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    Been AWOL for a couple of days as busy with hospital appointments.

    OH had been referred to the Glaucoma clinic by the optician. We didn't get a definitive answer as after lots of tests,two different lots of eye drops and visiting four different rooms we were told the results will be reviewed by the consultant and we will be informed of the result by letter. If it's a case of having eye drops the prescription will be included.Unfortunately I didn't "take" to the nurse who did most of the tests.I don't know why!

    Then today I had appointment to see consultant about my hip. Basically he said an X-ray the GP arranged showed the replacement to be fine.I was rather puzzled as when my GP gave me a copy of the X-ray report it showed something amiss and that was why she referred me to the consultant in the first place.When I queried this the consultant said "Bloomin' radiographer " had interpreted a shadow that the replacement had made as something else! He thought the pain was probably sciatica though sometimes it was so bad I could hardly walk.
    I did have to have a blood test as I have a metal on metal type replacement which have been found sometimes to start to disintegrate causing problems.He assured me though that although my levels of something (can't remember what!) are high they are stable so no cause for concern.

    Zizi I'm sorry to hear about your ribs. I much have missed the post.I do remember you saying you had a fall and when OH picked you up he hurt his ribs.


      Pleased the blood test shows no need for concern.

      I have been frozen all day,just starting to warm up.
      Cleaned bedroom windows and ironed and changed curtains.
      Was hoping it would warm me up, but it didn't.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Clover, some people we just don't take to. Like the nurse who did my pre op assessment. I really didn't like her!

        Children gone home, dinner eaten and cleared away. We are in our pyjamas. We know how to live on a Friday night
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Clover I fell during a panic attack at night and fell in an awkward position. In picking me up he grabbed me around the underarm area which was the best thing to do in the circumstances and cracked my ribs in the process. He is quite bereft and feeling terribly guilty about trying to help and causing damage. I would still by lying there if it wasn't for him so I cannot complain.

          My husband has lost 90% of his vision through glaucoma. I know things are a bit different for you and your OH but we have found a way to get around the vision problems through trial and error. Husband refuses to be classified as partially sighted because as far as he is concerned he can see and therefore he is not at all disabled. The fact that he cannot see much and bumps into things all the time doesn't bother him at all, in fact he makes a joke of it. If we go from outside to inside (especially venues like an old pub). he cannot see a thing because of the light levels and if he is not nice to me I make sure I forget to mention the low ceiling or beam or big step down or up. NO I don't I am joking. I always make sure he is safe.
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            Still awake. I have nights like this ocassionally. OH snoring away. Window open no matter what the weather, so snuggled up cosy & warm. Not long since heard a couple singing their way up the street in fits of giggles....her high heels making that familiar sound on the road. Those were the days. Seen it, done it, worn the t-shirt & washed it.😂
            Hope you all have a good Saturday. Sorry to hear all your trials & tribulations. Hope it's a better day.
            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

            (Doe Zantamata.)


              Nana im still awake too im not good at sleeping and this week for some reason has been particularly bad , its not that im not tired as i am in fact im exhausted , My eyes are like slits and the bags could carry the shopping home in them but can i sleep ? NO Grrr , its 4.30 so im off soon to try and get some sleep even if its only a few hours its better than non , xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Raining this morning,and i think it's forecast for the next few days.
                Nana and Oma, sleepless nights are awful.I slept until 4 this morning,so not bad for me.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning all.
                  First and foremost, Oma and Nana look away now.........
                  I am extremely proud to announce that I , Mimi, famous though out the length and breadth of the land, holder of the gold medal for the number of sleepness nights on the trot has just achieved a night of uninterrupted sleep. (Discounting the one time I had to visit the bathroom, but I did go instantly back to sleep when I got back into bed ) . I went to bed at 10 ish and slept till half 6 .
                  I feel this should be celebrated in some way, perhaps a medal ( See Oma's thread on Ant and Dec )

                  Its raining here at the moment and I had a peep at the on line newspapers and I see that it's all doom and gloom on the weather watch for February. The newspapers are proclaiming very stormy weather and lots of rain....We're dooomed ....again... Don't they like to depress us ?

