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    Good morning all. I know I'm tempting fate here but we don't seem to have had at much rain as the rest of you, its dry here at the mo but its very over cast.

    Gem this time last week it was so hot you would never have thought of putting a fleece over your self. Glad you are feeling better.

    Plant sounds as if you are going to have a lovely day.

    We haven't heard much from Clover lately have we, hope she is ok.

    I'm off to town later to meet up with the girls for lunch . We usually go out in the evening but as our friend is currently under going chemo we thought day time would be better as she tires easily . She is doing amazingly well , 5 chemo's down , one more to go .
    Have a lovely day all, hope the rain keeps away

    Me and my mouth......It's raining ☔️
    Last edited by Mimi; 29-06-2017, 09:54 AM.
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      All good wishes to your friend Mimi. I know she will really appreciate caring friends right now, and especially those who think of her needs when making plans
      You know you shouldn't have mentioned the lack of rain!!

      I have looked back and now remember that Clover has been away for a few days
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Hello ladies. Thanks for missing me Gem.x
        Yes we've been at DDs since last Thursday. We haven't seen them since Easter so I've really missed them especially the GC.
        On Friday the other Grandparents arrived and we all went to see GD Lucy playing Sir Belvedere in the local drama group's production of "Spamalot". Monty Python's humour doesn't really appeal to me but the whole thing was very well done.It was lovely to see Lucy in a major role and not in the chorus now she is 15.
        Another live show on Tuesday when we went to the local Secondary school's production of "Annie". Lucy and Finn our lovely GS were both in it. Finn was a servant and Lucy was Lily ,the floosy girlfriend of Miss Hannigan's brother ( I expect you know the story ). I was so proud of both of them. Lucy also played a radio announcer and actually had a solo song.

        I hope anyone who is poorly feels better soon and anyone who is a bit stressed (and who isn't from time to time ) gets a chance to relax.

        I'll and catch up with posts as soon as I can.


          Daisy, plenty of choices as to what you can do today.
          I usually buy Aunt Bessies frozen pancakes,but i haven't been able to get them anywhere. So, i have made a pile and put them in the freezer.
          Hubby is out playing postman.Mr postman left our mail, and the mail for the next 3 houses.
          Forgot to say, it has stopped raining.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Nice to hear from you Clover, sounds like a very enjoyable visit to family
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Hi Good friends it's taken me till now to get on here not that I'm busy just tired I have started back on my folic acid and bought a load of gluten . free stuff I fear it's a weight problem but I do wonder if I am gluten intolerant I could get checked out at the docs, but can't face going there so having a go at sorting myself out. My thyroid condition doesn't help and for a couple of mths and several over the counter meds I can't get rid of a small problem I have shall I just say it's to do with yeast I think.
              Clover it's always good to see family it's a shame it doesn't t last long enough,
              Gem glad you enjoyed the theatre seen the film but my heart lies with West Side Story 😀 Your a superb DD you know that don't you !!
              We bought a wind machine today as you do when food shopping I'm taking no chances this time with the weather I feel it will be back hot and fierce and this time I will be ready 🌬
              Mimi hope all goes well with your friend she's doing well so far , I have met up with one friend since Clare passed away supposed to be meeting up with 2 of them in July but it's the first time since we were all together since November for the funeral you would think we would be closer but quite the opposite, although one of the girls is travelling the world after a big redundancy pay out and her partner as well so she's not around much 😢
              Daisy I would start in alphabetical order with your list but that's me being methodical
              Plant it isn't that to
              time of year is it TENNIS flipping drives me mad lol

              Last edited by Qwerty; 29-06-2017, 04:03 PM.


                Gem - I hope you persuaded your mum to go out. I thinks it's gets harder the longer she leaves it. xx Glad you're feeling better - we all need down time occasionally.

                Mimi - it's good to hear your friend is doing well and has nearly finished her chemo. The rain didn't reach us, so you are forgiven.

                Clover - I'm glad you've had a lovely few days with your family. It's such a pity that they are so far away. It sounds as though you've got two very talented stars in the making.

                Nanto - ooooh, I love pancakes (as in Shrove Tuesday) but not good at making them. I also quite like the american-style pancakes with maple syrup etc.

