Sounds like a shopping trip is on the cards Oma.
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Plant I may have too , I have been through with a fine tooth comb ,3 bin bags full ,
considering I did this not so long ago I don't know where they all come from , but I have held on to stuff before that I thought I may use again , well it's all in charity bag now , I have favourites that I keep going back to so this way I have to use the other stuff I have and buy new , Both wardrobes look a bit bare now , now all I have to do is push hubby to sort his 😀Im not fat just 6ft too small
I sorted my wardrobes a few weeks ago, hubby was going to do his at the same time,but i'm still waiting.
Done a pile of ironing,had a load of washing out.Bathroon cleaned and the downstairs loo and back porch done.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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I found a few tops that I have been unable to use due to the weight gain, well now I can get into them they don't look right so no longer hanging onto them. I was in JL today so replaced some. Also bought a new cleaner, big bill end of month.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning Ladies. I'm sorry I haven't managed to chat for a few days. The plasterer we thought we'd have to wait a couple of weeks for turned up on our doorstep on Saturday morning (we were still in bed!) saying the person he was in the middle of working for was ill, so did we want him to get on with our job! We certainly did!! So we've had a week-end of plaster dust, disruption and chaos - but it's all finished!! I still have a lot of cleaning to do but the kitchen is back in operation, and I'm catching up with the washing etc. Yesterday was GD2 day, so today it's Action Stations!!
All this talk of sorting out wardrobes makes me think I should be doing mine - I really should as I've got clothes I haven't worn for years!!
Avo - How did your eye appointment go yesterday? I do hope it wasn't as bad as you feared. xx
Oma - your poor neighbour and her daughter! I hope they are both ok. Thank goodness she has got parents who sound very supportive and caring.
Gem - you deserved your celebration tea and cakes yesterday! Well done. I hope the tiredness soon goes, but take it easy until you feel better.
Mimi - I bet you wouldn't mind your neighbours moving somewhere else!
Nanto - what a lovely cake.
Plant - I'm a bit worried that you're buying a new cleaner. Are you defecting to the Bleach Babes' camp?
It's a lovely sunny day here and I would much rather get on with the gardening, but I really have to get the house sorted! Still, I'm sure the weeds will be happy to wait for me. LOL
Zizi - sending you love and best wishes. <<<Hugs>>>
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning ladies ,
Daisy now you can start the decorating
Hope everyone has a good day , the sun is shining and its not to bad out ,
Been to Asda and Aldi bit of a waste of time really as I didn't need much and could have done with what,s in the fridge and cupboards , but its habit ,
I did get a nice silky dressing gown out of Asda reduced to £5 so not entirely a useless trip , I don't wear dressing gowns normally but like to have one at hand if I'm in my PJ,s and someone knocks on the door , cant stand bulky fluffy ones I'm too hot for that sort , this one is a Red and Black light weight one a bargain .
Having 5 minutes then go pick the mutt up he will be pogo jumping up and down at the window , you would think he had been left and hadn't seen us for years when we get therexx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Never fear Daisy, the new vacuum will reside in a cupboard. I find my upright vacuum, it is a Sebo controls me now so I have bought a V6Dyson, I think they must be bringing out a new model as it was greatly reduced. It is cordless so shouldn't be tripping me up.
Dressing gown sounds very glam Oma. I am sitting here in my lovely thick toweling robe, not into my summer weight one yet.
Very dull here, off later to have lunch with my lovely Trefoil friends.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Good morning everyone.
The weather is set to be good this week I think. DD1, SIL and GS1 are in Centre Parks so I'm glad for them. Nice sunny day here, but windy.
We are taking my auntie out to lunch today. Nice to not have to go to Leeds every day now and have black pen marks to wash off my skin!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning everyone.
All these dressing gowns sound really nice, mine is years old. It an M and S one and it just won't wear out. I brought it when M and S clothes were made to last . The same goes with my nighties , they too are old and I think its time I treated myself to some new ones.
Well yesterday was the day from hell. As you may know ( YEO thread) I didn't get much sleep Monday night and when I got up the day just went from bad to dreadful . I had the migraine from hell , DD rang to say that her, SIL and youngest GS had spent the entire night vomiting . It was so bad she was having asthma attacks . I was on stand by to travel down to theirs if she was taken any worse. Thankfully as the day went on she improved as so did the others. It was then only early morning but felt so bad I had to go back to bed. Wasn't there long when someone was at the door. It was a delivery driver with my new lampshades for the hall. bathroom and bedroom. Right I thought , lets work this migraine off so I put up all the new shades . All was going well until it came to the hall . I had got the new shade on, was just about to replace the bulb when there was a cracking sound and the centre ceiling rose collapsed leaving exposed wires !!!! I rang the repairs office only to be told that as it is on the ceiling it doesn't constitute a danger and they will be round to repair it in a few days time. That leaves us with a hall light we can't use .
By now the migraine had eased a little so I decided to tackle planting up some hanging baskets .....big mistake. I needed to open a new bag of potting compost which is extremely heavy ( 100 litres) and in trying to move it so that I could open it my back decided to object and it went into spasm .
Hoping for a better day today.Bring me sunshine in your smile.
Oh Mimi - what a day you had! the only consolation is that a day like that never lasts longer than 24 hours. I do hope you're feeling ok today. Just be careful walking round in the dark tonight!
Gem - have a lovely lunch with your Aunt. It's chilly here and now threatening to rain - just as I've put a line full of washing out.
Plant - I'm so relieved the new vacuum won't be kept too busy.
Oma - silky read and black dressing gown, eh! Very glamorous and probably looks really expensive.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Oh Mimi you should have stayed in bed lovey , Migraine.s are the worst thing ever and anything you do just makes it worse so standing on ladders putting light shades up would make you worse , Heavy bags again not to be dealt withHope today is better .
Gem a Brillo pad is needed on the pen marks
Plant I find I use my Dyson cordless V8 a lot more than any of my hoovers ,so much easier lighter and powerful you will love it xx
Daisy it sounds better than it is but will do for me as I hate wearing them anyway , its just for modesty , I said that to B and he just laughed at me ,said I couldn't be modest even if I was in a conventLast edited by Oma; 03-05-2017, 10:41 AM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
Originally posted by Oma View PostDaisy it sounds better than it is but will do for me as I hate wearing them anyway , its just for modesty , I said that to B and he just laughed at me ,said I couldn't be modest even if I was in a convent
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Mimi, what a day you had.Glad it's over.
Plant, i have a Dyson V6 and i love it.
Oma, dressing gown sounds lovely,but i don't like wearing them.For some reason,i think they are very uncomfortable.
Well, i have decided i have done for the day.Changed bedding,cleaned upstairs,washed,ironed and made 3 corned beef and mashed potato pies.
We have eaten one today,the other 2 are in the freezer.
Hubby,just putting the finishing touches to his DIY job.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Everyone seems to be having a busy time either socially or work wise.
We 've had a beautiful sunny day so three loads of washing done and dried nicely. This afternoon we went for a two hour walk down a wooded valley which then opens out to a wide sandy valley leading down to Three Cliffs Bay. Rather a trek back up but hopefully it did us good despite many stops to admire the view you understand.
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