Originally posted by Oma
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Mimi you must have really needed that sleep !!
Oma remind me if I get a new kitchen not to get wooden work tops that would send me crackers , I was like you yesterday OH decided to do some boxing in in one of the bathrooms so I had to mooch round him getting jobs done then he moved to the lounge to clean the leather suite again he was in my way so more mooching around 🙄
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The sun is shining. only plans for today are a bit of housework and i think we will cut the grass.
Worktops look well Oma.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Good morning all , sad to say I didn't get a repeat of the previous nights sleep, the complete opposite in fact !
Oma you have the same white doors as me . How was the takeaway?
The sun is shining at the moment so hopefully it will be a lovely day. If I am feeling workish I might strip the bed as I haven't anything else planned for today.
Have a nice peaceful Sunday ladies,Bring me sunshine in your smile.
Good morning, ladies.
Oma - OH recently re-oiled our wooden worktops in the utility room. but he only put 2 coats on, and they are already stained - he'll have to do them again!!
Exciting day for me - washing, waving around that hot flat thing, portioning up dog food for the freezer and hopefully a bit of gardening.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Happy Sunday everyone
A walk along the cliffs sounds lovely to blow away the cobwebs Clover.
Daisy, Oma and Qwerty, I love the wooden worktops which you have to oil. Just too much work to maintain them for us to consider though!
I'm sorry your good nights sleep wasn't repeated Mimi
Our grass needs cutting too Nan2 and Clover, all that rain is to blame!
My sore throat has turned into sneezing type cold now, so I am in 2 minds about calling in on mum this afternoon. I may just phone her instead.
OH is playing golf this morning, no other plans for us today, if I don't see mum.
I have listened to The Archers omnibus, hung out a washload, cleaned the hob of the cooker, changed the filter in the water jug and put a honey and sunflower loaf to bake in the bread maker. That is probably enough for today!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies didn't sleep well massive headache from the smell of the oil , putting the kitchen back together this morning ,
Mimi take away was lovely
Its a funny sort of day sun one minute overcast the next ,
It will rain for sure as ive just cleaned the windows outside downstairs
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Lovely sunny day here, too warm for my sunroom. Feeding my two GD's today, one is working at nearby restaurant and the other is riding. I have a small beef joint, no Yorkshires or pots wanted (dieting), just lots of veg. Fruit for pudding.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Well, i thought Sundays were supposed to a day of rest.Housework done,cleaned hob and oven,cut the grass while hubby pottered.
Dinner over with,we have ours at what most of you call lunch time. I roasted a duck crown.
Brought the washing in, snuff dry.
Mimi, what a pity you didn't get a good nights sleep again.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Well. Sorry I've been AWOL for a while. I think the last time I looked in on this thread was 260 or so...could have been further back. Excuse me if I don't reply to everything. It will probably take most of tomoro catching up. All leading busy lives I see. Great."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Morning all , Hospital day for us got to be there for 9.30 so leave about 8.15 get through traffic , sun is out looks like a nice day ahead ,
Nana nice to see you hope you ok at the minute ,
Been looking at my G nephews wedding photos he sent me last night , they lovely but makes you realise how time has gone .
Have a good day ladies
Libra I will book our room this afternoon xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good Monday morning, ladies.
My usual busy Monday - except I've got to go out earlier than usual to get a birthday gift for a friend - July has arrived quite unexpectedly!Then it's GDs until their mum and dad get home from work, a quick dash home, cook dinner, then dog training class 9 - 11 pm. I may not be on here much.
Oma - I hope the hospital appointment goes well. xx"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)