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    Good moaning each.
    Gem, what a good idea! I think reflexology might be helpful for me too.
    l have a date with the ironing board and vacuum this morning and cards with the ladies this afternoon.
    I planted sweet pea seeds and tomatoes yesterday, they are in the kitchen as it is too cold in my shed-cum-greenhouse.
    I will see quite a bit of the youngest grandchildren this week as I am taking them to school Thursday and Friday, and babysitting on Saturday. I love the times when I have them all to myself.😉😆
    Happy Monday everyone.
    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
    Eleanor Roosevelt.


      Hallo everyone, I am going to see if I can manage aqua, I have been to do coffee, I forgot there is a young school boy there for a fortnight, work experience;! A friendly young boy.

      I came home just as someone came to pick the dining chairs up so they have gone now, the free sites didn't work so I put it on the local site for free.

      I went to DS1 yesterday afternoon on the bike, they were out but I knew that, I went with GD1 for a walk to the village, it was really cold as well!


        Good afternoon.

        Oma, hope the appointment went well.

        Sounds like everyone is/has been busy.
        We have had an hour gardening, its cold though.

        Went to an independant shop this morning,to look for paint.
        To cut a long story short,we have had some mixed,so the colour doesn't have a name, its a formula.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Back from hospital,
          After a barrage of scans, x-rays, 5 different drops, 2 Drs it was decided my eyes are ok ,
          The problem with the different pressures in each eye is down to when they measured my eyes my droopy eyelid left eye is smaller than the the right so that's why the pressure is different.
          Also I have very small pupils, that's why I had so many drops to open the pupils as much as they could ,

          They said if when I see them again in 9 months the pressure is different they may give me daily drops,
          My retina's are fine , a small cataract but I knew that it's been like that for years
          So all in all good.

          The best was I sat next to this lady who told me she was 89 ,
          She noticed my hands were trembling slightly so then proceeded to grab my hand and tell me she was a healer and would heal me.
          So there we were her hanging onto my hands with her head bowed healing me while everyone in the packed waiting room giggled , one man kept pulling faces at me and I was dying to laugh at him but she would have thought I was laughing at her so I just grinned back.
          Bless her as long as she thought she was helping,
          She said I missed my last appointment and it was fate I was supposed to meet you , aww sweet😁

          We then came home and I realised I didn't have my keys , so I had to ring Joe the decorator to bring the key we had left for him ,
          He only took 10 minutes to get to us so not a long wait.
          Leaving him in the house obviously I didn't lock the door so totally forgot about my keys.

          We are having a rest before we tackle getting our bedroom back in order and the spare room emptied for him tomorrow.
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            So sorry to have been missing today but I haven’t felt great. I had an injection this morning for my bones, perhaps it is that although my tummy is a bit unsettled. I hope I will be up to posting tomorrow.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Oh Plant , i hope your not sickening for something and you feel much better tomorrow.
              Hopefully you get a good night's sleep and it helps.
              Don't you worry about posting concentrate on getting better 🥰🥰
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Plant, I do hope it's just the injection that's made you feel a bit off. We always miss you if you don't post for any reason, but, honestly, if you don't feel like it it's fine to give us a miss. We all just want you to be ok.

                Lizzie, it must have been chilly on the bike as well. Did you get to aqua, and were you ok? I'm sure you're glad the dining chairs have finally gone.

                Oma, your eyes have certainly been thoroughly checked, but then so they should be. Thank goodness there is nothing wrong or unexplained. How sweet of the lady to want to help heal your hands. It's interesting she knew you missed your last appointment. What a good job your decorator was able to give you the key. Isn't it frustrating when you're standing outside your own front door and can't get in!

                Gem, how did your reflexology session go, especially the chest reflex? It's quite shocking how quickly we feel the lack of exercise if we're used to doing a particular activity regularly. How is your hip now?

                Grauntie, a busy day for you today, but brilliant to have three days of your youngest grandchildren to look forward to. Is their school nearby? I can remember the days when our now 20 year old grandson was so excited when I collected him from school one day that he threw himself into my arms and nearly sent me flying!

                Our trip to the vets turned into a bit of a social occasion. An old friend who is a dog trainer was on reception and gave us, well mostly Eva, a great welcome. She was the person I first asked for help with Eva, but she was fairly newly qualified at that time and said Eva's needs were too complex for her, so she referred me to the trainer we still go to. She was genuinely pleased to see how calm and confident Eva is now. For the first time in 10 years Eva allowed the vet to check her microchip to make sure it was in place and correct. This friend has the most beautiful black working Lab and I was drooling over photos of her! There was a 12-week old puppy in the waiting room who just lay calmly in his owner's arms watching Eva's antics greeting our friend and the vet!

                Eva was ok - the gland was clear so the vet just gave her an injection to calm down any itching she may have. I took her for a walk this afternoon and ran into an old college friend and his wife. We stopped for a chat and Eva just sat quietly waiting. They thought she was being well-behaved, but I think she was just tired.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good evening.

                  Nan2 you will get exactly the colour you want by having it mixed.

                  Daisy I 'm glad the vet visit went well.

                  I hope you feel better tomorrow Plant. As the others say, please don't worry about posting until you feel up to it.

