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    Back from Martins , didn't stay long he was very tired , helped get him down the stairs he's very off balance , he comes down on his bum then wobbles into the living room ,
    His scar is very neat but hugely swollen side of his head that will go in time looks odd with half his hair shaven off , the pain and sickness is bearable so he's doing well ,
    Called into Tesco on way home needed bread came out £43 poorer 😲 😀
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Bread is expensive in your Tesco Oma.
      Pleased M is finding his recovery bearable.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good to hear that M is progressing, hopefully the pain will subside soon. Hell Oma £43 for a loaf of bread !!
        Well didn't get a visit from the family, too busy yesterday and forgot about me today. I now officially give up
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Hahaha yes expensive bread Mimi sounds just like my DS what can we do with them
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            We went over to Cardiff with DS1 to spend time with DS2 and have a late birthday celebration with him. I took him a few presents and we went out for pizza ( birthday boy's choice) The two brothers rarely have the chance to get together so it was nice for them to catch up.
            Oma I'm glad you saw BIL and he is progressing.
            Mimi,I agree with you about " Girl on a train" I preferred the book and found the film a bit hard to follow and like Plant kept getting the girls muddled up.I had pictures in my mind from reading the book so of course they were different in the film and I preferred my own version.


              Oma - so pleased to hear BIL is doing well. £43!!! - I'd stick to Ryvita.

              Mimi - I think that's fairly standard from our busy, busy sons! My DS1 came to collect our grandsons last week while I was still at dog training. He'd called in on his brother since he was passing their shop, then had a quick chat with his dad and by the time I got there he was working on his laptop - something needed by the end of the working day - and then we went! We did say hello and goodbye - just about. Mimi - talking about sheds - you need your very own shed where you will do mysterious 'things' and not hear the house phone, or notice it's time to get a meal ready, and certainly can't leave of to do the ironing!

              Clover - it doesn't matter how late it is, a birthday celebration is always welcome. Lovely for the two boys to have time to relax and chat with each other.

              Plant - I hope you had a lovely meal and weren't still too full to do it justice. xx

              Nanto - I may be a bit confused, but is your appointment tomorrow? If so wishing you good news. xx

              Enfys - have you decided what you will search for in the National Archives?
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Yes Daisy, lovely roast beef dinner. GS who is now driving picked me up and brought me home.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Morning ladies hospital day again .
                  Nanto will be thinking of you hope it's all routine xxxx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Morning ladies.
                    Yes Daisy, my appointment is this morning. Will update on my YEO thread later.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Hope it goes well, Nan2.

                      Had ad a lovely meal last night with DD and SIL, it was very strange that there were just the four of us after years of being six then five. She did gammon in her slow cooker and it was delicious, I really must try it.

                      Daisy, I have so much I want to do at the Archives, I must go through all my files and make a list of things I want to try and find. You can go online and search the catalogues before your visit which will be a help. I must go with a plan otherwise I know be flummoxed when I get there and not know where to start (

                      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                        Good morning everyone.

                        Nan2 crossing fingers for you that all is routine at the hospital today.

                        No GS2 today, I shall have him all day tomorrow instead. Some 'me' time today! I am meeting a friend for lunch. She is one of my oldest friends we met at toddler group with our now almost 40 year olds!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning all.
                          Nana2 hope everything goes well at the hospital this morning.
                          I have just taken all the Christmas decorations from out of the cupboard so that I can get to two electric heaters that have been stored right at the back. In the next few days we have the joys of having the front garden dug up as new gas pipes have to be laid. The road will also be dug up. Oh joy upon joy ! This means we will be without heating for most of the days for a few days in a row, hence the electric heaters. We have an electric fire in the sitting room so thats taken care of . I have promised one of the heaters to my friend across the road as she has no other form of heating other than gas. Its a good job it is mild at the moment, just hope that cold spell doesn't reappear.
                          OH thinks that the front garden will not be dug over, just the path, we will find out as the days progress. If the garden is in danger of being ruined I will pick my daffs, they are just about to come into bloom.
                          I had to ring the company that was supposed to pick up a parcel on Friday ( I waited in all day ) but they never showed up. Conversation on the phone reviled that they did turn up at 6pm ( funny how it was exactly on the hour ) but they couldn't gain access to the block of flats . I live in a two storey flat and to anyone who doesn't know it looks just like a house. The only access they had to go through as a small garden gate and that doesn't even close properly as the last lot of high winds broke off the latch and was never seen again !
                          I have now been promised that parcel force will pick the parcel up today, that's if they can get through the complicated gate ! As my mum would have said...... "We'll see "

                          Have a lovely Monday everyone,
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Back home from the hospital, have updated in YEO.
                            Mimi, hope the parcel gets picked up today, and good luck with all the upheavel in the garden.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Mimi I think that's very bad timing to cut off some people's only source of heating, unless of course it's an emergency.How did "they" know it wouldn't be snowing or similar? These works are planned well in advance and they didn't have a crystal ball to predict the weather. It's very kind of you to lend your friend a heater.


                                Mimi what a time to cut of peoples gas . hope its not for long and the mess is kept to a minimum , if it gets too much for you come on hear and scream
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

