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    Good morning. Raining here,not as much as in the picture though.

    Sound like everyone had a good day yesterday.

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    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning everyone.
      Another rainy day, but not as bad as Monday and Tuesday.

      Voting this morning. York Outer, where I live has no chance of going the way I want, but I will vote anyway!
      Usual Thursday with my mum later.
      This evening I will make the most of my last Sports Free night before OH returns
      β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning, ladies.

        It's dry here, but still windy and definitely not Flaming June!

        I'm meeting up with friends for lunch today. Not much else planned, but I might do a bit of shopping on the way home.

        Gem - some time in front of the tv sounds perfect for a wet day. Enjoy all the non-sports programmes you can.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          I have to take my car to the garage to have the bump repaired, they will keep it whilst I am in Brighton, calling at the chemist first for a prescription as I have a water infection. Then I have JL and a local man coming to give me an estimate for a new carpet. In between I will pack for our trip tomorrow, will need to use that flat hot thing.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Morning ladies Ann a busy day for you
            Went back to bed this morning for a hour , had a terrible pressure headache woke me at 4 and even with pain killers wouldn't shift , slept from 8 till 9.45 and its a lot better so had a quick shower then we went to a new Aldi that has opened at the top of our estate ,its huge . We now have the old one at the bottom and this new one at the top , they said they keeping the old one open but I can see that happening ,2 within a quarter mile of each other and the old one is in need of repair and refurbishment ,
            Going to have a lazy day today I promised myself I'm doing nothing .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              I think a quiet easy day is certainly what you need Oma. I hope your headache has all gone now. A new Aldi is opening not far from us too.

              Daisy, I hope you had a lovely lunch.

              Plant, I hope your water infection is soon cleared up.

              Just switched Loose Women on, and Danny Jones, who is married to OHs niece is on. He is one of the judges on The Voice junior version. We haven't watch The Voice in the past but will have to as he is on it!

              Off do to mums shopping for her now then spend the afternoon with her. Once again she isn't coming out. She isn't sleeping well and is worrying about her routine review on Monday. She herself admits she is making a fuss about nothing. it's only a BP check etc. I don't know how she would cope if she ever had to have any actual treatment! I feel sorry for her though, she isn't choosing to be like this.
              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good afternoon all, Oma how is your head now ?
                Plant hope your water infection clears soon, I had one a few months ago and it made me feel under the weather for a few days.

                I got soaked this morning on my way for my mammogram. We could hear the rain and wind howling around the very large van and all I could think of while my boobs were being squashed between the two plates ...'If there is a power cut would I be suck between these for hours ' ? Silly what goes through your mind isn't it
                From there I went to vote, again getting soaking wet and when I eventually got home the sun decided to shine but it was short lived as its pouring with rain again .
                Have a lovely afternoon all
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Rain on and off here, JL carpet estimate man has been, I am still standing after they handed me the estimate, not as bad as I feared, this is a very big room.

                  Very funny Mimi, I shall think of you when I have my next mammogram.

                  Oma, I hope your headache is better, a quiet day for you will be good.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Gem your poor Mum it gets frightening for them as they get older ,seems no logic in it but they do my MIL is the same gets all upset then after says she has no idea why she was worried .
                    Mimi its been like that all day hear too , I have visions of you stuck between the plates having a cup of tea with the nurse waiting for your boob to be released hahaha
                    My headache is much better I had a little nap and feel more myself .
                    When we were at Aldi this morning I bought two pks of Tea towels 5 in a pk reduced to Β£1.49 a pk ( Brian just rolled his eyes ) I have just put them away and decided to get all my tea towels out and sort them to throw away the stained ones, only to find I had 3 unopened 5 pack of tea towels at the bottom of the pile , I now have 42 tea towels in total and that's without the ones I have thrown out , I really must stop buying them .
                    I think I will give some to my DD then I wont feel so silly having so many
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Pleased the headache has eased off Oma. When we did our kitchen last year,i bought new towels and t-towels.
                      Every time we went in a different shop, i looked at towels and t-towels, for something different. Hubby thinks iv'e got enough.
                      Speaking of which, a long time ago when mam was visiting us, i was putting all the towels away, when she said why do you put the clean ones at the bottom,
                      said she always just put hers at the top of the pile.Putting clean ones at the bottom is something i have always done.otherwise i would be using the same ones over and over.
                      Turned out very warm here. Had a walk to put nephews card through his letterbox,then we walked the long way round to come home,and we were swealtered.
                      Called for some scrummy cream cakes as we were passing the bakery.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Just updated in my new baby thread.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Oma glad to hear your headache is better
                          Plant what colour carpet are you choosing?
                          I need to get out more I decided to go to Asda instead of Morrisons I got very excited it's 6 miles away whilst Morrisons is at the bottom of our road so it was like a real outing till I got the bill Β£89 !!!
                          Aldi are building at the bottom of our road also ladies πŸ‘πŸ»Must get a life 🀣
                          Mimi you have made me shiver I had never thought about the machine breaking down nor a power cut 😳😩 mine are already like spaniels ears as it is πŸ€”
                          Daisy hope lunch was good we are out for lunch tomorrow a romantic twosome well I can dream ☁️
                          Gem mum will be glad when her doctors visit is over no one likes going to these places do they


                            I had a lovely lunch, thank you. there were only 3 of us this time (often it's more like 10-14) and we all said how much we enjoyed it - we had a different sort of chat, somehow. But the weather was awful. We were right on the cliff tops and the wind was howling and the rain was lashing down.

                            All this talk of Aldis - we haven't got one anywhere near us. I think the closest is about 9 miles away! Perhaps we could have one of Oma's spare ones.

                            I had never thought about the mammogram machine breaking down, either! EEEEEEK

                            Qwerty - I'm sure you will have a very romantic lunch tomorrow!
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Didn't get to sleep till about 3,couldn't stop thinking about my grandaughter.
                              Iv'e never thought about the mammogram machine breaking down either.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning, Nanto, and everyone else.

                                Nanto - it must be so hard to watch your much loved granddaughter going through the pain of losing her baby. Sending you a great big hug. xxx

                                It's still very blustery here, but hopefully the rain will take a day off. I'm starting the day with prepping food for Eva - I do about 2 weeks at a time, portioning it up and labelling it. It's a bit tedious but worth it to see her looking so shiny and healthy and tucking into her food.

                                OH has almost finished sanding the dining room floor - it's taken ages, but when his sander broke yesterday he went and hired one which has done the job in a fraction of the time! Then hopefully we can get it finished off, do the gloss paint and get back to normal. It's like living in a removal van in our house at the moment!

                                Qwerty - enjoy your lunch!!!
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