                  Lovely to have some GC time Grauntie.

                  Did you do aqua Lizzie?

                  Oma I'm very glad to hear your eyes are OK. Let's see if there are any changes in your health after the healing lady!

                  Aqua was fine, I was definitely ready to go back.
                  My reflexologist could see by my chest region on my foot that there had been a problem. My eye reflex was painful too, I don't know why!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Frosty this morning.

                    Plant, hope you're feeling better this morning.

                    Oma, glad you're eyes are OK.
                    Let us know if you feel any different after the healing vibes from the lady

                    Daisy, 10 years since you got Eva, crikey time flies.

                    2 of my jobs today are cleaning the dishwasher and doing the ironing.

                    I think dinner will be something fishy.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Morning Nanto/ ladies

                      I got up this morning expecting miracles unfortunately nothing , but she did try 🤣🤣

                      How are you today ?

                      Did your reflexology help, how was the chest part ?do you feel any better for it ?

                      Time flies with our animals but then so does that moment get nearer to them not being here ,
                      I dread that 🥺

                      I hope your enjoying time with the grand babies 😄

                      At least the chairs have gone and you have a bit of space now.

                      Got another full day,
                      Decorator coming then a man to look at my sofa, there is a scratch on the seat just where your calf's would be so it can't be off anyone with Jeans sitting on it or it would be actually on the seat ,
                      No idea how it happened but we are insured so he's coming out to assess and see what needs doing,
                      We think the new shed is coming today and B sees the kidney specialist at 4
                      We will then have to move the bed and furniture back into the spare room ,
                      We fell into bed last night exhausted, we were both asleep by 11 and slept solid till 5 am

                      Have a good day ladies whatever you're doing.
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning Nan2, Oma and everyone else.

                        Hard frost here this morning, but the sun is coming out.

                        I hope they can repair the scratch Oma. You both needed that sleep
                        There is a lot less coughing every morning and hopefully the reflexology treatment will speed it along even more.

                        This morning is the AGM of the group I am Secretary of . DD1 has asked me to have GS1 all day. She has to be in work, rather than home, as she has a new staff member starting . My meeting is in a room in the same building as the library. I will leave him in the library, with some cafe money. The librarian will keep him busy with some shelving if he feels like it.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Lovely sunny day here. I am waiting for my grocery delivery from Waitrose. DD & Sil back from holiday, they are taking Sil’s sister back to her home atm. My tummy still isn’t right, not doing much today.

                          Oma, you are always so busy, I hope you can have a break when the sorting out and decorating is finished.

                          Nanto, I hope you have sunshine today.

                          Daisy, I can’t believe you have had Eva that long.

                          Gemini, I hope GS enjoys his time in the library whilst you are at the meeting.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Hallo everyone, it is still very chilly whilst out on the bike Daisy! I have to go to the hospital in Delft tomorrow morning, on the bike, they do forecast 16 degrees so I shall have to wait and see!

                            Oma, pleased your eyes are OK, does the scratch on the couch come from the zip of a boot? If it had been me with that lady I would have pulled my hand away, not a believer is all that.

                            Nanto, I often (used) to have my paint mixed, in fact I went the other week for a trial colour for a plant pot I have repaired. It was mixed while I waited.

                            Gem, I went to aqua in the car, I thought if my leg hurt I could be home in to time, it went well and I enjoyed it, our young man is on holiday and it was a young lady, not as energetic but I enjoyed it. I have an appointment with the physio at the medical training centre this afternoon, get some more muscles strengthened.

                            Daisy, you will be pleased with the progress Eva (and you) has made over the 10 years.

                            I am having my hair trimmed at 3pm, a strange time for me, usually early morning but with doing the receptionist work it had to be later.


                              Lizzie, we had a lady for our Monday class this week, as our male instructor was ill. She wasn't generally popular, but I was glad to have her in a way as a less energetic class was a good one for my first one back!

                              Plant good idea to have an easy day until your tummy is better.

                              Change of plan this morning. GS1 still not very well from the cold and sore throat he had at the weekend, so his dad went over to look after him at home today.
                              My meeting went well, then I did half an hour or so in the library, then had coffee and chat with some of the ladies from the committee.
                              The kittens are glad I am home so they can play in the sunshine We are always both out on Tuesday mornings so they stay inside.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                I'm not keen on late appointments either ,
                                I much prefer when I'm booked in early morning,

                                At least you got to have a chat after , did you not have lunch there ? It would have saved you when you got home🙂

                                Decorating all done he's done a lovely job,
                                Just curtains to go up in both rooms, we have blinds up so I'm in no hurry for them.

                                Man came for the sofa it wasn't a big job only a 2 inch scratch so repaired it while he was here.
                                You wouldn't know where it had been.

                                Then the shed came it's all ready to be put together but SIL will come to give B hand with that maybe at the weekend.

                                No one sits on the sofa with boots on I don't allow shoes in the house and really it's only GS who sits there and he always has shorts on.
                                It's a mystery how it happened.

                                B has appointment with the Kidney specialist at 4 right on rush hour traffic, our hospital is a nightmare to park in like most hospitals these days, so he's leaving 20 minutes earlier than he would have.
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

