Oma DD1 is 49 today. The big one next year! It seems so recently I was 50 
Awful about the medicines. OH was once given completely the wrong meds. They belonged to a man and she didn't realise until she got home. My dad was once given the wrong dose of his Parkinson's meds. Luckily no real harm done, but the wrong dose did make him quite poorly and we were all in Edinburgh for DD1's graduation so it was scary. We always check our prescription meds before putting them away for these reasons!
Nan2 sweet dreams. I hope you have a really good night's sleep .
Daisy you are always so busy!
Lizzie I hope your GD had a good birthday.
It was lovely having lunch with my 3 DDs and little E. GS1 came along to say hello then took himself off for a little walk then home. The cafe is local to them.
GS and I are watching Ghostbusters tonight.

Awful about the medicines. OH was once given completely the wrong meds. They belonged to a man and she didn't realise until she got home. My dad was once given the wrong dose of his Parkinson's meds. Luckily no real harm done, but the wrong dose did make him quite poorly and we were all in Edinburgh for DD1's graduation so it was scary. We always check our prescription meds before putting them away for these reasons!
Nan2 sweet dreams. I hope you have a really good night's sleep .
Daisy you are always so busy!
Lizzie I hope your GD had a good birthday.
It was lovely having lunch with my 3 DDs and little E. GS1 came along to say hello then took himself off for a little walk then home. The cafe is local to them.
GS and I are watching Ghostbusters tonight.