and Eva needs a new collar. I might also get her a new bed if we see something she would like.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning everyone.

          Nan2 I sometimes wake very early, read a bit then fall asleep for another hour or two.

          DD1 had a takeaway and movie night at her best friend's house. I think she had a very good birthday. I'm glad as she hasn't been in a very good place recently.
          Library for me this morning. I have no other plans which I am glad about. A cold has been in the background for few days and my voice is a bit hoarse this morning. Resting up this afternoon suits me!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            We crossed Daisy

            Ghostbusters was dated, and I haven't seen it since the 80's.I enjoyed it more than the You Tube clips GS1 imposes on me!
            I hope you find a present for DIL .
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning ladies

              Good you could get back to Sleep,
              I never thought of metabolism changing when your cold, makes sense really doesn't it.

              Eva will be spoilt a new collar and bed 😁

              B feels his health and strength isn't as it was so any big jobs he can't manage now or if he does it takes so long as he has to keep stopping .
              We are going to get rid of his big wooden shed and buy a plastic smaller one that doesn't need painting every year ,
              It's all for ease now.

              Ghost busters I don't think was as good as the first ones but we enjoyed it none the less ,
              Sounds like yesterday was just what your DD needed,
              Hope she's feeling better about things today.
              Watch that cold I hope you don't get what we have had although it's another bug doing the rounds.

              My hairdresser hubby Joe is calling round tonight he has a handy man's business he's also a qualified electrician,
              He's coming to see the bedrooms, I want the walls and ceilings emulsioned,
              I'm not up to it now , I can't climb on ladders and I can't do the ceilings,

              SIL dropped Storm off this morning and told us off he said he would do them,but he works hard and only has a weekend off and even then he sometimes works a Saturday.

              Apart from a little bit of ironing there isn't a lot to do today.
              The sun is actually shining so Storm is stretched out in the garden 😁
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Going to a friends house for coffee this morning. Nice lunch in the village hall yesterday, wanted to get my car cleaned after but on the way there the heavens opened so I shall try again today. My cleaner is due whilst I am out, it will be nice to come back to a freshly dusted house and a newly made bed.

                Gemini, so pleased your DD was able to enjoy her birthday, life isn’t easy for her atm. Sounds like she has some nice friends. I do hope you are not going down with a cold.

                Oma, you are very wise to be sorting out your future capabilities. Nice and sunny here too.

                Daisy, I hope your OH can find a second hand Canvac (whatever that is). I hope you have a successful shop

                Nanto, Enjoy your steak and chips meal. I hope you get a good night’s sleep tonight

                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant coffee with a friend and returning to a clean house and freshly changed bed sounds good
                  I feel worse in the mornings, I thinks it's just some minor thing, probably caught from Little E! I noticed he was also coughing a bit when we were out to lunch yesterday.

                  I think B is wise Oma. I know he enjoys doing these things and woud, like to continue, but you have to know your limitations. He's done amazingly to do all he has for so long.

                  It was a busy morning at the library. I did think I may have to leave early, but I was fine once I got going and enjoyed my morning. The Friends (of which I am Secretary) have bought a trolley for the volunteers to use. It has made so much difference to the work. Some volunteers are older than I am and none of us are young, so to not have great piles of books to cart around is a big advantage.
                  I didn't manage to get a place at tomorrow mornings aqua (we book a week ahead) I had almost given up hope but a cancellation came up about an hour ago and I managed to grab it!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Had a more productive day than yesterday
                    Got a few jobs done,including ironing.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Gem, I had to smile at the thought of the YouTube clips you watch with GS1. I remember having similar experiences when our GS1 was young. Then we discovered a series of tv programmes called, I think, "How it's made". which he adored and OH was more than happy to watch them with him. You must be worried about your DD, so it was good that she enjoyed her birthday. Everyone needs a break from their worries at times.

                      I hope your cold doesn't develop into anything really horrible. Can you take it easy for a day or two to give yourself a bit of a rest? What a thoughtful purchase of the trolley for the library. I would just assume they would have one as part of the basic equipment. I'm sure all the volunteers will be happy they don't have to stagger round with piles of books anymore. Well done on getting the Aqua cancellation.