                  We are going out tonight for a meal to celebrate DSs 40th birthday later in the week. DIL has arranged a surprise holiday for him and only the immediate family know where . As its a secret my lips are sealed but as soon as he knows I can reveal all. Just enough to say I am extremely envious.
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Good morning ladies.

                    Mimi - this is a Red Letter Day indeed! I'm sure you must feel great for breaking that long run of sleepless nights. We'll get the new "Sleepy Head of GRU" gold medal organised for you. xx

                    Just a quick update on the Forum. Last night we had every nook and cranny of the forum dusted, polished and disinfected. There were no evil nasties lurking in any corners, but it's nice to have it confirmed.

                    I have an exciting day today - it's Hampshire Potato Day! There! I bet you're all jealous. In fact it's an almighty scrum in a school hall to buy seed potatoes for the allotment. There are hundreds of varieties and you can buy just an odd one or two of varieties you want to try out, or industrial quantities of your favourites. There are also interesting heritage vegetable seeds and all sorts of unusual plants. I'll report on my exciting purchases later.

                    Have a good day everyone.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning everyone.

                      Mimi, I think a medal is certainly in order, in honour of your night of sleep!!!
                      Oma and Nana, I hope you both got a few hours at leas.
                      As you say Daisy, good to know all is well here again Many thanks to you and mods for your hard work.

                      Nothing planned here today, apart from a little shopping, as we have invited mum over for Sunday lunch tomorrow.
                      I am going to give OH some reflexology, maybe a shorter than usual session. I am going to a client on Tuesday, so want to try it first, to reassure myself I can do it. I had, rather optimistically booked him in for January 17th, but after my op decided this was silly, so contacted him and said I would be ready to start again at the end of the month.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Sunshine and showers here but we managed a walk with only a few drops of rain!
                        A basket of ironing is calling me but I have selective hearing at the moment
                        I made a carrot cake this morning so am looking forward to trying a slice later ( maybe a reward for hearing the ironing basket )


                          I had a very poor nights sleep with my ribs really hurting. We did not do the early baker, butcher, greengrocer run as husband left me in bed and I got up quite late after dozing. I am in a lot of pain today, doctor Google says it takes up to six weeks for it to heal! We did finally go and popped to see the children on the way around. I got enough meat from the butcher for two weeks and have sealed and frozen a lot. Sadie Pops loved her outfit I bought her. You might remember I bought her a little red dress from Next for Christmas but mummy had bought her the same! This was a blue denim pinafore dress and striped long sleeved tee shirt. She put it straight on and looks adorable. Joe came downstairs moaning that mum was making him clean his bedroom on his own (for the first time) and saying he didn't know where to put things. Mum said he had better find out because he will be having to tidy and clean his own bedroom once a week from now on. He also has a girlfriend which mummy "accidentally" let slip. Poor boy went bright red.

                          Ben was busy gaming with his friends but managed to find time to come and give us a hug and a kiss. PLus it is pocket money day so we are always welcome then!!
                          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                            Off out soon having a meal with family to celebrate Martins 50th last week . he went away last weekend so had to be this weekend. It will be interesting as his two grown up children have fallen out big time so will have to have one at each end of table. Any picking at each other and im putting my foot down they not spoiling his celebrations.
                            Zizi hope you get some rest tonight might be a good idea to go in spare room with lots of cushions around you for support xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Hair coloured ...check
                              Nails done.....check
                              face on ........check.
                              Lippy on ......check
                              New top and trs on......check
                              Handbag with everything a girl is going to need for a night out, purse, phone, lippy, tissues, mirror, pain killers emergency money ( OH) should have tonight sorted but just in case) ...check

                              Right out we go for DSs 40th birthday meal.
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Hope you ladies enjoy your meals out.
                                We went to Meadowhall today. Last time hubby went, it had only been open a couple of months.It's about 12/13 years ago, since i was last there.
                                Didn't go in all the shops,because i don't like looking round clothes shops.
                                It made a change though. Called into Asda, on the way home.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

