Oma - I think we all echo what Nana has said. I'm pleased to hear Brian has managed to eat a little today. And I bet you didn't tell him he couldn't have ice cream unless he ate all of his sandwich! Even better is the doctor saying he's on track. That's really good news, and you must be feeling a bit better yourself. Storm will keep you busy tonight. Does he like lots of cuddles?
Mimi and Enfys - thank you for making me feel normal!
Nanto - I hope your OH gets on with the decorating - you don't want wet paint for Christmas!
I've had a relaxing afternoon starting to make tags for the GSs' presents, and as OH is out tonight I watched a lovely programme on Sky Arts about birds and other animals being musical, and the final episode of the Landscape Painter of the Year award. It's nice to have control of the remote occasionally!
Mimi and Enfys - thank you for making me feel normal!

Nanto - I hope your OH gets on with the decorating - you don't want wet paint for Christmas!
I've had a relaxing afternoon starting to make tags for the GSs' presents, and as OH is out tonight I watched a lovely programme on Sky Arts about birds and other animals being musical, and the final episode of the Landscape Painter of the Year award. It's nice to have control of the remote occasionally!
