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    Evening ladies
    Sorry I'm late we have spent all day at the Hospital got in just 15 minutes ago.
    Went into emergency care first and seen a lovely Dr gave B a good examination and he thought it was gastric related but wanted him to have further tests and bloods to rule out anything sinister.
    He couldn't feel anything that shouldn't be there but sent him around to the Critical care day unit ,
    We waited about a hour before they called him to have his bloods done ,
    By this time he had been sick twice ,
    We then had to sit around for 3 hours till the bloods came back and to see the Dr.

    A lovely man gave him a thorough going over and the outcome was gastritis,
    He said because Bs immune system isn't like normal when he had the flu he thinks he had a stomach virus also.
    When he took the Steroids in normal people it would let the virus through but because he not only had a reflux operation to stop acid reflux and reduced immunity it's sitting in his stomach irritating it.
    Said his bloods were fine and nothing could be felt no enlarged lymph nodes etc .

    We then waited for. A prescription to be sent to the hospital pharmacy,
    I went to that and another 45 minute wait.

    He now has 2 different anti sickness tablets, and a big bottle of peppermint liquid the Dr said should help instantly .
    He's referring him to the gastro specialist, we said he was seeing the Hep Dr and the Kidney Dr on the 10 th but he thought it wouldn't harm to see him also.

    If after 10 days he doesn't feel any better we have to go back and they will put a camera down.
    Fingers crossed these meds work.
    He's asleep on the sofa he's exhausted, 8 hours sitting in a hospital when your being sick and feeling so unwell is no picnic that's for sure.
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      (((((( Oma)))))))

      What a day for you both.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oma, that was one hell of a day, but at least things are getting looked into.

        Daisy, hope you had a good day out.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Oma, poor B, and poor you. All that waiting is exhausting enough without being sick as well. Let's hope you both get a good sleep tonight, but do take care of yourselves and rest as much as you can.

          Lizzie, it can be hard to know what you can do with a tired old building without major works. I suppose being and smelling clean helps, and any little touches that can be done easily. I hope that muscle is ok tomorrow.

          We had an interesting day out. We arrived at the brewery at lunch-time, and I had chosen fish and chips, which was nice, as was OH's ham, eggs and chips. Then we were split into two groups for a tour of the brewery. The last brewery we visited locally was very old, with uneven floors and old wooden steps, but this was quite the opposite. Very modern, really huge steel vats and things. It's owned by an 8th generation family dynasty (founded in 1777), but very modern and forward looking. All the profits from their onsite pub/restaurant go to charity, and they are one of the few breweries still opening new pubs.

          What really made the visit was the young tour guide. She was amazing - very interesting, hugely enthusiastic with an encyclopedic knowledge of brewing processes, the company's extensive history and all sorts of asides, and answers to people's questions. She was only 23 (we found out) and I was intrigued about her background. So I had a chat with her afterwards, and she told me her previous job was as a tour guide at a nearby stately home! She said her one skill in life is being able to assimilate large quantities of knowledge and talk about it. Definitely a round peg in a round hole! The tour ended back at the pub for a tasting session. I never knew beer could taste so different!

          It was lovely to have a lift from friends as well, and they stayed for a quick cup of tea and cake when we got home.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning everyone.

            Oma, I really hope B feels better today. What an awful day for you both yesterday.

            Daisy that sounds a good day

            Very keen frost here this morning but sunny.
            Just GS2 from school today. I am feeling sad for him regarding his other Gran( I will start a separate thread) I am going to buy some of his favourite treats for tea time.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good morning. Very cold but sunny. Seen a few scraping the frost of their car windows.

              Been to the post office,had a natter with my friend M, who was there.

              Daisy, sounds like a good day out yesterday. Its good when a guide knows what they are talking about.

              My plans for today are making some apple and strawberry pies for the freezer.
              Also got a packet of dumpling mix in the cupboard thats still in date.
              Going to make it up and some will be for dinner with chicken stew.
              The rest of the dumplings will be frozen.

              Hubby meeting his pal in an hour,so i'll be able to crack on.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Morning ladies
                Nanto we had frost this morning, it's sunny but rather cold.
                Handy to make the dumplings up and freeze them, saves wasting it.

                Sounds like a really good day out plus no driving is a bonus.
                Did you sample many of the beers 😁
                It's always nice when you have a good guide,
                The best one we had was when we were in Russia,
                Our private guide was only 26 but she was so knowledgeable and interesting ,
                She was the type who could keep you listening , some guides are so boring your mind wanders doesn't it.

                Old buildings can be difficult to imagine what can be done but I'm sure all your heads put together you will come up with something.
                I bet your GD is so excited ready to start her experience.

