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    Very unnerving when you feel someone is sizing you up, you did the right thing. Who would be able to use your nectar points?
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Morning ladies a lazy day for me did the house work hoovered right through and had a good go at the fridge before I go shopping tomorrow it's surprising how much muck accumulates over a week , found a full tub of cream I had bought last week and forgot about hidden at the back ,out of date now of course , now nothing else to do , I put a photo on my profile on FB of Morgan the young girl I was telling you about what a shame such a pretty girl , it's a go fund me photo but you can see what a tragedy it is
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
        Very unnerving when you feel someone is sizing you up, you did the right thing. Who would be able to use your nectar points?
        Absolutely no idea Plant. But then why would someone want to hack my Netflix account? It was actually husbands associated card that was used but it is in his wallet, we checked yesterday.
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          Ziz £90 nectar points is a lot of money it must feel like you have had actually money stolen.
          I once had someone follow me yrs ago when I was pushing my son in his pram I was going to my sis in laws a 25min walk,I was on a dual carriageway on the pavement of course facing oncoming traffic he was on the other side, he would pull up opposite I would walk for 5 mins and he would catch up and stop again . This went on for several different roads my heart was in my mouth when I got to my sis in law, I hope he thought I lived there never saw him again although I was at her house 2hrs so know how you must have felt.
          Ps if it helps I have thrush due to large doses of Gaviscon I don't believe it.
          Last edited by Qwerty; 24-11-2015, 01:01 PM.


            Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            DIL is going in the. .....??
            What is she going in, Qwerty?
            Lol confusion reigns Gem Dil is going by train to Newcastle for a meeting the complete opposite to her OH who is on the train to London


              Just having a few quiet moments cherubs sleeping so doing some internet shopping only just started and already wound up, I buy online because if you have something in mind you get there and they don't have it in or don't know if they ever will. Buying online usually guarantees it and I did click and collect so ordered an outfit for blue one slightly expensive at £28 but it is chino type trousers denim shirt and cardi to match trousers, I had seen a plaid pleated dress and tights for pink one out of stock for 3 was so dare not chance it found when looking there was nothing at a similar price to J outfit so ordered her 2 dresses went to pay by PayPal couldn't remember my password . Ever had to put a code in to see if your a robot or not I have never been able to do these always come back with another set of numbers went back to pay with my debit card and I had been timed out gggrr when I went in to order again the day I had chosen to pick them up had been moved by a week all earlier dates were unavailable, and this is only the beginning!


                Oh Querty, how annoying, all these passwords we have to remember. I have just ordered some trousers from Laura Ashley, never bought from them before. Good luck with your shopping
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Wrapped a load of presents up this afternoon.
                  I do need to order some more online, but I think I will hang on till we have been away next week.
                  ZIZI, I would have been unnerved as well.hope the cystitius clears up soon for you,and Qwerty, hope the thrush clears up soon as well.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    A bit chilly but dry.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Well today is the first time back on site. Two meetings one not finishing until 4pm which means home about 6pm, I am going to be worn out having to remember to be professional instead of slobbing around in jeans and jumpers. Got fifteen minute walk from tube station so taking some flats just in case. Cystitis easing but now I have a cold and cough so I can go on site and leave them a memory of me!!

                      Bit nervous to be honest...........
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        Hope your day went well Tizzy
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Lovely and sunny a bit chilly but not freezing , been shopping and then pick Dog up , he's currently in the garden murdering his squeaky toy again , only one more Christmas present to get then that's done , Bought Brian Birthday present for tomorrow just card to write out 😀
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning everyone.

                            I hope your first day back goes well Zizi.

                            Cold and bright here. Shopping to do this morning and GD from school, as it is Wednesday.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Lovely sunshiny day 🌞🌞🌞 out later for ink for printer and I'm going to drive for the first time for weeks as my knees do feel improved. Only 12 or so days until my consultation now, which I am informed by letter will take a whole 20 minutes 😟😒😟😒😟😒
                              Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                                Just home. Cold day in London. Site is right byBarts Hospital, my goodness there is a lot going on in that area and all VERY expensive flats with no social housing. Was quite good as I walked into the project office and had five people come up to me, two thought I had left the company as they hadn't seen me around. Had a long meeting this morning re apprentices and another this afternoon about working with communities. Good thing is that the project director does not need beating into submission like most of them do.

                                I have a speaking engagement tomorrow and I think I am going to have to wing it as I am too tired to sit and write a ten minute diatribe now. I have an appointment on Monday with a training company that approached me about helping them to set up a training academy. I will go with an open mind and see if there is an offer to consider. Watch this space.
                                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