                      Nanto, isn't it great when you iron the very last item in a pile and can put it all away.

                      Oma, it's a very difficult decision to give up on a hobby you've enjoyed for years, but I suppose we all have to accept that we can't do as much as we used to. We need some decorating doing and I'm trying to persuade OH that we should get someone in, but he's insistent that he can do it himself. I'm sure he's right, but it will be very hard work for him, especially the ceilings.

                      Plant, did you get your car cleaned today? It's lovely to come into a freshly cleaned home, isn't it. Sleep well tonight in your newly made bed. A Canvac is an air filtering system for OH's woodturning shed. He has got a different system and one of those helmets that filter our dust etc, but he wants a Canvac.

                      We had an unexpected visitor this morning (it was nice to see him) but by the time he'd gone it was nearly lunch time. I then had a bright idea for DIL's birthday present, and it's something I don't need to shop for - I checked with her Mum first, and she thought it was a good idea too. So Eva will have to wait for her new collar and bed until the next time!

                      It was nice and sunny, so I did some gardening - not a lot, as I find it quite tiring when the ground is so wet, but I recut the edge of part of the lawn that had got messy and did a bit to tidying up. It was warm enough not to even need a coat this afternoon. Then later on I took Eva out - not too far as I'd left it rather late. Our poor dog training is still ill, so no classes for us tomorrow.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning, Daisy, when I am on the exercise bike at the gym I love watching "how it is made", yesterday they were showing how pencils were made, last week I watched how base ball gloves were made!

                        I went into den Haag yesterday, I had hoped for t shirts from C&A, but, they hadn't any so I have ordered them on line, from C&A! I did get to TKMaxx, it was very busy in town though with it being half term, it was a quick shopping trip for me, I did see that bra's were on offer in one store, I know GD2 was looking for some, these were 40% cheaper so a good offer, I sent her a message and said if she bought them I would pay for them, as it happens she was in the town with her mother so they went into the store and got them, I ate at their house last night for her birthday, she has got a pandora bracelet with charms on from her parents for her birthday.

                        GD1 phoned whilst I was there to say they had landed in Portugal!

                        Gem, you will all be pleased with the trolley, we have them for coffee at the centre.

                        Oma, B has done well to sell his tools, I bet he was upset at the same time to make the decision. I don't mind decorating but couldn't cope with the ceilings now.

                        My doctor phoned to ask how my shingles were! I told her they have almost gone, again, I still don't feel well though, yesterday in town I felt the fever rising so was soon back home, she said she wants them gone, completely, if I feel anything at all I have to phone and she will get me to see the specialist.

                        Nanto, I hope you are sleeping better now, says me that was wide awake at 4am!
                        Last edited by Lizzie48; 26-02-2025, 07:39 AM.


                          I slept a bit better last night, so hope I'm getting back on track now.

                          We used to watch How its Made. It was always interesting.

                          Daisy, sounds intriguing about GD's birthday present.

                          Lizzie, i used to like C&A, but we don't have those shops now.
                          Don't know if you can remember them or not, but i used like Littlewoods as well.

                          No plans for today, we will take the day as it comes.

                          Homemade meat and potato pie with veg for dinner. Took the pie out of the freezer yesterday.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Lizzie, I had to Google Honk Ball.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              That will be the Dutch version, I see it, Base ball!


                                Good morning Lizzie, Nan2 and all passing through today

                                Honk ball, I've not heard of that either!

                                I hope you feel fully well soon Lizzie.

                                Nan2 when we go to Majorca we always visit the C&A in Palma I'm glad you had a better night.

                                Your poor dog trainer must be quite poorly to take another week off Daisy. So many bugs around at the moment it seems.

                                Aqua this morning. I won't be staying for coffee as OH and I are invited to friends for lunch. A buffet lunch for a few friends. This has happened in the summer before, but never in winter. I'm guessing we won't be outside
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

