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    Just put my flat hot thingie away .

    Daisy, just read your post about that Wful rude man....I would have been tempted to "accidently" run over his toes with my trolley!! Blooming cheek.

    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


      Been baking today in preparation for our trip to DD's for weekend. Think we'll end up eating most of it as DD and SiL have been on a sugar free diet for 8 weeks and have lost a LOT of weight!! Maybe my cakes can tempt them to have a treat! Out for lunch with them on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing them all. Have a good weekend everyone whatever you're doing!
      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        I never want to see a paint brush and a tin of paint ever again. The spare room is finished and I am absolutely worn out.
        Last edited by Mimi; 14-04-2017, 09:00 PM.
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Nanto and Enfys - I am utterly convinced that those hot shiny things are the cause of global warming! Now, if that isn't a good excuse to lock them away in a dark cupboard I don't know what is!!!

          Mimi - you'd better put your paintbrush in that dark cupboard too - and throw away the key! Well done for getting the whole room done in one day, though.

          WeeGranny - Well done to DD and SiL on their successful dieting - I'm sure a couple of days off the wagon will be great. Who can resist home-made cakes! Have a lovely, lovely time.

          Plant - get well soon. xx

          OH has spent most of today sanding the dining room floor, and he's only finished half of it. He aches all over and his knees are very sore (he gets psoriasis and kneeling down always aggravates it). I've done most of the washing today - the laundry bin was overflowing. Only about 238 loads to go! OK, that's a slight exaggeration. This afternoon I potted on all the tomato plants I bought yesterday plus the tray of Moneymaker I'd grown from seed, some cucumbers and melons. The greenhouse is finally beginning to look as though it's Spring.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Enjoy your Easter weekend everyone.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning everyone.
              Daisy I didn't actually decorate the whole of the spare room, it was just three walls.
              When DS stayed with us for a few months much to my deep annoyance he would insist on using the light switch on the wall and not the bedside lamp , not a real problem you would think until taken into account of the fact that at the time he was suffering with a horrible outbreak of eczema which involved using very greasy cream on his hands which transferred on to the wall around the light switch!!! After he had moved out I tried every product on the market to get rid of the grease which eventually I did succeed in doing but unfortunately it also took of the paint on the wall so I was left with horrible brown patches randomly scattered around the light switch. As the room had three cream walls and one plumish sort of colour it was just the three cream walls that had to be done. It was impossible to find an exact match of the cream paint that was already on the wall so I had to repaint the three cream walls....all that work for about a 5inch (old money I know ) patch of wall !!!

              Dad always grew money maker maker tomato plants, they were his favourite. I will be looking for some tumbling tomatoes to grow in a hanging basket when I ( eventually) visit the garden centre .
              I also need to get some strawberry plants as I lost all of mine last winter.

              Not it sure if I am going to pop to town this morning as the world and his wife seem to have their birthdays between now and the end of May so I need a lot of birthday cards plus some 'congratulations ' on the birth of your baby/granddaughter/great granddaughter, getting all of these athe local shop will cost a small fortune.

              Have a lovely Saturday everyone.

              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Good morning everyone. I hope you are all enjoying a sunny start to the day (although I think it will cloud over later).

                Mimi - Thre walls is three walls in anybody's money, and definitely counts as decorating a room!! We often find we need to touch up paintwork, but can never remember what shade we've used. It's only recently we realised writing the name of the room on the tin lid would help!!! Do'h. But you're right, greasy marks are the worst - I never realised how greasy biro ink is until I had to get it off the walls after a junior artist had tried to draw a mural!

                I think Moneymaker are the most reliable and best cropping. I like to have some beefsteak type for chutney and tomato salads, plum toms for their taste and little tiny ones like Sweet Million for snacking, and now I've added small yellow ones as well because they look so nice. At this rate our garden will be Tomato Central! I'm trying to decide whether to put strawberries in the allotment - I think we may be short of space though.

                We've got lots of birthdays between now and the end of June - they all seem to come at once! The variation in price is crazy - a simple folded card can be 59p in Card Warehouse and £2.99 in another shop.

                We're having coffee and lunch with OH's niece, her hubby and her parents today, and DS2 has kindly offered to come and let Eva out and spend some time with her so she doesn't get lonely. I think he's secretly pleased to come and have a cuddle with her - I know he misses Midge a lot.

                Whatever you're doing, have a lovely day, ladies.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Morning ladies been to the Garden Centre to get MIL a outdoor plant for her Birthday , no use buying her anything personal or for the house as she has everything .next best thing is a plant its a lovely thing called Tangerine lots of bright orange flowers all summer
                  Mimi so annoying when all the walls need doing for one small patch .I have several jars under the sink with emulsion in for touch ups , different whites that I have used. Some are Dulux some Crown ,some silk some matt , so I write on with a sharpie pen what it is and what room I have used it in, Mind you a few weeks ago I needed to touch up a small patch in living room and didn't look at the jar , did it went out and when I came in I could see instantly I had used the wrong one I had put matt on instead of silk so had to re do it
                  Hope everyone is having a good Easter , I'm off now to do the ironing and put fresh bedding on
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    We used to grow tomatoes in the greenhouse but had to water them with rainwater as OH said he could taste the chlorine if we used tap water. Greenhouse is looking very sad, waiting for someone to cut down the vine and I have started to clear pots and trays, very sad really, I loved planting and pricking and started all the bean plants for OH, but we don't have a veg garden anymore. I have some small clay pots, I am sure someone would like those.