                Qwerty - No wonder you're tired - you are a very busy gran and I for one, don't know how you cope. It will be interesting to see if going GF helps. The only thing I've noticed with 4 GF people in the family, is that some GF versions of foods are much sweeter than non-GF. I haven't done the comparisons about how many calories, but if you're watching your weight, you might want to check. If you mainly cook from scratch, GF is very easy. Bread is the hardest thing I find, but even that is getting better all the time. Good luck. I can understand it being harder to meet up with your groups of friends since you lost Clare. We're finding it the same in my group of friends since our friend died. We didn't even have a funeral to go to, but it is getting a bit easier, even though we all miss her so much. xxx

                My list for today - well, I did the online shopping and am not sure why it took till lunch-time, but it did!!! We had lunch and a bit of a rest and then took Eva out for a good run. End of list for today!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good evening

                  Clover it sounds like a visit packed with lovely things. I hope it's not too long until you see your GC again.

                  Qwerty, I hope your get your tiredness sorted out soon. You must miss Clare so much, it's a pity you don't meet up with your other friends as much now (remember you can always meet up with Oma and myself sometimes ) I quite agree about the tennis!

                  Mum and I plan to visit my sister next Thursday Daisy. It is just sitting in another house but it is a drive through the countryside and change of house!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I am ok there are others much worse than me, thanks for the tips on GF I do cook from scratch or I know a man who does 😏
                    Oma you seem to be quiet today hope all is ok 💋
                    Gem hope you find your sister in good health.
                    Thanks for the offer just seems a long way from here although I know it's only a 20 min train journey.
                    Daisy the list you had has not included housework how very dare you there must have been something that needed tickling .
                    Talking of being tired my OH accused me today of being hyper when the kids are here and that I get very noisy, the kids love grandma when she's silly and the monster is growling I call it interacting !!!!
                    Last edited by Qwerty; 29-06-2017, 09:31 PM.


                      Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post
                      Qwerty, i wasn't messing with your post, was just testing to see if i could edit it,and i can. Then i remembered us mods can.
                      Ha ha if you mess with my post I will mess with yours 😂


                        Qwerty - housework was the very first thing on my list. And you're right - everything needs tickling, and more, but I decided to pick the nicest bits out of my list - the online shopping and walking Eva. I've ordered 4 tops to wear with a new pair of trousers I got the other week. I'm trying to decide what to wear for our anniversary a week on Saturday. I don't want anything too dressy, but don't want to disgrace the OH after 50 years!!! So I'm hoping one of them will be ok. I don't know how you've got the energy to be hyper when you've got the twinnies. I'd be exhausted before they were through the hall. You're a treasure of a Grandma!

                        Gem - yes, getting out for a drive will do her good.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          No rain this morning and it looks a bit brighter.
                          Clover,good to see you back, pleased you had a lovely visit to family.
                          Qwerty, hope you perk up soon.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning everyone. It's a bit brighter here as well. I hope it stays dry - the lawn is like a tropical jungle. LOL

                            Qwerty - you'll be pleased to know that today I am going to do HOUSEWORK!! I've already dusted the window sill in the hall before putting a plant there that I'd stood in water overnight. Off for a shower now, and then duster, polish and sucky up thing watch out - I'm coming to get you.

                            Have a good day everyone.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              [QUOTE=Daisy;n70576]Good morning everyone. It's a bit brighter here as well. I hope it stays dry - the lawn is like a tropical jungle. LOL

                              Qwerty - you'll be pleased to know that today I am going to do HOUSEWORK!! I've already dusted the window sill in the hall before putting a plant there that I'd stood in water overnight. Off for a shower now, and then duster, polish and sucky up thing watch out - I'm coming to get you.

                              Have a good day everyone.

                              Daisy the housework police are on their way
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Morning ladies it's very wet hear , hope it dries up for tomorrow my great nephew is getting married ,
                                Been to take two tops back today they were too big , why are sizes so different in each shop? you can never rely on getting the same fit , my usual size and they were hanging off me , another shop and they would have been too small 😕
                                Then we went to optician,s B needed arms adjusting on his glasses and then pick Dog up ,
                                I didn't get a replacement for tops I just didn't have the energy to try them on , the lack of sleep has taken its toll on me the last few days I can't be bothered with anything , maybe a long sleep tonight will be the outcome 😊
                                Daisy don't put your back out with the HOOVER😀 a bit at a time will do hahaha,
                                Qwerty kids love noisy grandma's ,they will always remember the fun times for me it's noisier the better , rather have them screaming with laughter than quiet and poorly xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

