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    I hope it's not this nasty bug going around and he is feeling better by morning,
    Poor thing it's horrible being sick like that .

    We have a Spudz in Dalton park , only been in once when we took MIL a couple of years ago and it was lovely but I remember the potatoes being far too big , come to think about it I'm not sure if it's still there,
    I will have to check 😁

    B said the same thing he will make a copy for my other sister,
    I will put it on here tomorrow, we look so young on it , it was 20 years ago now.

    I hope H enjoyed her day , I bet she's fast asleep now♥️

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Nanto, Oma, I've heard of Spudz. Is it a franchise? I love jacket potatoes - in fact we had them with dinner tonight. I'd done salmon, spinach, cauliflower, peas and sweetcorn, so I just put a big dollop of butter plus salt and pepper on the spuds.

      Oma, what a nice surprise that will be for your other sister. Twenty years ago seems like yesterday, but it's easy to forget we've got 20 years more of wrinkles, saggy bits and grey hairs!

      Gem, any news of how GS2 has been today? Fingers crossed he has stopped being sick.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Cold and frosty again, but apparently temperatures are going to be up a bit today, not before time.

        Not much to do today. Dinner is sorted. I took out one the pies I made on Friday. It's not a pastry pie, it's corned beef and onion, beans topped with mash.

        Going to cook the filling today for some meat and potato pies.
        Will do the pastry tomorrow.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Daisy, Spudz is a franchise.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning everyone.

            I haven't heard of Spudz around here, but it sounds good!

            GS2 had stopped being sick by the afternoon. Hopefully he will be feeling much better today. He was performing with Young Voices in Sheffield Arena on Wednesday, surrounded by so many people. He had a brilliant time, but could easily have picked up a bug there.

            No plans today. Spurred on by my new dressing table and mirror I intend to give that room a deep clean today, and put away the Christmas things which go into a cupboard in there. The loft stuff is all away so this is the last of Christmas clearing.
            Friends had mentioned possibly meeting up some time over the weekend but as we haven't heard anything I presume it's not happening.

            Happy Sunday everyone.

            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning ladies
              I'm pleased to hear that GS has stopped being sick poor lamb , you would rather be ill yourself than them wouldn't you ,
              Enjoy your day even if it is cleaning 😁

              Nice easy dinner but you will still be cooking prepping the other meals 😁

              We are meeting the family and our friends this morning, it's still really frosty out.
              Yesterday I was looking through photos and I found this one as I was telling Daisy,
              It's myself and my sisters before my sister died.
              Gladys is 59 on the left, Alison 52 in the middle and me a young 48 😁
              Sadly my sister Alison died 4 weeks after taking this photo on February 1st. IMG_20250112_082847399~2.jpg
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good Sunday morning, everyone. Yes, it's still cold here, but no frost and a glorious red sunrise as well.

                Nanto, thank you for those colourful flowers - they brought a smile to my face. Your freezer is always so well stocked. Enjoy your corned beef pie today.

                Gem, thank goodness GS2 has stopped beig sick. It's so easy to pick up bugs in busy places. What a great day he must have had at the Arena. He obviously enjoys singing. Much as I hate housework, it can be quite satisfying to do something like sorting out your old treatment room. It sounds as though it's going to become a dressing/pamper room, which will be beautiful. I think a lot of people aren't keen to go out in this miserable weather.

                Oma, thank you for the picture. You can certainly tell you're sisters, and it must be very special, and you lost her far too young. Was it one of the last photos of the three of you together? Enjoy your lunch out with family and friends. How is D now? I hope she's feeling better.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  I forgot to say - I'm on a mission to get the house clean and tidy today. The beds for our visitors are made up but everywhere needs a dust and hoover. I'm going to cook meals for the week tomorrow. We're out most of the day on Tuesday and with family arriving on Wednesday I want to be organised.

                  We still haven't sorted out exactly what will happen with the dogs. BIL and SIL are bringing their Border Terrier as there's no one who can look after him but he's not keen on other dogs. We have introduced him to Eva in their house, and fingers crossed he will be ok. (He's not aggressive, just frightened poor thing). But of course we will all be out on the day of the funeral, so we'll probably take Eva to DS2's and leave Wellie in the house, hopefully with someone to go in and check on him. I'd really like to get the two dogs to be comfortable with each other because it will save BIL and SIL a lot of worry.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning, I was going to the shop than discovered out street is like an ice rink so I will wait until it thaws.

                    A lovely photo Oma, memories of the 3 of you together,

                    It will be a worry Daisy if the dogs don't get on together. Maybe the terrier will settle in.

                    Gem, I do hope that no one else in the family gets the sickness bug.

                    DS1 told me that GD1 and her BF are in Leiden for the weekend, BF had no football yesterday so it was their chance to get away together.

                    Nanto, I wish my freezer had meals in like yours!

                    I got all the washing dry outdoors yesterday, I really need to do the windows but will wait for better weather.


                      We still have a covering of frozen frost covering the garden. The children and some adults went out to play in it yesterday at the party. After everyone had gone home yesterday the five of us had a take-away and DD, Sil, GD1 and her OH played a silly card game, I just watched the fun.

                      Difficult for you Daisy about the dogs, the visiting dog will probably be nervous. I presume the owners will bring his bed and toys.

                      Oma, Lovely but sad pic. Of you and your sisters. Have a nice day with friends and family.

                      Gemini, I hope your GS2 is feeling better and had an enjoyable time singing with the choir.

                      Lizzie very wise to stay indoors whilst it is dangerous to go out.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Yes sadly it was the last photo ,
                        We were having a late Christmas with her , she declined rapidly after this ,
                        She wasn't just a sister but my best friend, after 20 years I still miss her but can laugh about things we did and remember the best of times,
                        She was the most laziest person I knew, but didn't stop me loving her 😀
                        Same with Gladys I love her just as much, as Sisters we were very close.

                        I hope the dogs get along , it's going to be Avery busy week for you again.
                        When the weather is better you need a break away in the caravan .

                        We went for Breakfast with everyone and we are just back.
                        D is doing good, she had a lump on her head removed in November that was cancerous,
                        She's had a full body PET scan and it was clear so she has to have radio therapy on her head then it's just a watch and wait with it, so positive news, her legs are much better for now.
                        Thank you for asking xx

                        It sounds like a very lively day ,
                        I bet everyone was ready for their beds.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          After many days the frost has finally gone! It's good to see roof coloured roofs again.

                          It's nice to see you with your sisters Oma.

                          Lizzie, I'm glad you avoided walking out on the ice!

                          I got my one room done Daisy, how is your cleaning mission going ?! I hope it all works out with the dogs.
                          I was all set to renew my passport online (it runs out the day before we fly to Canada in June)
                          I realised I needed a photo. I have no make up on and certainly can't be bothered as we are staying home so it will have to wait!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Oma, Poor D, what more will she have to put up with?
                            It does sound positive though, she will be glad to get the radiotherapy done with.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Just been in next door, H is watching television and was looking very tired. Her mother asked her if she wanted to go to bed, she nodded and picked up her cuddle toys and she has gone for a sleep.

                              Our white stuff has nearly gone from the garden thank goodness, I hope there is not more to come.

                              Nice picture of you with and your sisters Oma.

                              I suppose it was a bit of a worry about your friend D’s lump, pleased that it was clear. I presume the cooler weather is better for her and her swollen legs.
                              Last edited by Plantaholic; 12-01-2025, 03:12 PM.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                It's really foggy here now!

                                Little H must have been very tired Plant
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

