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    Morning ladies usual Hospital day again , MIMI bra fitting are not always good , I went to House of Fraser and John Lewis and both had different sizes I then went to a little independent place called Sadie the bra lady and she got my size spot on in HF I was 36 C in JL I was 38 B tried them sizes in both shops not one fit well , went to Sadie she said I was 38 DD and the bras she showed fit like a glove .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Morning. Nan2 you made me do a double take. It's Thursday today love not Tuesday. I'm pleased though that I'm not the only one who looses track of the days.😅 Have a good day everyone.
      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

      (Doe Zantamata.)


        Good morning ladies. I'll catch up with all yesterday's news later. The sun is shining here today, even though it's windy, and I don't mind wither it's Tuesday or Thursday. I often wake up thinking it's one day and it's a different day entirely! Today I need to clean and tidy our freezers. We've got a small chest freezer in the garage and two fridge/freezers in the kitchen (there's a reason, but it's a long story!). Enfys was asking yesterday if we feed Eva raw food and the answer is - we start this week-end. We've fed previous dogs raw but with her being allergic to chicken (a big ingredient in a raw diet) I needed to make sure I could get alternatives reliably. So the first delivery arrives on Saturday - so it will be a case of cramming everything in!

        OH is still coughing for England (or Wales) and is going for a blood test this morning - just a check up, not related to the hacking cough. I just hope he can keep still while the needle goes in!

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning everyone.

          Mimi, I'm sorry you had a horrible day yesterday, and to hear about your friend. You are right, none of us knows what is around the corner for ourselves and those we love. It is important to live now, make the most of each day, and cherish family and friends.

          I often don't know what day it is Nana!

          Usual Thursday with my mum today.

          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning everyone.
            Daisy you poor OH , this cough seems to have gone on for such a long time now.
            Nana I have to think twice as to what day it is so you are not on your own there!

            I have arranged with the 'girls' to visit our friend, who is unwell at the moment for next Wednesday. She says she is fine with all of us turning up at hers but obviously we will change it if she changes her mind. When she starts her chemo / radiotherapy we will take it in turns to visit her as I know she will then tire easily .
            I'm going to have a good sort out of my clothes, shoes I no longer wear are going to the charity shop and as for my old bra's , they are going in the bin ( can you recycle old bras I wonder ?) and I WILL purchase new ones next week . I am determined to find some that I like.
            Have a lovely day everyone.
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              MImi don't chuck them in the bin. I know where you can send them to be recycled by a charity for girls in Africa. Apparently it keeps them safer to be wearing a bra (mor something) I have the address somewhere and will post it on her when I remember which safe place I have out it in!
              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                I have seen a pic., not sure where, it was draped in a tree with the cups full of seed!!
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Originally posted by ZIZI View Post
                  MImi don't chuck them in the bin. I know where you can send them to be recycled by a charity for girls in Africa. Apparently it keeps them safer to be wearing a bra (mor something) I have the address somewhere and will post it on her when I remember which safe place I have out it in!
                  Ok Oma . I will keep them till I get the address
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Mimi its Zizi who has the address not me
                    Jut been out for a lovely Indian meal , you usually have to book as its a very popular place ,but we were lucky and got in without a booking , now I'm stuffed .
                    I never order a lot as I can never finish a plate full but what I got wasn't too large and I still feel ive had a mountain of food
                    Best thing is no dishes for me to do
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      I never got round to catching up with yesterday. As you will see on another thread, I've spent a large part of the day trying to help our very sad DS 2 and DIL deal with the fact that they have got to have their dog put to sleep.

                      Mimi - Zizi's right - I think it's something like Bras for Africa. If a girl wears a bra it's taken as a sign that she has someone to care about her and protect her from unwelcome male attention. By the way, I didn't want to prejudge your appointment with M&S, but I found they were useless, too. I thought it could have been just the assistant I saw.

                      I only got one freezer sorted out. Oh dear! Will have to find time tomorrow night or first thing Saturday to do another.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I was in Richmond (Surrey not Yorkshire) today to meet a friend for lunch after my (very) early morning conference and noticed a lingerie company which name I had never seen before and which offers pretty lingerie for larger ladies. I am big up top and find bras quite difficult sometimes and if I had had enough time today I would have gone in there but will wait until I come back from holiday and go in there. I know it will be expensive though. I have lately been wearing sports bras because they do not pinch as much but otherwise I wear good quality ones.

                        I know now I have the address and I will look for it properly tomorrow.
                        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                          Someone should start a bra thread. I went to M&S & they were useless. After my appointment with the breast clinic she suggested I look for a sports type bra. Meanwhile I went in a lingerie shop my DD1 recommended. I came out with a bra but felt as tho I couldn't breath. It was so tight. Why is there such a shortage of bra fitters I wonder. DD2 was fitted for new feeding bras at Mothercare & she said she ended up fitting herself.
                          Hope you all have a good Friday.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            Good morning ladies..
                            Weather dry at the moment.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning ladies , off to B,s nurses today the one who is having her cottage renovated to see how it's coming along , then at 2.30 I have results of my diabetes bloods I know it's not going to be great (sigh) I will get told off again for my fruit eating 😊 have a good day ladies xx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                While I remember Admin I'm still having to approve all my posts is that just me or others too xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

