Plant, I hope your Waitrose order has everything you wanted. Enjoy coffee with your friend. I hope your busy week is en enjoyable one.
Yes we will be spending time with family over Christmas. DS2, DIL and GDs are coming for Christmas Day, and DIL's mum may come as well. We'll have Boxing Day to recover! Then it's GD2's birthday on the 27th. DIL1 and GSs are coming down here on the 28th and may stay over, then New Year's Eve we're getting together with our usual group of friends. We hosted last year so it's at someone else's this year.
Oma, it sounds as though B is making some progress, and what a fantastic night's sleep you had! You must have needed it. Your hair will be just right for Christmas.
Yes we will be spending time with family over Christmas. DS2, DIL and GDs are coming for Christmas Day, and DIL's mum may come as well. We'll have Boxing Day to recover! Then it's GD2's birthday on the 27th. DIL1 and GSs are coming down here on the 28th and may stay over, then New Year's Eve we're getting together with our usual group of friends. We hosted last year so it's at someone else's this year.
Oma, it sounds as though B is making some progress, and what a fantastic night's sleep you had! You must have needed it. Your hair will be just right for Christmas.