                GS2 still has you to spoil him , I bet he will have a lovely tea 😁

                We didn't have a great night last night both restless and got up at 4.

                B managed a bowl of ice cream last night and this morning he had two digestives, just to get something on his stomach,
                It's still hurting but he doesn't feel sick at the moment so I think the meds might be helping , we will see how the day goes,
                GS coming today .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I just messaged you Oma, before I saw this post!
                  GS's visit should cheer you both up xx

                  Lizzie I bet your GD will have a lovely time in Portugal.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good morning, Oma, I saw that you wasn't posting yesterday so guessed it would be a hospital day! I do hope that B improves with the medicines.

                    I have been to do coffee, but, with whatever I do my temperature rises! I came home with rosy red cheeks so I am waiting for the surgery to phone at 1pm. I went into town the other day, it was the same story, high fever on the way home!

                    Daisy, you would enjoy your trip to the brewery.

                    Gem, you do right to spoil GS2, he will guess there is something going on with his nan.

                    The sun is out now, there was a slight shower on the way home.


                      We weren't impreesed with the dumpling. They have been binned.
                      We hate wasting food, we will stick to the frozen ones in future.

                      I've replied to Gems post about DD's MIL.
                      Tried to keep it short,but didn't work out that way.

                      The weather is lovely today. Wall to wall sunshine all day.

                      Off to add some things to my next Asda order now,including frozen dumplings.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Best to stick to what you know dumplings wise.

                        Could it have anything to do with the shingles?
                        I hope you can get it sorted xx

                        B was selling his wood lathe and a lovely man came for it today,
                        He traveled all the way from Glasgow,
                        He was a wood working teacher at a college but retired 6 weeks ago and decided to get himself a lathe.

                        GS helped him get it into the car with the aid of a trolly , then he stayed for a cup of tea and a chat.
                        I did offer him some lunch as he had traveled so far. but he said he had stopped at the services for something to eat .

                        He was telling us his wife died 5 years ago and as he has just retired he decided to get back into wood turning in a small way to keep him busy.

                        B threw in a few bits like wood blanks , finishing polish etc , it would only have gone in the bin otherwise.

                        The shed is looking very empty now .

                        B is feeling so much better , tired but not sick thanks goodness , but we are not counting our chickens yet .
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          No Daisy today. I hope she is just busy and all is well.

                          What a pain about your temperature Lizzie.

                          You know not to try those dumplings again then Nan2!

                          Such a lovely fine day. Everyone in the school playground was commenting on how nice it was
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I have heard from the doctor and can go the specialist, I doubt if they find anything, hope not really, may be an age thing!!

                            GD1 has just phoned, loving it in Portugal, but, she said it is very expensive in the supermarkets etc. I told her when I was there, many years ago, I paid 10 cents for an espresso! She said it is certainly much more than that now! There are 4 of them sharing an apartment, they all cook so are eating well.


                              Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                              No Daisy today. I hope she is just busy and all is well.
                              Sorry ladies! The day has kind of run away with me. Gem, sorry to worry you, though. I'm fine. As I mentioned yesterday, Eva was having a sleepover at DS2's. So after we'd done the bins, had breakfast and put away the Sainsbury' order we went to fetch Eva. We stopped off at a local garage as OH needed to get a new number plate for his car - it was an advisory on last year's MOT and it is going for MOT tomorrow. Then we went on to GS2's. It's not a straightforward journey at the moment with multiple road closures. We were also concerned that the case of beer we'd got for DS2 from the brewery would be smashed to pieces with awful potholes, so I drove very slowly!

                              Both dogs gave us a good welcome and DS2 made us a cup of tea. We sat down and had a good chat and catch up. So often when we see him one of us is in a hurry, or the girls are there, but today it was just us. Before we knew it it was 2.30! We picked the new number plate up on the way home and then I cooked a meal. By then it was turned 3.30! We were both tired after yesterday and dozed off in front of the tv. Eva didn't wake us for walkies either!

                              So that's been our day. A neighbour's just called round, so I'd better pop downstairs and say 'hello', but thank you again for being concerned about me. xx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good morning on the first day of March.
                                Frosty again but the sun is shining.

                                Glad all is well Daisy. Sometimes the day just seems to fly by.

                                Lizzie, pleased GD is enjoying Portugal. We went there many years ago.

                                Hubby busy today, so the only place we are going is to Wickes, hubby needs something for a job he's doing outside.

                                Hubby has asked for a chicken tikka for dinner. I always keep a couple in the freezer.
                                I'll probably have a cheese omelette.

                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