                    I have tried my hand at decorating in the past but really hate it. My dear decorator is coming in to do the sitting/ dining room when we are in France. Man with a van is going to move the furniture into my garage two days before, then we will get carpet up ready for him. New carpet and furniture back in when we get back. Only problem is I have to choose a new carpet, I am not too good at that, decisions, decisions.

                    Not doing much today, still feeling a bit grotty with this virus, nose tap seems to have dried up but still feeling rotten. DD has just been in to see if I was fit for a pub lunch with them and her MIL but I declined, not really feeling like it and do not want to pass the cold onto anyone else. Hoping to come out of purda tomorrow to join the family for lunch but will not join them if I think I am still infectious as the new parents and baby will be coming plus GS2 with a new girl friend.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Good morning everyone

                      I hope you feel much better tomorrow Plant. A pity to miss a pub lunch, but not much fun if you don't feel well, and I understand you not wishing to pass it on.

                      It's lovely to hear so many of us seeing family over this weekend.
                      We had a good day yesterday at DD2s. The baby was as ever, happy and unconcerned at his house full of so many people. He just pottered, played, smiled, ate and slept!
                      GS1, 4 and a half took to one of DD2s best friends daughters, aged 10. 'I heard him say to his mum that 'She and T ( his 7 year old girl cousin) are still friends, but we have decided to be best friends!' Bless him!
                      We are going to a garden centre later as well Oma, for tomato plants. Hopefully they won't criticize us on the plants we by as happened to Daisy!

                      Tonight we will go out for a meal to celebrate our anniversary, as yesterday was about Easter and the baby
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        We have had a lazy day,apart from me walking the dog and hubby doing a quick whizz with the hoover and cleaned bathroom for me-bless. Matt text and invited us to lunch as we were visiting to give him his card and gift.Nothing exciting he wanted B&Q vouchers to use when they move into their new home,which hopefully will be by the end of the month. He made a gorgeous quiche which we had with salad and then served up homemade bakewell tart with cream.It was all very yummy and even better no cooking for us.We stopped off in Westbourne on the way home for a browse around the charity shops,hubby mainly looking for books.But as luck would have it I browsed the nic nac shelves and spotted what I hoped was an original nao/lladro ornament of the yawning girl.I checked it for damage and the Nao/Lladro stamp,but it was perfect £10 later it was safely wrapped and in my bag.Got home and searched the net for the same model and when it was selling it retailed for £60.A bargain and another for my collection. Going to relax tonight with a glass or two. Enjoy your weekend all.

                        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                          Plant - I know how you must feel about the greenhouse - it's sad to see it sitting there. If you enjoy pottering in there why not try and grow a few salad leaves in pots. You can keep them on staging, so no bending, and it you grow the cut and come again ones you can use as much or as little as you need. I'm just starting off my second tray for this season - the first tray is ready for cropping and will last a couple of weeks. Yesterday when it was a bit windy, it was lovely in there in the sunshine. Does the vine just need pruning, or are you getting rid of it? I bet if you put your clay pots in a box outside your gate they would find themselves a good home.

                          I do hope you feel better for tomorrow. It sounds as though you've been really under the weather. I still can't decide whether I've got a cold or a touch of hayfever, but I have been feeling tired and not like doing much. It's very frustrating. Will this be the first time you've met GS2's new girlfriend?

                          Gem - I'm glad you had a lovely day, and you're getting a proper anniversary celebration as well. GS1 is such a sweetheart!

                          LG - I hope your young man (he's still in his 30s!) had a good birthday. Lunch sounded delicious. Your new Ladro figure sounds a real bargain - well spotted. I haven't been to Westbourne for years. A friend's mother used to live there and I used to take my mother over to visit her occasionally.

                          Oma - I hope your MIL likes her birthday present. Last year both DILs gave me plants for the garden, and I was really delighted.

                          We had a lovely time at OH's niece's. His sister was looking really well - she was 80 last week - and one of my other sisters-in-law had said she thought the birthday girl was looking a bit frail. I thought she looked really well and so did her husband. We had a lovely lunch, chicken joints cooked in a yummy tomato and white wine sauce and perfect mashed potatoes, followed by a really tasty fruit salad. As always, we had lots to talk about, lots of laughs and, the icing on the cake, managed to avoid the traffic jams!

                          Tomorrow, we're off to the allotment at 9 am, so time I was getting some beauty sleep.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy, the vine must go, I find it difficult to manage and the grapes, although a good flavor have pips so not very popular with the family. I will try a few salad plants Daisy to keep my interest as it looks a very sad place at the moment. I have to ask strong members of the family to carry compost from front to back, not an easy maniuvere

                            I joined the family for a glass of bubbly this evening, feeling a lot better and looking forward to lunch tomorrow with the family and a GtGs cuddle
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Plant,good to hear you are feeling better.
                              We aren't expecting any visitors today.Plans are for me to cut thegrass,and hubby wants to tidy all the edges, if the weather allows.
                              I'm not doing a big roast dinner,we had that on Thursday,i'm so just going to do jacket potatoes in the slow cooker.
                              Hope you all have a good day,whatever your plans are.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning ladies , picking MIL up at 12 take her to Martins for her Birthday lunch . Looks lovely out but a bit of a nip in the air still.
                                Plant so pleased your feeling better ,
                                Nanto I always do our Jackets in Microwave how do you do them in slow cooker and for how long ?
                                Have a good Easter Sunday whatever you are doing ladies xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

