Back to work for me today! I did a treatment for my OH on Saturday to see how it went. I felt tired halfway through, but it wore off. I had to slightly adapt things to avoid lifting my left arm too high, but it was OK. It's not until late afternoon.
This morning I will be in the GRU backroom!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies been busy this morning getting stuff done I have been meaning to do for ages , just managed my shower 30 minutes ago , got a pile of towels in the washer and whites to go in next ,
Gem don't push yourself to hard ,
Hope everyone has a good day it's wet and dreary out. I was hoping to get drive swept and around front door sorted all the dead leaves and such that are caught under the drain protector but it's too wet so another job to do another day 😊
Afternoon ladies.
It was a horrible day yesterday, I had the headache from hell but thankfully it has passed now.
Just come back from Tesco, all I wanted was a lettuce and some carrots but I had to pass by endless rows of Easter Eggs and tshirts ? I can't even guess what the connection is. I would assume that Tesco has a job lot of tshirts to get rid of.
Its yet another drizzly day out side , getting board now with being cooped up indoors , I want spring to arrive and I want it NOW
Good evening.
Mimi, I'm glad you got ridof that headache! I agree spring would be more than welcome
I am aching. Mainly from driving ,giving the reflexology and carrying my couch (not far) combined. I have taken painkillers though and intend to spend the evening cosy on the sofa! It was nice to earn a little money for the first time this year. No sick pay for the self employed
By the way, can members check to see if they can see who Likes a post now? There will be a small number next to the Like tick, if you click on that it should show the names (s) of those who liked? I have changed the settings, so I m hoping you can all see this now.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Zizi - congratulations on your award. I hope the ceremony went well and all the out of towners you were looking after appreciated you stepping in to help.
Oma - the news just keeps getting better and better. Well done B!
Gem - I hope you didn't overdo things with the treatment. Do be careful.xx
Mimi - so glad you're feeling better today.
Nanto - it wasn't too cold here either - but the rain continued to be a pain!
Nana - hoping and praying that all goes well. As Gem says, start a thread because we'll all be waiting to hear news - or even no-news-yet. xx
My GD2 is starting to leave off her afternoon nap, so today was a 10 hour marathon including travel in horrible conditions. I've decided I'm not as young as I was - I need an early night tonight.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Oma I've been awake since stupid o'clock so I known how you feel. How can one person feel so tried and not able to sleep.OH thinks I am mad, "Just lie still and close your eyes "ha says, "You will soon drop off "he says.... Honestly that man is just asking for trouble!!
Yesterday I ordered several items from Argos for the garden. DD gave us gift cards for Christmas so we thought we might as well use them now as there were officers on. The thing is they are being delivered today.....between 7.30 am -9.30 am.....will they really be delivered that early? I will let you know.
Just looked at the time, it's 7.34 , they haven't arrived yet!! Better get myself out of bed just in case !
Good morning.
So many poor sleep deprived people here
Hoping to hear some happy news about Nanas newest grandchild today. Hurry up baby!
Rain,rain and more rain here.
Today we are going out for lunch with a group of OH's golf friends ( who seem to have adopted me too!) This is to celebrate the 70th birthday of one of them. We are going to a very nice Italian restaurant in town, and a birthday cake is being taken
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning everyone. Dark and wet here. but at least it's not freezing cold as well, and the mornings re getting lighter.
Gem - enjoy your lunch. I do hope we get news from Nana soon, although I expect she's busy with baby's big brother. Thinking of you, Nana. xx
Mimi - Only a man who likes to live dangerously would say that! You and Oma and other non-sleeper should have a 'sleepless on GRU' thread for night time chats. You might not sleep but you'd enjoy sharing being awake. xx
OH has offered to help a friend with hedge laying this morning. It's the friend who let us use his paddock for Eva, so it's nice to be able to do something useful in return. But he won't be a happy bunny when he realises it's raining!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Morning all
Sorry to report it's a lovely bright morning here. In fact the sun has just come out .
We're going to treat ourselves to lunch in Morrisons today. I know,I know ,we do know how to live. There is a TK Max in the same complex so will have a root round there as well.
Whatever you're doing today take care.
Good morning from a soggy Poole, not looking forward to our walk this morning. I am taking my friend to a hospital appointment at 1pm, fingers crossed she is done and dusted by 3pm school run.
Morning ladies I managed to go to bed at 5.15 but had to be up again by 8.30 we have a appointment at 10 so couldn't lie any longer ,
Mimi mine says the exact same words , believe me many a time I've wanted to smother him 😠😁
It's wet and grey hear , take care ladies have a good day , Nana waiting for news xxxx