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    Oma, hope B's appointment goes well.
    Glad the scratch has been repaired. Its one of lifes mysteries how it happened.

    Gem, its good to sit and have a chat with others.
    Hope GS1 is better soon.

    This morning started off very cold,but the sun warmed things up.
    Bro in law just been and we sat out in the sun with refreshments.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Hello, everyone.

      We all seem to be busy one way or another!

      I don't know where today's gone, but it has!! Hopefully I'll be back in the morning, but I've got a few jobs to do this evening and I'd like an early night!

      See you tomorrow.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning. Frosty again, but I think we will have sunshine.

        Hope all those under the weather feel better soon.

        Daisy, sometimes the days just fly by.

        I think I'll be doing the upstairs today.

        Dinner is tomato sausage, mash and veg with onion gravy.

        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning everyone.

          Oma,I hope the appointment went well for B and the traffic not too horrendous.

          Nan2, frosty start here again too.

          I hope you got that early night Daisy.

          Aqua this morning, and hopefully coffee with my friends.
          No other plans, but I may call into M&S food hall as I park my car near there.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good Wednesday morning, everyone.

            Nanto, it's chilly enough to wrap up and warm your hands on a hot drink this morning, but it's forecast to go up to 13C later today, so I'll take my cosy gloves off long enough to cross my fingers! Enjoy your tomato sausages. Do you grill or fry them?

            Gem, is it your regular instructor this morning? I bet that cup of coffee is very welcome afterwards. Take it easy in M&S Foodhall - so many temptations there.

            Oma, I hope B's appointment with the kidney doctor went well - and he was able to park ok. I think it's the same at most hospitals with parking. How is your sister after her fall? Can we see some photos when your decorating's all finished, please?

            It's usual Wednesday routines for us. OH is going to his pal's to do car stuff, and I've got dog training at lunch-time. Yet again there are road works to make the journey time a bit of a lottery. Sigh!!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Morning ladies
              The sun is out but it's very cold here.

              I hope you and Eva have a good time at dog training , I think you enjoy it as much as Eva does😁

              Are you going into M&S for anything in particular or just what looks tasty when you see it 😉

              I have never tried tomato sausages, I must get some to try.
              My DD likes chicken sausages , I haven't tried those either.

              How are you today? Are the family back safely xx

              B was very quick at the hospital ,
              He got parked easy and there was no one in clinic so was seen very early.
              His kidneys are not good but consultant said if he keeps drinking lots they will be ok for now.
              He sees him in 6 months ,
              Said he has lost weight and to keep a eye on it and try to eat more but understood it was all the vomiting and sickness not being able to eat.
              Although his kidney function is only 26% he doesn't think they need to intervene just yet so that's a good thing.

              We are off to the shopping mall this morning we need to go to the bank and I have some trousers to take back to bon marche , they seem extremely short even though I have the same trousers in the same leg length and those are fine.
              Whoever measured these ones must have missed a inch or two 😄
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Daisy, I do the sausages in the air fryer.

                Oma, I've seen the chicken sausages but they don't appeal to me.
                The doctor doesn't seem too worried about B's kidneys for now.

                Gem, enjoy aqua.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Family back okay, had a good time. Lovely sunny day here, I am off to a coffee morning plus soup lunch at a local church restaurant. Meeting my ex WI there. We had to close our WI but we are trying to keep in touch, hence the monthly meet up. Lovely and sunny but quite chilly.

                  Oma, Pleased to hear B assed the test, very good that they are keeping a close eye on him. Strange about those troucers.

                  Nanto, never tried tomato sausages, do they have meat in them as well.

                  Dog training for you and Eva, enjoy

                  Gemini, I do envy you your Aqua class, will it be the instructor you like?
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    It's been a lovely sunny day, but when I got home at about 4.30 it felt quite chilly.

                    Oma, B must have been relieved to park early, get seen early, and best of all, be told to drink lots of water but no further treatment needed at the moment. I'm sure his weight will go back to normal if he's eating properly again. Did you measure the trouser legs? I remember years ago a friend buying a pair of jeans and one leg was several inches shorter than the other!

                    Yes, I do enjoy going to class with Eva. She has a lot of fun and I love seeing her enjoy herself. There were only 4 dogs there today, so she got to do scent work and flyball - her favourite things.

                    Plant, you've had a busy day. Your old WI are doing well to keep meeting up every month. They must be a nice crowd of ladies.

                    Nanto, I never thought of using the air fryer for sausages!

                    Gem, did you find any extra special goodies in M&S Foodhall?

                    I hope everybody is ok and has been able to enjoy some sunshine today. xx
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Plant it's nice that you and your WI friends still meet up. My auntie continued to meet her bowling friends long after they gave up bowls.

                      A fairly good report for B then Oma. He needs to feed himself up now to regain some of that weight!

                      I'm glad Eva enjoyed her class Daisy.

                      It was our regular Wednesday aquafit instructor. She's very popular and works us hard!
                      I had coffee afterwards with the one friend who was there. One has a bad foot and the other is in Hong Kong, on the last leg of their 6 week holiday.
                      I bought a few things in M&S, including two very nice blueberry crumble muffins!

                      Goodnight everyone.

                      We are taking little E to the seaside tomorrow
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning. No frost this morning.

                        Plant, yes the tomato sausages have meat in.

                        Daisy, I use the air fryer for most things. There are so many different settings, but I cook sausages on the air fryer setting.

                        Asda delivery between 9 and 10.
                        Hairdresser coming this morning.
                        Hoping to get the grass cut this afternoon.

                        Dinner is homemade hot pot, with veg. I think it's the last one, so I could do with making some more.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning ladies.

                          Nan2, that made me smile. My mum loved tomato sausages and wondered why DD1 (a vegetarian) didn't buy them as they would be fine for her

                          Little E day today. No golf so OH and I are taking him to the seaside. We will get off fairly early then he can have his afternoon nap in the car on the way back. OH will be at a golf club event tonight. I have frozen a portion of Monday night's shepherds pie for my tea, so no cooking apart from a few veg
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Morning Nanto/ladies

                            A busy morning for you ,
                            MILs favourite is lamb hot pot.

                            We are off to take her meals this morning and to pop in Morrisons while we are passing,

                            This afternoon we are putting the bedroom curtains back up,
                            Ours need re drilling as I bought a new rail. And the fittings are different from the last one.
                            The spare room is just a matter of putting them back up no work needed on them.

                            My Niece my Brothers girl went into hospital for her first Hip replacement at 6.30 this morning, she's first on the list.
                            She then has her other hip and both knees to get done,
                            I said when she is finished she will be the bionic woman ,
                            Her husband said she will be valuable as scrap metal 😁

                            our posts crossed , have a lovely day out with E xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              I hope your niece's operation goes smoothly Oma. Poor girl to have so much so young.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good Thursday morning, everyone.

                                Nanto, I must stop thinking about the air fryer as a place to do home-made chips!! I need to change my mind-set, because there must be lots of advantages to using an air fryer. Hot pots always make me think of Betty's hot pots on Coronation Street years ago.

                                Gem, have a lovely day. It's sunny here and I hope it's he same for you. Little E will be so excited to have a day at the seaside. I suspect Grandma and Auntie S will have fun as well.

                                No particular plans for me today. OH has the dentist first thing, so I will probably have a go at catching up with the ironing, and it would be nice to do some gardening later.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

