Off to GD2 and her partner’s house with other family members for lunch, so will report in later. Have a good day.
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It's been a busy day in the garden. We'd almost finished what we'd planned to do when the rain started. I was determined to finish edging a border in the back garden, and ended up soaked! OH moved a mature shrub just a couple of feet but to stop everything getting overcrowded. Fingers crossed it survives!
The rain stopped about an hour later so I took Eva out. Lucky I put a coat on as it started to rain really hard while we were out. But I got back soaking wet for the second time!
Nanto, does the kitchen work start early tomorrow? I hope it all goes well.
Plant, I hope you had a good day with GD2 and her partner.
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This gallery has 1 photos."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Oh dear Daisy, if only the rain held off a bit longer so you didn't get wet! You are busy bees
Moving the kettle won't take long Nan2, you are all ready!
I hope you had a nice lunch and family time Plant.
I hope you had a lovely meal too Oma
I finished the Minutes this afternoon so that's done now. I haven't done much else apart from that. I have felt quite poorly on and off today. This virus I had seems to come and go, which I have heard other people mention too.
I'm off for an early night and hopefully be fine tomorrow.
Night everyone 😴
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning everyone.
It looks as though that bear is having messy fun Nan2!
I hope all goes well with the kitchen.
Thank you Daisy, I did have a good nights sleep.
I don't feel too bad this morning so am going to my aqua class. I am going straight from that pool into the adjoining toddler pool to meet DD and GS3. DD's friend and little girl may come too. I have been trying to arrange to meet DD and GS after my Monday class for a while now. I think we need to get GS3 used to water and its easier with an extra adult. No swimming will take place for us, it's too shallow for adultsWe will just walk about and play with him.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good Monday morning, everyone.
Nanto, that bear is so cute, but don't invite him to do any decorating you may need! I hope the kitchen work goes well - hopefully we can see photos when it's finished. Don't lose the kettle.
Gem, glad you slept well last night - you needed it. These viruses seem reluctant to clear, don't they. Enjoy your aqua class and playing with GS3 in the toddler pool. I hope it's nice and warm in there - I remember going to toddler pools with our GCs, and it's definitely a two adult job.
No particular plans for us today. It's rained overnight, and there's a bit of weeding I want to get done later, plus change the bed etc. Exciting times.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Morning ladies
This virus comes and goes willy nilly , you feel like your over it them wham it's back.
Hope you don't overdo it at Aqua, enjoy your time with GS at the pool 😁
I bet your nephew has your kitchen knocked into shape in no time .
If nothing else the rain will have soften the earth a bit making it easier to pull those weeds out.
We had a lovely afternoon yesterday all of us together and Lucie ,
Dorothy was feeling better her legs were not as painful for once.
GS is coming for breakfast before he drives back to Uni so that's sorted
I've also got a Barra brith in the oven,
I soaked the fruit last night , it's a recipe I got from Wee Grannie back in 2012 it's a bit ragged around the edges and stained but still readable😁
I must admit it smells lovely 😋the cake not the recipe 😁Im not fat just 6ft too small
Oma, Ooo I love Barra Brith, reminds me of our holidays in Wales. Lovely family weekend for you and B.
Daisy, we had rain in the night, garden needed it, your borders will appreciate it and make your weeding easier.
Gemini, Sorry to read you have not completely shaken off that virus. Good idea to get GS3 used to the pool, H loves it at our local pool.
Nanto, I wouldn’t employ that bear if I were you, he is very messy.
Had a lovely time with most of the family at GD2’s and her partner’s house, they made a lovely chilli. I love their new home,. Not fully furnished yet, they have the original front room furnished and lit a fire. That part is very much like WG front room, it is the same era and like WG’s it has been added onto at the back. they have a very big back garden with a greenhouse and her partner is a keen gardener. It is about 20mins drive from here. Big news about to be announced there soon.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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A real fire is lovely isn't it ,
Although when we were first married and had a coal fire I hated it , I could never light it.
B would light it before he went to work on a morning or as I lived next door to my sister at the time she would come in and light it for me 😁
I remember the fire being on in the bedroom when I was a child I loved falling asleep watching it ,
My father always made sure the chimney was swept for the winter and we always had a guard around it .
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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I made bara brith once Oma (from that same recipe) It was lovely! Yours look yummy.
We had a lovely time in the toddler pool with little E. He was a bit nervous at first then enjoyed himself. We stayed in a lot longer than DD expected. We went to the cafe afterwards. A successful trip!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Oh that's good to hear Gem,
He may be a natural water baby 😁
We went to IKEA this afternoon as I wanted a shelf, some drawers, Napkins, and a few other bits ,
We got half way around and B gave up and he went to the warehouse to get the drawers and shelf and left me to do the rest 😁
I must admit the way it's set out now is awful , you keep having to back up on yourself , it's like standing in the snake queues the American have ,
You think your moving forward but you get no where.
It was packed too so he wasn't happy.
We then on the way home called into M&S and the Range .
By that time my Hip and back was screaming at me to sit down.
I have just had a cup of tea and a big slice of Barra brith, it was very nice even if I do say myself.
I've sliced most of it and bagged it up for the freezer.
B doesn't like it so if I didn't it would get wasted.
I will just take out a bit at a time when I fancy it 😁
Im not fat just 6ft too small